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Blog Entries posted by ExoFat

  1. ExoFat
    Sorry for my unexplained absence yesterday. My power failed around noon and we didn't get the emergency power on until about 6:50 pm. It's only now that full electricity has been restored. It's amazing what you can power with only 10 Amps of electricity.
    -1 Refrigerator
    -1 Color TV
    -1 Wii
    -2 Lightbulbs
    -1 Telephone
    -1 Internet Modem
    In short, I've never been more grateful for those carbon emmitting fossil fuels.
  2. ExoFat
    My new RPG idea.

    Imagine Today's dreams are tomorrow's realities..
    What you guys know (rather, what I decided to tell):
    -Set in 2009
    -Relates to 1960s
    -Involves tourism in a way
    -Utililzes Time Travel
    -Takes place in three places
    What I know:
    So if you want to add to the first list you can ask questions. I'll be taking them here, AIM, and the RPG Topic. Begin speculation!
  3. ExoFat
    So.. this past weekend I went with my varsity scout team up to a place called Haunted Canyon. It was for our Shotgun and Rifle Merit Badges (). Anyway, we slept next to this old shed with bullet holes through the walls and in the doors. One of the leaders told a story about why it's called Haunted Canyon. It was about a group of settlers that got murdered by Apaches. The scary thing was is that everything he told us could have actually happened. The story was historically accurate.
    We all were freaking out the whole night long. So we just sat around the fire playing Mafia until the sun came up.
    Long story short: I nearly wet my pants when he told that story, I earned two merit badges, got a massive sunburn, and my shoulder is still sore from shotgun recoil
  4. ExoFat
    First of all, congrats to CJ and TPTI for joining our ranks!
    Second, this is a comedy I wrote up about the RPG Approval process in COT. Due to certain members believing that it makes the Judges look bad *coughSisencough*, I have decided to post it here in my blog instead. Note that all characters portrayed here are not my perceptions of you as a person. Also realize that my style is not well refined in the humor department. XD
    And TPTI! I don't know you that well, so I just made your character up based on your display name Please don't kill me!

