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Blog Entries posted by ExoFat

  1. ExoFat
    Thanks to your votes, Villainous has won RPGC15! Special thanks goes out to Zyrox for suggesting the unique coding and helping me clean up the presentation, and to Spink for helping out with the finer mechanics of story driven RPGs, and to Robo for inadvertantly giving me the idea for a gameplay mechanic which I think you're really going to enjoy.
    Villainous- Author Unknown
    Guild Membership Archives
    Critical Response to Villainous
  2. ExoFat
    A big thanks to those who have voted for Villainous so far in the RPGC15 polls. If you haven't voted yet, check out the submissions, reviews, and the final poll. Be sure to give Villainous a glance while you're at it.
  3. ExoFat
    So, if any of you need a recap, check here. I'll be updating this periodically. I'm shooting for every Saturday, so we'll see how that goes. You can also add your own personal recaps here in comments section. Be sure to mention anything that I missed!
    *Recap Start*
    Imagine opens in Spaceport, where a night time zombie attack is plaguing the city. Red and other people fight off some zombies while occasionally returning to the Universe. In the Universe, the Demons have someone managed to infiltrate London, likely through its sewer systems and people are evacuating the city. Wyatt meets up with Davis and they encounter a demon who forces them into the Immagina for a duel.
    Shade, a super villain from the Immagina's past, shows up and traps Red, Davis, Alex, and a few others in a building full of zombies. While trying to fight each other, they have to fight the zombies as well. Mocha, a bear eidolon, starts throwing zombies and creates a zombie shaped whole in the wall, which they promptly escape through.
    Once outside, they meet the Professor, who got hit in the head by a flying zombie, and Shade, who forces them to experience their greatest fear. The only way that Shade is driven off is by a surprise attack from Manifold. Shade runs away in order to execute the next stage of his plan. A battle ensues that lasts until dawn, when all the nightmares flee the city.
    Red goes to a bar to meet his contact with the Dune Bandits, who informs him that they have found a passage into Underworld. Red asks the room at large if anyone will join him in this quest. A team is assembled and will meet later that day on the street corner. Red goes out to requisition supplies.
    Meanwhile, the Bazooka BUnnies are being chased by a legion of hunters. After that fight, the team assembles. They meet Pedro, whom everyone is almost immediately suspiscious of but they accept him anyway. The team travels out into the desert where they are shown the tunnel to Underworld. Right after entering the passage they are attacked by many nightmares.
    The team fights them off, but not without injury. Red duels Shade who spouts off some cryptic messages before being driven away by Sol. A small break in the fighting allows the team to reassemble. Pedro slips away to go talk to a horde of demons and betray the team. He is unsuccessful, and upon his return is questioned heavily about his whereabouts. When he is revealed as a traitor, he gets angry and leaves the Immagina to go after the baby form of Starbright, Thea Metissa.
    After being healed by Eckell, Red assures the team that there is only a little way to go before they reach the top most level of Underworld, where they can assassinate the Demon leaders. About halfway up the stairs the team encounters Manifold, a group of five giants, and a Shadow Tyrannus. The giants are easily dispatched, and the Professor's Nanotyrannus devoured the Shadow Tyrannus. Manifold proved harder to beat. He orders his familiars to crazy things, culminating in the creations of a gigantic Goliath Bird Eating Spider.
    Red becomes desperate and asks Starbright if she can have Nexus lift the team up to the topmost level and out of danger. Most of the people are carted by Nexus to the top (some were left behind to fight the giant spider that Manifold created), where it is revealed that Red is actually one of the six leaders of the Demons, with the lead Demon being a headless figure with a diamond hard body and a gold robe. The whole scheme was a trap to kill some of the most powerful Daydreamers and harvest their *dreamsouls for use in the Demon's plan. Starbright, in particular, has a very powerful dreamsoul. In passing, Red mentions an artifact of unimaginable power hidden deep beneath the City of Gold in an infinite labrynth of doom.
    So people start fighting. Shade shows up, says a few things, and summons one of his creations, called Behemoth. To combat this, the Professor writes up the Black Beast of Aaaargh and now the two monsters are duking it out. Red has summoned several ghost ninjas to overwhelm the Daydreamers. Currently the Professor has obtained the holy hand grenade and intends to use it as a way to escape.
    *Recap End*
    I'm sure that there are things that I've missed please tell me about them if you remembered something that I didn't.
  4. ExoFat
    [14:16] ExoFat: Did you read [site W/Forums Removed]'s new MW2 preview?
    [14:16] Leader: no .-.
    [14:16] Leader: SHOOOOOOOW ME
    [14:16] ExoFat: It talks about how Activision is going to include new minigames during special "clash" sequences of the story and multiplayer modes
    [14:17] Leader: nuuuuu Activision ;___;
    [14:17] Leader: ###### yooooooooou Activision
    [14:17] ExoFat: Yeah
