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Status Updates posted by ExoFat

  1. I visit sporadically :P I find some of the comic rather amusing.

  2. I will. It's been pretty hectic around my house lately.

  3. I'll check out that Lariska story. It looks really good.

  4. I'll take that suggestion to heart. Now off to play some more DragonFable.

  5. I'm actually glad that break's over. It gives me something to focus on instead of becoming fat and lazy. :P How are you holding up?

  6. I'm recovering, though my throat is a little sore. ;)

    But it IS your destiny! Join me and Sev and we can defeat Tohu and rule BZP! :evilgrinandevillaugh:

  7. I'm sorry, I don't watch much TV. What exactly is that?

  8. Indeed it does. :P

  9. IST - Uh thanks for the support.

    Romansoldierdude - Well I have read your epic and it's good. It's just that sometimes I don't have time to post in a topic or the server konks out on me. Hundreds of people have read my stories and didn't post. I read all of Takuta Nui's -This world- series but I don't have a single post in his review topics. I'm sorry if

  10. It's all part of the plan.

  11. It's pretty good but it could be even better with a pic

  12. It's weird but awesome at the same time :P

  13. JG- Hi! Your entry (In the Hands of A Makuta) is pretty good. I want to see what will happen as the action picks up. Personally I don't think that anyone's entry will be quite the same as mine.

  14. JG- Thanks! That means a lot.

    Hihkan- As soon as Kex gives the thumbs up.

  15. JMJ- Thanks. What do you think the worst year was? I say 2005.

    Uriel- Thank you.

    Sorek- Lol, you destroyed me. Flattened me like a pancake.

  16. Just four, and I'm nowhere near the Captain. :P Thanks, though. :)

  17. Kyuubi- lol yeah.

    Det- I sent 'em to Vakzorz

  18. Lol, I had a bunch of work but I'm free now.

  19. Lol, I was changing ma email. What is there for me to do in the RPG? I'm always watching.

  20. Lol. It's not really two topics, just I forgot to put "Review Topic" on the end of one of them. :P

  21. lol. What do yall mean?

  22. Luke said so.

    My brother is: In 2009 Taipu is a Rahi.

    Actually, I've only read the first chapter. (It was good though). Haven't gotten around to the rest.

  23. Mine was bad, though not absolutely horrible. I have a history of getting strep this time of year, so I was prepared for it.

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