    The COT RPG Judges 

    robo1000: Gais, post nao!
    Judgemaster: That was unnecessary, 1000. Please have patience. From what I can see of your RPG, it needs a lot of work. Instead of actually giving you advice, however, I will let the others come in here and rip you apart.
    Realty: Not Approved (1)
    robo1000: Aww mann please reconsider. It’s awesum!
    Royal Judge: I’ll tell you what this is, 1000. This is the worst RPG I’ve ever seen. Please add more description, especially about the money system and the different factions.
    Realty: Not Approved (2)
    robo1000: *adds description* I edited
    *A footnote appears in the submission that states “Description is here”*
    Crimson Judge: ###### This is the ###### RPG ##### EVER! You ##### ##### $%$#$##### should never #$#%#$^$#$^##^###$%$% RPGs #$%^#^%#$^$#^$%#^$#^$%# again!
    Realty: Not Approved(3)
    robo1000: *cries* I’ll even fix my gramer if it makes you feel better.
    Not a Judge: 1000, it’s grammar, not gramer.
    Judgemaster: You are Not a Judge, and thus not allowed to post here.
    Not a Judge: Non judges can post advice.
    Judgemaster: That was not advice. That was flame.
    Ghost Judge: BOO!
    Realty: Not Approved (4)
    Not a Judge: What about CJ, was that flame? And Ghost Judge just booed! Is that flame?
    Judgemaster: No. That was advice.
    Powahful Judge: I call upon the powahs of Tohu to grant me the wisdom to approve this RPG. We thank thee, Tohu, and thy servants Bink, Rex, B6, D, and Ninjo for this bountiful forum in which we may share our thoughts on-
    Judgemaster: Ahem. No religion allowed in forums. That post is spam, Powahful.
    Powahful Judge: Tish not spam! Tish a religion!
    Judgemaster: *facepalms* Exactly…. Just approve the game, or not.
    Powahful Judge: Tohu, in his infinite grace has granted me the ability to give this game a rating. And that rating shall be Realty: Not Approved(5). It shall not be Realty: Not(5) unless thou proceedest on to Realty: Not Approved(5). Realty: Approved(5) is right out!
    And this RPG shall snuff it….
    Judgemaster: That’ll be enough, Powahful.
    Iduncare Judge: I don’t really care about this. I’ve seen it before and I didn’t care. So I don’t care if it makes it or not.
    Realty: Approved(1)
    robo1000: yayz an approval!
    Judgemaster: You realize you just approved a horrible RPG?
    Iduncare Judge: I don’t care..
    Confused Judge: Everyone always forgets about me… Anyway, this game doesn’t make any sense.
    Realty: Not Approved(6)
    robo1000: It doesn’t have to be historical! I have my rights!
    Fat Judge: *runs up panting* Guys! Lehman Brothers just filled Class 11 bankruptcy! The stock market has crashed and real estate is down the drain! Sell your stocks before it’s too late!
    Oh look! An RPG! Realty: Not Approved(7)
    Crimson Judge: ####$%$#&^%&^%#&*%#@$#%&%#%&$!@$^#%#@%#^@^$#&^%%@!@%#$&$#$!
    Royal Judge: What he said!
    Iduncare Judge: I don’t really care..
    *everyone runs off, leaving robo1000 alone*
    *Omigosh walks by*
    Omigosh: Whatcha got there
    robo1000: An RPGee… Do you liek it?
    Omigosh: It sucks
    robo1000: *cries*
  5. ExoFat
    I posted an entry a while back about the sorry state of COT RPGs. It was mostly about the conformist attitude that seemed to be going on in COT. Now a new problem has arisen.
    Let's face it, the once glorious COT RPGs are now crumbled shells of their former selves. RPGs are dying left and right. The RPG giant, Reality, is closing its doors soon. Supposedly blockbuster hits like IF, Outbreak, Downfall, and Demonic Beginnings have all crashed and burned.
    What happened?
    Well, I think it's a combination of the rollback and a significant lack of originality among RPers, plus add the fact that many will be rushing to study for their finals, and we have ourselves a situation. The Rollback caused great damange to the RPGs. Reality lost more than half it's data, while entire series like Outbreak, or games like Pokemon were obliterated.
    There is also an originality crisis amongst RPers. It seems like every game can be compartmentalized into this category, or that designation. The only game that bucks this trend is Reality, which is dying because it's creator has left BZP.
    Finally, the time of year plays a part. With finals approaching, life catches up to people this season. When life catches up, you have to drop extra baggage, and RPGs are one of them.
    So the question, my fellow RPers, is this. What can we do to bring back the glory days of COT RPing? Who killed Cock Robin COT?
  6. ExoFat
    I just reported IF for closure. It was a good idea but failed due to a multitude of factors. Not the least of which was me. I may try again later, but for now, join me in the funeral procession and in the hope that every new game will be better than the last.
    Goodbye IF
  7. ExoFat
    I just thought of something awesome. What if the LRB game doesn't come with guitars, or other instruments. What if you have to build the controllers yourself?! That would be amazing I'd buy that game.
    EDIT: Accidentally drafted >_< Had to republish
  8. ExoFat
    Something's coming. I dunno when though. It's probably coming after the earthquake/eruption/tsunami/RPG/WorldWarPenguin/RealityCloses/IFdies/Abyssmoves/EWgetshisEagle/
    Of course, most of that stuff will never happen. So the something might never come. Or maybe it comes this week, or next month, or this year, or next decade, or this century, or next millenia...
    So look for it. Something's coming
  9. ExoFat
    So, this week I saw two dog movies. My younger siblings rented Beverly Hills Chihauha, while I picked out Marley and Me. I'd never seen either of these two movies. Lemme just say that BHC is a rather mediocre movie in my opinion. I didn't care much for it. M&M however, I found to be a rather compelling and moving story. Definitely one of my favorite dog movies.
    I thoroughly reccomend Marley and Me. But please don't touch BHC with any stick shorter than 31 and a half feet long.
  10. ExoFat
    MWAHAHAHAHA! After months of preparation, my victory is nearly complete. I have won the RPG Contest Now I just have to wait until it ends >_> Looks like my cheating device worked this time. Last time, I tried pressing the win button and it broke half way through the finals, leaving me in fourth place.
    These win devices are on sale at Wal-Mart. You can see a picture here.

    I think B6 caught me sending one to Robo via UPS, and that's why he was DQed. Good thing 6 didn't realize who sent it. I forgot to add the return address on the package
  11. ExoFat
    Here's a little poem I wrote about the 13th BZPower RPG Contest. I plan to write one about every contest here after. Try and find the mentions to all 30 contest entries hidden in the words.

    Who can be trusted to carry on?
    I can’t break my strong chains
    The shadows will reign
    I’m riding the night with a fire within
    My heart’s door is shut
    No one can get in
    There are walls all around me
    I’m the shadow entity
    I invade in the night
    It’s your darkest day
    Eclipsing your fears with this infinite pain
    It’s an era of crisis in this barren land
    There’s insurrection, and uprising
    More war is at hand
    There are walls all around me
    I’m the shadow entity
    There’s a new regime now
    I reign in your heart.
    As your soul falls into the abyss of the dark
    A land built on chaos
    Twilight, it will stay
    Your great coffin is ready
    There are walls all around me
    I’m the shadow entity
    As I fight for survival, the wind blows with hate
    Is it really my destiny, my trail, my fate?
    I have walked this bleak place for days upon days
    It’s a province of shadow
    A school of hate
    My heart’s door is shut
    No one can get in
    There are walls all around me
    I’m the shadow entity
  12. ExoFat
    The actual plan was much more elaborate than seen here. I would have posted a blog entry about my mother's death. Sisen would have removed me from the judges and started a recruiting topic. I would have asked B6 to have me temporarily banned. It would all last a good two days, just for realism.
    And yes, IF would have been closed.
  13. ExoFat
    May I draw your attention to this utter copy cat. Nevermind how amazing the RPG listed there is, or how good the creator is at RPGs. Only focus on the fact that said creator ripped off my blog entry!
    And please don't vote for Robo's RPG unless you vote for mine as well :angry:
    I'm glad we reached an agreement.
  14. ExoFat
    We're only waiting for B6 to get off his freakin plane Now, to make one final sales pitch.
    My RPGC13 entry is known as Abyss. Below is a quick summary of the game. The full version can be seen by clicking the banner.