    [14:17] ExoFat: I was like Oo
    [14:17] ExoFat: when I read it
    [14:17] Leader: Activision is a horrible publisher
    [14:18] ExoFat: They said that they want MW2 to appeal to more gamers than just the hardcore crowd
    [14:18] Leader: Infinity Ward is an amazing devolper
    [14:18] Leader: FAIL
    [14:18] ExoFat: And MW: Reflex will have waggle gameplay
    [14:18] Leader: ;_;
    [14:18] Leader: I'm buy CoD4 for the 360
    [14:18] Leader: *buying
    [14:19] Leader: link me to the atricle
    [14:20] ExoFat: I'll give you the [site W/Forums Removed] link
    [14:20] ExoFat: [site W/Forums Removed.]
    [14:20] ExoFat: Behold, the new face of MW2
    [14:20] ExoFat: AND mw: r
    [14:20] ExoFat: *MW: R
    [14:20] Leader: you just killed me from within
    [14:21] Leader: serilously give me the article
    [14:21] ExoFat: XD
    [14:22] ExoFat: ROFL
    [14:22] Leader: I had a feeling it would be like that
    [14:23] Leader: so MW2 is still safe from the evils of Activision?
    [14:23] ExoFat: Perhaps
    He totally believed it the whole time. XD The article that I linked him to was a review for a game called "Family Pirate Party".
    [14:29] ExoFat: haha
    [14:29] Sisen: Then I had a dream...
    [14:30] Sisen: Did you hear about my emo zombie clowns that kidnapped bzpers and friends and I was samus or had a power suit?
    [14:30] ExoFat: Oo
    [14:30] ExoFat: No...
    [14:30] Sisen: That was the night before. Last night.... well I can't remember last nights dream now. Wasn't that memorable
    [14:30] Sisen: yeah i was on a planet
    [14:30] Sisen: on vacation with friends i know
    [14:30] Sisen: well people i know
    [14:31] Sisen: then it turned into bzpers too
    [14:31] Sisen: and we were going otuside
    [14:31] Sisen: and i was like "This would bethe perfect spot for an emo zombie clown ambush"
    [14:31] Sisen: and it happened ._.
    [14:31] Sisen: they were after me to try and get BZP
    [14:31] Sisen: so they took bzpers
    [14:31] Sisen: and yeah >>
    [14:31] ExoFat: Wow
    [14:32] Sisen: I blame Turakki for talking to me about my psychic powers and such before I went to bed.
    [14:32] ExoFat: That's like OO
    [14:32] ExoFat: *blogs about it*
    [14:32] Sisen: ._.
    [14:33] Sisen: I ended up blowing all the zombies up though. Used some electric corruption mode attack Oo
    [14:33] ExoFat: I think you stay up too late with MPT
    [14:34] Sisen: I actually got up early and played it all morning that day.
    [14:34] ExoFat: lolz
    [14:34] Sisen: Never played it that night.
    [14:34] Sisen: I did last night...no dreams about it. I want to go play soon cuz shows on at 7
    [14:35] Sisen: -till bed
    [14:35] ExoFat: Maybe it was the anticipation of MPT combined with subconscious acknowledgement of L4D2 adverts that triggered the dreamscape vision
    [14:35] Sisen: No.
    [14:36] Sisen: I read a comic where someone was called an EMO Clown
    [14:36] ExoFat: Oh
    [14:36] Sisen: not sure where zombies came from but they were included
    [14:36] ExoFat: That explains it, lol
  5. ExoFat
    So, I've been thinking lately about BZPower's writing scene. Many people say that their writings are ignored and that authors on BZP don't get the attention they deserve. As examples of BZP's great writers they say GaliGee, Bonesii, Spirit, and xccj. I, however, feel like they leave perhaps the most vibrant part of writing out of the equation.
    Let's face it. More people play RPGs than regularly write and read epics. They are a large and integral part of the community. But why are people such as Koname, Celeste, Robo, and Dr. Bionicle left out of the spectrum of great BZP authors? In fact, I think the only GM that is widely respected among the Library Denizens is Beliwa.
    So, my question to you is this. Are GMs authors, just of a different writing style? Does the name Kumata Nuva deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as Takuta-Nui? Are RPGs truly a form of writing? And which, authors or GMs, are the true "best writers" on BZPower?
  6. ExoFat
    Okay, as RPGC15 winds to a close within the next few days, it is time to begin the analytical study of RPGC politics. This entry will be constantly updated as the scene shifts and new games enter the playing field. The goal of this research is to predict the final winners of the contest and claim bragging rights if you're correct.
    Predicting which games will be in which polls is relatively easy. Generally there are 6-10 games in the final poll, and the amount of polls depends on the number of entries. There are 20 valid entries so far, and B6 said this is a two poll spread with likely eight finalists. Based on past games and their polls, you will see that assigning the games to their polls is just based on giving each entry a number. Thus the polls will look something like this if the contest ended at this moment.
    Poll One
    Riot! - RueLee
    Strike of Lightning - Shadow Hydruka
    Reign of Shadow - DethRaid
    Night Ride - Parugi
    Bionicle: The Skrall Wars - Optimus Prime1
    Tales of the Afterlife - The True Zedd of BZPower
    City of Ruins - Mr. Anarchy
    Kato-nui - TINR
    Sunder - botaris
    Intergalactic Storm - Waffles
    Poll Two
    Guardian - Asd Yhn
    Asylum - Twilight Kreuzer
    Exploitation of Anarchy - Toa of Nerds
    Villainous - Exo-Fat
    Mask of Power - Super TOA Hunter
    The Gale - Rising Moon
    Merits of Honor: The Fifth Company - Keeper of Kraata
    Top Secret: Operation Endgame - Tafu
    Darkness Falls - Kagha
