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Everything posted by ExoFat

  1. Oh yes. Cubones are rather common in the southwest.

  2. Whoa.. loads of stuff. I wish I was that active I'm too busy being a nerd to go ice skating and do cool things like that XD
  3. ExoFat

    I Got Orange!

    Thankee. And I feel fine... Tis unusual for me as well It's awesome, isn't it? Funny thing is, right before I logged on I'm liek "Exo needs to become an ornagey person." Yeah, Sisen mentioned you mentioning that to him to me XD *dies* Thank you I know >_> Don't feel unspecial. Everyone knows how weirdly strange you are
  4. ExoFat

    I Got Orange!

  5. Oh very good, but you missed refrences to the following games: -The Fire Within -Invasion -Our Darkest Day -Night of Infinity -War of the Universes -War on Spherus Magna -Another BM RPG whose name I cannot remember -The New Regime -Winds of Prophecy -Manifest Destiny -Akademios
  6. ExoFat

    I Forgot.

    lolz. Now that's a story to tell your grandkids. I get the opposite. People tell me I look old >_<
  7. Here's a little poem I wrote about the 13th BZPower RPG Contest. I plan to write one about every contest here after. Try and find the mentions to all 30 contest entries hidden in the words. SHADOW ENTITY Who can be trusted to carry on? I can’t break my strong chains The shadows will reign I’m riding the night with a fire within My heart’s door is shut No one can get in There are walls all around me I’m the shadow entity I invade in the night It’s your darkest day Eclipsing your fears with this infinite pain It’s an era of crisis in this barren land There’s insurrection, and uprising More war is at hand There are walls all around me I’m the shadow entity There’s a new regime now I reign in your heart. As your soul falls into the abyss of the dark A land built on chaos Twilight, it will stay Your great coffin is ready There are walls all around me I’m the shadow entity As I fight for survival, the wind blows with hate Is it really my destiny, my trail, my fate? I have walked this bleak place for days upon days It’s a province of shadow A school of hate My heart’s door is shut No one can get in There are walls all around me I’m the shadow entity -EF
  8. Actually, I'm the only normal one Yes. The world would be a better place XD
  9. Head here to vote for the next three Bionicle RPGs. Thanks B6 for getting these polls up.
  10. ExoFat


    lol, it's not Conficker. Wi-Fi=/=Internet Service
  11. lolz. Pranks aren't supposed to . Those are jokes.
  12. The actual plan was much more elaborate than seen here. I would have posted a blog entry about my mother's death. Sisen would have removed me from the judges and started a recruiting topic. I would have asked B6 to have me temporarily banned. It would all last a good two days, just for realism. And yes, IF would have been closed. -EF
  13. Robo killed George Washington as noted in the afformentioned link. Well, technically I made the killing post, but Robo's char did the work. It was all very simple. Easiest assassination in history.
  14. ExoFat


    Shh! Little known secret! You can vote twice in the prelim polls and three times in the finals!
  15. ExoFat


    May I draw your attention to this utter copy cat. Nevermind how amazing the RPG listed there is, or how good the creator is at RPGs. Only focus on the fact that said creator ripped off my blog entry! And please don't vote for Robo's RPG unless you vote for mine as well :angry: I'm glad we reached an agreement. -EF
  16. ExoFat

    Rpgc13 Voting Soon

    Religion mostly, and quite alot of fiction. The "library" is a rather new edition that the Matoran made to the Undercity.
  17. School has been fun, actually, mostly because it brings me away from the monotony that is spring break >_<.>

    How about you?

  18. That's what Sisen was afraid of You just might. *wipesbrow* Whew. I'm glad you didn't kill me for that XD. Yes, Iduncare is Spink. He' remarkably non caring in many conversations. He simply doesn't care about anything . Rather depressing really XD. To all who would like to see some more of this. Perhaps a new chappy will be here some time this week..
  19. We're only waiting for B6 to get off his freakin plane Now, to make one final sales pitch. My RPGC13 entry is known as Abyss. Below is a quick summary of the game. The full version can be seen by clicking the banner. In Abyss players will explore the underground world of the Undercity in the midst of an emerging civil war. The Matoran immigrated to the Undercity 500,000 years previously in order to escape Makuta's wrath. Now they have evolved to more perfectly fit their environment. Their entire history has been forgotten, and the three virtues no longer hold any place in their hearts. It is up to the players to dive into this world and bring back (or not) unity, duty, and destiny to the Matoran. The Undercity is pictured above, but players will also be able to expand and traverse the innards of the planet. Highlights: -Underground setting. -Evolved Matoran with interesting abilities. -Enhancers and PEAs add diversity and power to the Matoran. -The Player Driven Story allows for non linear, player created plotline. Players may follow the main plot or choose to strike out on their own. Special thanks to all who made this possible: Crimson Jester- For coming up with a much better title. Kagha- For the wonderfully beautiful map. Taka Kun- For giving inciteful criticism and support. Robo- For consenting to be staff amid all his IRL struggles and RPG cutbacks. And to every person who chooses to vote for this game I give my heartfelt thanks. You are the ones who will truly make this dream a reality. Thank you for that. -EF
  20. Dang it! Forgot the "u" in yours >_

  21. Thanks


  22. Welcome to BZP! I believe you'll enjoy your stay here. Or maybe not...

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