    In Abyss players will explore the underground world of the Undercity in the midst of an emerging civil war. The Matoran immigrated to the Undercity 500,000 years previously in order to escape Makuta's wrath. Now they have evolved to more perfectly fit their environment. Their entire history has been forgotten, and the three virtues no longer hold any place in their hearts. It is up to the players to dive into this world and bring back (or not) unity, duty, and destiny to the Matoran.

    The Undercity is pictured above, but players will also be able to expand and traverse the innards of the planet.
    -Underground setting.
    -Evolved Matoran with interesting abilities.
    -Enhancers and PEAs add diversity and power to the Matoran.
    -The Player Driven Story allows for non linear, player created plotline. Players may follow the main plot or choose to strike out on their own.
    Special thanks to all who made this possible:
    Crimson Jester- For coming up with a much better title.
    Kagha- For the wonderfully beautiful map.
    Taka Kun- For giving inciteful criticism and support.
    Robo- For consenting to be staff amid all his IRL struggles and RPG cutbacks.
    And to every person who chooses to vote for this game I give my heartfelt thanks. You are the ones who will truly make this dream a reality. Thank you for that.
  15. ExoFat
    Congrats to our winners! Lady K, Kagha, and Xccj, you all did a fine job. I, unfortunately did not place in the top three, but at least I was given honorable mention Romance is definitely not my strong point XD
    Now! To wait for EC8....
  16. ExoFat
    Dear Bionicle Rex,
    I know we never met, and it is unlikely you will ever read this blog, but I would like to personally thank you for all you've done. BZP is a better place because of you and your efforts. Thanks, and good luck with that new job.
    A highly grateful member,
  17. ExoFat
    Ratings systems for RPGs rarely work, mostly because RPGs are hard to rate. Personal opinion plays a large factor in the final outcome of the game’s rating. Let me go through a popular rating system and point out its inherent flaws.
    Story (20)
    NPCs and Regions (15)
    Style (10)
    Grammar (5)
    Rules (15)
    Format (15)
    Originality (10)
    Look (5)
    Bonus (5)
    On the surface this rating system looks great. I beg to differ. This system relies heavily on personal bias towards an RPG and probably won’t reflect the technical aspects of the game.
    Problems with this system:
    • The rating points are too large, sometimes assigning high grades to low quality games. For example, it is still possible to score above 80% and have a zero on Story. This does not inspire the GM to work harder for a better score. Tthey assume they already have a good one. This, to me, shows that it is too drawn out.
    • Seemingly extraneous ratings. Some things are almost exactly the same. In fact one reviewer couldn’t tell the difference between look and format. Bonus is also extraneous. If they earn a Bonus, it should have no impact upon the out of 100 rating and instead should be a completely extra addition.
    • Personal bias is inserted too often. Unfortunately, this is unavoidable with any type of review.
    It is my belief that a more compact and precise ratings system, where every lost point truly hurts, is more efficient. I have designed such a system.
    Story (15) This is a collective score of everything in the category under it. All scores in the Story category are added together to get the Story score. The same is true for each of the other categories.
    -Writing(10): How does the story flow together? Does the GM use correct grammar? Is the story believable? Is it entertaining?
    -NPCs(5): The main question here is, do the NPCs expand the story? Are the detailed? Are they believable?
    -Factions(10): What groups are in the game? Are there any groups?
    -Locations(10): Tell us about the environment. Is this someplace we’ve seen before or is it a whole new world?
    -Technical(5): This portion is for rating the rules and other technical portions of the game. Anything new or interesting would go here.
    Initial Reaction(5): Is it eye catching? Does it contain a banner? Are you automatically sucked in or is the first thing you think, meh?
    Use of BBCode(5): Does the GM make a pleasing atmosphere of pleasant colors, bolds and underlines?
    Formatting(5): Is each section put together in a easy to navigate way? Or does the RPG feel scattered and unconnected?
    Grammatical(5): Are paragraphs spaced neatly, or squashed together like jelly? Does the GM use proper grammar? Is everything spelled correctly?
    IMO this is a much better system than the other one. Each point lost hurts much more and makes the GM actually thing about what they did wrong.
    This is my kind of system.
  18. ExoFat
    I am finally rid of that horrendous Vahki moniker. *stretches arms* It's good to be back to my old self.
    In other news: RPG13 is coming soon, SSC5 is closing down, and I predict that several changes will be made in COT staff/semi staff in the upcoming days.
  19. ExoFat
    I just lost several hundred PMs, few thousand posts, two RPGs, two video games, some MOCs, two epics, two comedies, and five SSs.
    Not bad. Not bad at all.
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