    City of Steam - Toa of Dancing
    Final Poll According to Exo:
    Night Ride - Parugi
    Tales of the Afterlife - The True Zedd of BZPower
    City of Ruins - Mr. Anarchy
    Sunder - botaris
    Villainous - Exo-Fat
    The Gale - Rising Moon
    Top Secret: Operation Endgame - Tafu
    Darkness Falls - Kagha
    Here's where things get complicated. You never know what could happen during the final poll. Just look at RPGC14 for an example of that.
    I ask you these questions: Do you think these predictions are accurate based on the current contest landscape? Which games do you think, in no particular order, will comprise the top three?
    *The predictions here are subject to change at any time based on any new entries that may spring up.
  7. ExoFat
    So, I took my RPG to the doctor a few weeks ago and he said there was nothing that could be done. It took me a while to arrive at this point, but I made my decision. It was better to end Abyssal Plain's misery than to continue to let it live on in pain. I prepared for the ending and today, at 3:44 PM PDT, AP breathed its last breath. Farewell AP. You were a game that had great potential and plans for the future, but were bogged down by a massive word count, lack of interest, and a month of downtime. At least you went out with a bang if there ever was one.
    R.I.P AP
  8. ExoFat
    Anyone else heard of the awesome emergent puzzle game for the DS? You, know. The one where you type in a word and that object appears with unique graphic and AI properties? The game that won four best of show awards at E3 2009, as well as Best Original Game and Best Handheld Game at the Game Critics Awards? The game that has a possibility of beating out the next high profile HD shooter for Game of the Year?
    Oh.. wait... it's not gory... it's not vulgar... the graphics are horrible.... and even though it has Cthulhu in it.... it will suck... because it's on the DS.... and that's a kiddie system.....
    It comes the same day as TLR and I'm soooo excited!
  9. ExoFat
    [19:33] Kagha: My sisters forced me to watch it.
    [19:33] Kagha: That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
    [19:33] Kagha:
    [19:33] ExoFat: Of course they did
    [19:34] ExoFat: I don't even have more than one sister and my "sisters" forced me to watch it
    [19:35] Kagha: AHA
    [19:35] Kagha:
    [19:35] ExoFat: WHAT!
    [19:35] ExoFat: NO!
    [19:35] ExoFat: YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING!
    [19:35] Kagha: YES I CAN
    [19:35] Kagha: [Mon Sep 7 2009 07:34:47 PM] ExoFat: I don't even have more than one sister and my "sisters" forced me to watch it
    [19:36] ExoFat: [19:33] Kagha: My sisters forced me to watch it.
    [19:33] Kagha: That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
    [19:36] Kagha: ...
    [19:36] Kagha: Should we call it even?
    [19:37] ExoFat: Maybe
    [19:39] Kagha: BRB
    [19:39] Kagha: gots to eat dinner
    [19:39] ExoFat: K
    [19:40] Kagha: Back
    [19:40] Kagha: False alarm
    [19:40] ExoFat: LOL
    [19:40] ExoFat: lol
    [19:40] Kagha: Wait.
    [19:40] Kagha: Wait.
    [19:40] Kagha: WAIT
    [19:40] Kagha: huh IS WITH YOUR DESCRIPTION!?!?!?
    [19:41] ExoFat: XDD
    [19:41] Kagha: I THOUGHT WE WERE EVN
    [19:41] Kagha: *EVEN
    [19:41] ExoFat: ROFL
    [19:41] Kagha: XD
    [19:41] Kagha: HA
    [19:41] Kagha: THERE
    [19:41] Kagha: I CHANGED MINE TOO
    [19:41] Kagha: (=
    [19:42] ExoFat: bah
    [19:35] ExoFat: Don't listen to Kagha
    [19:35] ExoFat: He's trying to blackmail me!
    [19:36] Inferna: About you crying?
    [19:36] Inferna:
    [19:36] ExoFat: No
    [19:36] ExoFat: Worse
    [19:36] Inferna: The BrickCon thing?
    [19:37] ExoFat: No
    [19:37] Inferna: Well, what is it?!
    [19:37] ExoFat: HighSchool Musical >_<
    [19:37] Inferna: what about it?
    [19:37] ExoFat: Don't ask, lol
    [19:42] Inferna: *reads your status and Kagha's*
    [19:42] Inferna: *insane laughter*
    [19:42] ExoFat: haha
    [19:43] Inferna: I read both of them.
    [19:43] Inferna: I'm laughing at both, too.
    [19:43] Inferna: >=D
    [19:43] ExoFat: EW changed his status too
    [19:44] Inferna: *has read that as well*
    [19:44] ExoFat: NICE STATUS
    [19:42] Rockhound: How can you stomach watching HSM at any time, much less of your own free will?
    [19:42] ExoFat: Don't look at me
    [19:42] ExoFat: Look at Kagha
    [19:43] ExoFat: lol at EW's new status
    [19:42] EmperorWhenua: WAAHT
    [19:42] ExoFat: HUH
    [19:42] EmperorWhenua: KAGHA WATCHES HSM OF HIS OWN FREE WILL???
    [19:42] ExoFat: YES
    [19:42] ExoFat: IT'S TRUE
    [19:42] ExoFat: SPREAD RUMORS
    [19:42] EmperorWhenua: WAAHT
    [19:43] ExoFat: YAAAH
    [19:43] EmperorWhenua: (auto-response from EmperorWhenua) KAGHA WATCHES HSM OF HIS OWN FREE WILL
    Rockhound's Status: Does anyone have a suggestion for a new theme for me? I've done fire, static, and red/black dragons/darkness.
    Spread the news! XD
  10. ExoFat
    To the recipient of this notice,
    You have been selected from millions of other nefarious beings to join the prestigious Guild of Villains. We assure you that this is a great honor indeed. Only the most elite and powerful denizens of the universe are ever asked to enter it. If you wish to proceed you are to read the contents of the enclosed book, Villainous, and report to the Dark Tower of Metru-Nui within forty eight hours. If you refuse, you will be terminated and your body dealt with most gruesomely.
    -Bytur, Guild Recruiter

    This book is the property of- TOA TAVOK.

    Forward About this book and I.

    The Shadowed One is a wonderful leader indeed. I had the honor of speaking to him directly a few months ago. He gave me special orders to write this book as a guide for aspiring villains. It is a privilege to be penning the words which will inspire millions.

    I am the author of this book. I would prefer not to give out my name, as hatred often follows visionaries such as I. You may refer to me simply as Mr. Unknown. Though my name be a secret nothing in this handbook is. Everything written here is on public record. This is not the first time that this information has been compiled.

    This is, however, the first time that all this knowledge has been brought together for the express purpose of instructing beings in the way of proper villain technique and informing any skeptics of the Guild's ultimate goal, peace.

    Continue to read, and may your doubt and confusion be cleared by the wisdom of our dear leader.

    -Mr. UnknownDear leader? Is this a love letter?

    Introduction to Villainy Step One

    To be a villain is to be one who stands for justice. You must unite the world in order to achieve peace. And to unite the world you must obey the commands of our dear leader, the Shadowed One. He has taken the term “villainy” and forever altered its meaning to the common Matoran. A villain protects and fights for order. They must often be harsh and cruel, but it is all for the greater good. Heroes fight for justice by the command of Dume!

    The greater good can only be achieved if we are of like minds and hearts. All our efforts must be centered around this final goal. Ultimately, to be a villain is to be one who would do anything, including the putting aside of a so called ethical code, for the greater good.
    Cross Reference- Toa Code.
    Yes, you must be willing to sacrifice yourself. But in the end, you must be able to sacrifice those around you without thought or feeling.

    Then you will become a true villain.

    A Brief History The only thing we have learned from history is that we have learned nothing from history.

    Years ago the illustrious Shadowed One respectfully asked Turaga Dume of Metru-Nui for permission to construct a small base of operations on the island city. The Turaga refused and greatly insulted the Shadowed One by doing so. Enraged by this atrociously discourteous act, the Shadowed One, in his infinite wisdom, sent a group of diplomats to the city in order to bargain one last time. If Dume continued to be belligerent, they were authorized to use force.
    Diplomats, yeah right.
    We all know the rest of the story. The Turaga scorned the Shadowed One and war broke out between the Toa and the Dark Hunters. The conflict finally ended when Nidhiki wisely turned against his evil Toa brothers and the Shadowed One learned of plots on other islands to send aid to the Toa. The reinforcements never arrived and Turaga Dume and his Toa legions were driven from the city.
    Wisely turned? Doesn't mention brutal murder of Nidhiki.
    The Shadowed One had claimed victory at last.

    Under his leadership, the city of Metru-Nui flourished. Matoran were more productive than ever and the Vahki program expanded to include many islands in the surrounding area. There was peace, order, and justice in the northern part of the land, the land that the Shadowed One presided over.
    Cross Reference- History According to Dume
    But in the southern part of the universe, the Toa still lived on. They began sneaking into northern society and terrorizing the inhabitants. Though they call themselves heroic, these beings want nothing more than to destroy your prosperity. Do not listen to anything they say, even if they claim orders from Mata-Nui himself. Know that the Shadowed One holds all the answers to any questions you may have. He is your friend. He will listen to your problems.

    Unfortunately, the Shadowed One has not been viewed in public since the onset of the terrorist attacks. About a week after they began he granted audience to a group of six beings of power and majesty. All seven of them entered the topmost chamber in Dark Tower of Metru-Nui and none have been seen since.

    Do not fret. The Shadowed One continues to provide us with his guidance through a series of letters to his highest officials. He assures us that he is well, but must not be seen at this time due to an assassination plot against him. Evidence suggests death of “dear leader”. See- Guild Structure, "The Six".

    One of his most recent commands is the formation of a Guild of Villains, where the most elite beings of the universe can join together in harmony to fight rebellion and bring peace to the world. It is into this wondrous vision of the future that you are being drawn. Please join us in ridding the world of the tyranny of those who would tear down the peace that we have so painstakingly built.

    Our future depends on it.

    The Known World The world is a dangerous place. It is dangerous because you exist.

    Metru-Nui: The city of legends is still the center of the universe as well as the focal point of trade and commerce. Under the Shadowed One's reign it has become even more productive than in ages past. The Matoran are not all rejoicing at this turn of events. The Vahki squadrons brutally enforce the law and many workers drop dead each day. The central landmark in the city is the Dark Tower. Formerly the Colosseum, it was converted into a base of operations for the Shadowed One and his Dark Hunters. It is now the central hub of all Guild activities. Rumor has it that the Shadowed One and the Six are performing some sort of tests underneath the city. No one knows for sure.

    Northern Continent: This stretch of land is not nearly as large as its sister, the Southern Continent, but it still manages to be quite expansive. The population density is low, and villages are sparsely spread. Its isolation has made it the ideal place for the Shadowed One to produce his legions of Vahki Enforcers. Nearly all of the continent is one gigantic robot hive. Break a law here and you'll never come back. Please do not do this. We care for your safety and it would be best if you do not break a law.

    Kanohi Underground Complex: The Kanohi Underground, a group of terrorists, smugglers, and pirates, have constructed a hidden base somewhere within Guild territory. Do not worry, the Dusk Patrol is searching for it as we speak and will rout out the disturbers of the peace soon enough. They have built their main facility hidden among the metallic innards of the Vahki Hive in the Northern Continent. It's the perfect place, really. Any electronic scans that the Vahki do only bring up the hideout as another part of the hive. However, their position is precarious. Fighting behind enemy lines is one thing, but living there is absolutely absurd.

    Odina: The former Dark Hunter fortress has dwindled over the years until it is now practically a ghost town. The Shadowed One simply had no further use for it and he does not care for its well being, as all the sensitive materials have been taken to Metru-Nui already. This is wisdom in the Shadowed One, for if items of such importance had been deserted there, they surely would have been found. The island has not yet been touched by Vahki forces. If anyone is seeking a safe haven from oppression head to Odina. Next League meeting to be held here in four days. Arrival by Kanohi Underground shipping is planned.
    Reminder- Pack for trip to meeting.
    Stelt and Xia: These twin islands lay on the border of the Shadowed One's empire. Xia remains the island factory and shipping harbor that it always was, but Stelt has been converted into a prison for those beings who would be most hateful against our dear leader. Often times, people are imprisoned under false pretenses and never given a fair trial. The inmates are continually at work, building new cells and interrogation chambers for themselves and those to come.

    Blockade: In an attempt to cut off the southern islands from northern trade the Shadowed One ordered the formation of a siege blockade. Fortunately, these efforts have been futile due to constant smuggling of goods and supplies by the Kanohi Underground. The blockade slowly encroaches upon southern territory each day. It is unknown how long it will be until Guild troops land on the shores of the Southern Continent.

    Destral: The Brotherhood of Makuta remains on somewhat friendly terms with the Guild. Having been removed from power by the Shadowed One's decisive conquest, they have retreated back to their fortress. Currently they have formed an alliance with the Guild. Any Brotherhood member gets free passage through Guild territories in exchange for periodically raiding the neighboring, nasty, hero filled islands. It is our suspicion that the Brotherhood is up to much more than this. It has something to do with the Six.

    Southern Islands: Kinda funny how the author refuses to mention these places in his “map of the world”. Anyway, the Toa have fled to the Southern Continent and the surrounding islands and are now under the wise and strong leadership of Turaga Dume. Everyday we take in new refugees from assorted northern islands. In fact, one survivor brought us these books, so that we can know what the enemy is doing. Our supplies are running low, and it doesn't help that people have begun to question Dume. I for one am loyal to our Turaga and would do anything for him.

    Daxia: The island base of the Order of Mata-Nui. I haven't had the chance to visit yet, but I hear tell it is the most perilous island in the universe. The terrain is particularly treacherous. Vacations are not recommended.

    Guild Structure A house divided against itself cannot stand.

    The Guild of Villains is built of three main parts, called microfactions. This is all part of the genius plan that our dear leader has designed. He separated power between these three microfactions so that no one person besides himself could gain ultimate power.

    -The Dark Hunters: The Dark Hunters comprise the largest portion of Guild membership. They were the original inspiration for the Guild. They continue to do what they've always done; steal and murder. Any previous activities have been put on hold due to continued efforts at destroying the Toa. The Dark Hunters are the foot soldiers in this struggle against the evils of so called “heroism”. The puny Toa and their Turaga leader do not stand a chance.
    How dare they question the ability of Turaga Dume!
    -The Vahki Hordes: Stationed in the immense hive of the northern continent, the Vahki are your average policeman and will attempt to enforce the law upon you no matter your station or rank. All six types have been mass produced and cover nearly every island in Guild territory. Only our dear leader himself can command them, so I suggest not starting a street fight or killing civilians at random. They will hunt you down. Stay out of trouble at all costs.

    -The Dusk Patrol: The Vahki are robots and can only do so much. They don't think like real beings do and so can't form strategies outside programmed maneuvers. Enter the Dusk Patrol, the most loved group of law enforcers in the land. They keep the peace at all costs. They will listen to your pleas for mercy and acquit you if they see fit. The common pedestrian has nothing to worry about with them around. Just do not get on their bad side or they will exact the Shadowed One's justice upon you where you stand.
    The Shadowed One knows nothing of justice. Look to Dume for guidance.
    -The Six: Recent intelligence from Kanohi Underground and Order spies suggest that there is another faction at play in this game. Their intentions are unknown, but we can piece together that they may have murdered the Shadowed One. More information must be gathered.
    Personal notes for reference.
    The Brotherhood of Makuta is the final faction left in the known world. They have allied themselves with our dear leader and continue to be of great importance to our efforts. Please respect them as you would any Guild member. Only beings of the Makuta species may formally join the Brotherhood but they have many spaces available for lesser beings who wish to contribute to this great cause. The Brotherhood has no microfactions.
    Allied with Six?
    The League of Heroes is an informal alliance between three microfactions. The goal is to bring down the villains and the Shadowed One's rule. But first we must survive.

    -The Toa Union: Most Toa who escaped Guild territory have banded together in a union of brothers and sisters dedicated towards restoring a true peace to the world under the leadership of Turaga Dume. He guides us in this quest and will not lead us astray. Mata-Nui would never allow it. There has, recently, been some unrest among the ranks of the Toa. Some say that Dume has been corrupted by his power and wish to incite rebellion against him. I am enraged at the very thought. All who protest our commander will be dealt with peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must. They must be exterminated.

    -The Kanohi Underground: The Matoran who make our battle against the Guild possible are those that serve in the Kanohi Underground, a group of freedom fighters who provide us with information, supplies, and refugees on a nearly daily basis. It is largely comprised of Matoran, but they often are able to better fight than many Toa I know. The identity of their leader is kept secret from all but Turaga Dume. Where would we be without them?

    -The Order of Mata-Nui: I never knew that this group of elite beings even existed until they revealed themselves to us very recently. They claim to have a mandate from Mata-Nui himself, through their prophetess/leader Helryx. I don't know whether or not Helryx actually communes with the Great Spirit, but her soldiers are great at any form of combat and are a huge help in battle. I'll tolerate their crazy religious devotion any day as long as they keep their swords sharp.

    Rules of Villainy The best way to control a population is through a system of punishments and rewards.

    • All BZP rules apply.
    • No G-Modding: For newer players this means that you can’t do anything outside of the realms of reason or the bounds which have been set in this handbook to villainy. Yes, you can do crazy things, but they must have a complete explanation and cannot undermine the basic structure of the Guild.
    • No Spamming: This is posting anything inside the RPG that does not relate in some way to the RPG.
    • No Flaming: Seriously, nobody wants to hear you rant about everything from cheese to pie. If you feel angry don’t take it out on us. Go throw a temper tantrum somewhere else. If there is a dispute, take it up with the staff and we’ll try to sort it out. This rule includes being unnecessarily cruel to players, especially ones that may be new to RPGs.
    • Distinguish between IC (In Character) and OOC (Out of Character)
    • Do not act like Guild Officers (Staff) and reprimand other players. We as Guild Officers have probably noticed these problems and are getting to them. There is no need for you to do our job. If you feel there is a problem with a certain player then PM a Guild Officer and we will take care of it for you. You may make polite suggestions, but dealing out punishments is strictly forbidden.
    • Follow Guild Officer rulings, but if you feel we are wrong on a certain subject feel free to tell us.
    • Guild Members are obligated to give recaps or answer questions when requested. This is less of a rule and more of general RPing etiquette.
    • Do not control other Guild Members (Playable Characters) without permission of the player.
    • Do not kill Guild Members without the permission of the player.
    • Do something crazy. I am dead serious about this rule. Games get stale unless there are things happening at all times. If you get bored, do something crazy and draw other players into your own little sidestory. That is an order.

    Punishments and rewards are doled out based on a multitude of factors such as consistency, severity, and helpfulness.

    Dume has nearly the same rules! Hmmm... 

    Guild Application To join the Guild, please take the following application to the base on Discussion Topic Avenue before sending a personal message to the Shadowed One himself. Do not place the application in the base on Profiles Topic Avenue until you have been accepted into the guild. An unlimited number of applicants will be accepted, but we ask you to have moderation in this regard.

    [b]Username:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Code Name:[/b] [b]Faction:[/b] [b]Microfaction:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Abilities/Weapons:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b]
    Similar applications are accepted at the League of Heroes as well.

    Guild Officers They will keep you in line and enforce the rules of villainy.


    Afterward There are devious beings who would wish to deceive you.

    And now, my friends, we have reached the end of this enlightening journey. But there is more that I have to say. The knowledge you have acquire from reading these passages is precious. Guard it from devious beings who would wish to deceive you and lead you down another path.

    They are the extremists of the world; Turaga that send their Matoran to distant lands without aid or oppress their charges into building monuments in commemoration of their greatness. There are traitorous Toa and murderous Matoran. An example would be of the terrorist Kanohi Underground, who bomb buildings on a regular basis in the name of peace.
    Note to self- Question KU as to recent activities and inquire after success of bombing mission.
    I ask you, are bombs, launchers, and swords peace? No, they are instruments of war and the Toa use them with reckless abandon. The Shadowed One does not want to engage in conflict; but he must, for the sake of the average denizen of the universe. Remember what you have learned and you will find peace.

    May the wisdom of the Shadowed One and the light of Mata-Nui be your guide.

    -Mr. Unknown.
  11. ExoFat
    To all those who say my games always die, here's a list for you.
    Greatest to Least:
    Pokemon: Stench of Blood -120 Pages. Cleared in the rollback.
    Pikmin: Make a Stand -45 Pages.
    Abyss -43 Pages.
    The Playground -40 Pages. Cleared in the rollback.
    Pikmin: Seeds of Corruption -29 Pages. Nine pages cleared in the rollback.
    IF- American Revolution -13 Pages.
    Abyssal Plain -11 Pages is likely.
    Chronological Order:
    Pikmin: Make a Stand -45 Pages.
    Pikmin: Seeds of Corruption -29 Pages. Nine pages cleared in the rollback.
    Pokemon: Stench of Blood -120 Pages. Cleared in the rollback.
    The Playground -40 Pages. Cleared in the rollback.
    IF- American Revolution -13 Pages.
    Abyss -43 Pages.
    Abyssal Plain -11 Pages is likely.
    Average Size in Pages: 43
    Really, it's not that bad. Not nearly as horrible as Spink's.
  12. ExoFat
    NOTE: The following game is still in the works. Your suggestions of improvement are very welcome.
    I was reading through the old RPGs one day (you know, the classics like AMG, OE, TG) and I thought to myself. We really haven't had a purist story based RPG in a very long time. Never the kind of game where you can really stretch your wings in. So I thought up this idea and decided to bring it to my good friend Spink for examining. Knowing that I had previously had management issues I suggested that if he wanted to, we could enter this together. Well, Spink really liked the idea and then things just took off from there.
    Ladies and gentlemen, we give you... The Daughter.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « She was his finest creation, and now his greatest nightmare...
    By: Exo-Fat and Spink
    To whom it may concern,
    For nearly five long and agonizing months we have lived under her reign, struggling to flourish in this wretched dimension. The world is in chaos. There is no order. The lives of us who will not bend to her will are like surviving a thousand torture chambers. I stand outside my cavernous hiding place, gazing down the mountainside at the dim lights of city below.
    For these months she has ruled, and we cannot hope to break free.
    Of course, there are those who prosper. The being who works gets his reward, she says. They who have surrendered are indeed honored, with riches and homes in the city. But I will not surrender, and so I must be broken.
    It's not like our former home was any better. There had been wars, destruction, and pain there too. Mata-Nui really hadn't done the greatest job with governing his creations. He neglected us, never had cared and never will.
    He called her his finest creation. That title stung us; as if we, the inhabitants of the universe, were made of lesser material. And yet, we all loved her, would do anything for her. But she was just like her father. She did not love us back. Her take over should have come as no surprise.
    But what did Mata-Nui do to stop her? Nothing! All he could say was a simple apology before she sealed him away. Now he cannot help us, if he ever wanted to.
    Today we live in a false peace. Much of the world has bent to her will and submitted to her reign. She leads her forces to hunt down those who like me have not bowed. Of course, there are the few who will rebel. Many have come together under the belief that Mata-Nui could somehow save them. Fools, I say! If he had wanted to save us he would have done it already!
    As to the Great Beings, no such beasts. They too would have come gloriously to our aid. I cannot believe in gods that would let us suffer and die while they live in a so called paradise. Those are not gods, those are demons.
    Each day, as I traverse the land, I hear of new rumors of some sort of way to finish her off once and for all. They have no idea what they are doing. The shattered minds of the doomed often don't.
    My name is Deirmon, and this will be my final journal entry before I take my life. I cannot continue to live in this world, and I shall never, under my own will, return to the land of Mata-Nui. Death is the only escape.
    May the gods, if there be any, have mercy on your soul.
    -Transcript of the final recording in Deirmon's holographic journal.
    In the time before time, the Great Beings constructed the Great Spirit Mata-Nui, our creator, and sent him on his mission through the universe. They decreed to him, for reasons unknown, that he could create whatever beings he saw fit... except for one. Under no circumstances was he to build another Great Spirit. After they had said these words the Great Beings departed out of the land, never to be seen again.
    And it came to pass that Mata-Nui was sent on his quest. Many thousand years passed, and he created every sort of being to populate the universe, Matoran, Makuta, Zyglak, Vortixx, and all such denizens that dwell on the earth. But these creations did not live in harmony. There were wars and poverty, contention and strife.
    Behold, as the pain in the universe grew, Mata-Nui began to forget his mission and did retreat from his creations, becoming more and more detached. Finally, in an effort to bring himself a companion who could understand him and his troubles he gathered materials and constructed a new Great Spirit.
    She was his greatest creation, and he confided all his darkest secrets in her. She was sent to watch over the universe whenever Mata-Nui became too overwhelmed by the troubles. Soon, she was leading the people full time, and for the space of a few years there was peace.
    But behold, the daughter of Mata-Nui had darkness within her heart. She devised a plan to rebel against her creator. One day, she struck with exceedingly great swiftness.
    And it came to pass that she did imprison Mata-Nui and seal his essence away to be eternally tortured by the Spirit Guardian she created. And it was by this means that she did take control of the universe and replace Mata-Nui as Great Spirit.
    And she trapped all the beings of the universe in a twisted dimension. She had full control over this land and shaped it to be a prison for the inhabitants thereof. Obedience to her, she said, would finally bring peace to the world.
    And many people did believe her words and they were rewarded; greatly at first and then less and less until she had an army of loyal slaves at her fingertips. She sent this army into the far reaches of the land, searching for those who had not submitted themselves before her.
    And it came to pass that many beings were rounded up and executed, until such time that few remained to oppose her. Those who did, hid themselves in caverns or in the desert wasteland. And there was a semblance of peace throughout the land.
    And thus began the reign of Riiva-Nui, dark and beautiful spirit, daughter of Mata-Nui, queen of the universe and all that dwell within...
    -Excerpt from the Taku-va-vaha; Chronicle of the Time Before Time.
  13. ExoFat
    Imagine all the people.
    Playing this great game!
    You may say "It's not up yet."
    But I'm not the only Judge.
    They must go and approve it!
    So the website can play as one![/terriblebeatlesparody]

    It's finally up and running guys! Feel free to go crazy!
    Support Banner

  14. ExoFat
    I'm writing this entry during a free period at school. This is for anyone who plays AP, was planning to play it, or just wants to offer some friendly advice from one RPer to another.
    In short, I know that AP was a failure, but I had a lot of stuff planned for it before the downtime ruined everything. I still have all that stuff planned and I have a huge post that I'm almost finished writing up. But now I'm at a crossroads. I can take this post in two directions. Either I let the game continue to limp along in hopes of it picking up interest, or I can call my shots, throw in the towel, and end it with the biggest fireworks show an RPG has ever seen.
    My decision will be my own, but I want to hear your thoughts as well.
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