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Hahli Husky

Premier Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Hahli Husky

  1. In light of the recent loss of the archives, I am allowing authors to repost their stories that were contained in the Library archives. If you didn't repost them within the limit I had given, back when we moved to this board, you are welcome to post them now, as well as review topics.


    Please note that there is a feature enabled on these boards that will merge double posts made within a certain time frame. You may wish to repost a chapter once per day.


    There is no limit to when you can no longer repost stories. You can do it now, or next year if you wish.


    You are only allowed to repost stories that were written by you.


    Thank you very much for understanding; feel free to ask any questions here.

  2. Thank you for trying to bring them back, Andrew. :) They contain good memories, but keeping this board safe for new and future memories to be made sounds like the best idea.



    Question: Can those of us who have library stuff in the archives that's going to be deleted repost on the new forum? (I suppose you won't know in two months, anyway, but I thought I'd ask because I have backups for a couple works that I would like to try to save.)

    I was planning to make a decision about this once the fate of the archives was decided; I'll be posting that in the Library soon.

  3. I had woken up late in the morning to the sound of a dull explosion, and the others' unintelligible yells and screams following it. Having been unable to fall asleep until just before sunrise, I figured sleeping in was the best idea, especially since it was only the second day. Fatal threats were highly unlikely at this point. Unless, of course, you actively sought them out. I yawned and rolled over, passing out again in the middle of planning to get up and help with whatever had happened.


    The sun was directly overhead when I woke again to yet another explosion. This time I sat up, nearly totaling my crude shelter. "Omigosh who is hurt!"


    Sisen stared over at me, startled. "Uh. It's okay now?" He looked down at his leg. "Actually, I hurt my ankle. Eeko and Mak went down there a few minutes ago." He indicated a gaping hole in the ground that I could have sworn wasn't there the night before. A few voices could be heard inside, and they sounded all right.


    "Sweet." There had to be a river or a stream or something around here, especially judging by the lush green forest and the cooked, decidedly non-fishy meat laying out by the now-small fire. I helped myself to a part of the food and stole a couple drinks from Arpy's water collectors. There was a half-gutted carcass next to the meat, already picked through, but there were still a few solid ribs. I breathed in deeply, trying not to throw up the food left in my stomach, broke one of the ribs off and snatched up a small rock. "I'm going out."


    He nodded. I figured no news of Arpy and Bfa meant good news; even if they were dead, that meant everyone else had a better chance. Working as a team seemed to have translated into "working in very small groups to semi-productive ends." I used the rock to sand the end of the rib into more of a point as I walked. The point was tested by scratching the trees as I went along, though this wasn't nearly as bad as the Charred Jungle usually was. God, I hated that level. Especially on dial-up. Kapura was pretty adorable, though.


    I traveled about fifteen minutes or so before I picked up the soft sound of water running nearby. Yesssssssss! I raced to the source: a small creek that was no more than a foot deep. I took my mask off and used it to scoop up a good amount of water. If my Kaukau wouldn't let me breathe underwater, it would let me drown myself in it. I dumped the water over my face and hair and instantly felt better. The creek had to lead to a river or something. I shook out my hair and headed back.


    Sisen was experimenting with exploding fruit (explaining the firing noises from earlier), but other than that, everything seemed the same. I decided to finish parting out the animal carcass while I waited for everyone to remember Tufi's promise and come back. I conversed with Sisen when I wasn't gagging from my work, managing to sand the rest of the remaining ribs into points. I cracked the skull open, then went back to the beach to clean it in the sea water. The stray innards attracted some hungry birds and fish. I sat very still, letting them come closer, looking at my hands.


    I knew my career as a murderer had to start somewhere.


    Without getting into even more extravagant details than I have splurged on already, I ended up bringing dead birds, mostly-dead fish (forgive me, Kakaru), and clean bones back to camp. I tucked the washed skull into my pocket for assorted scooping needs. I poked at the dying fire, but I've always been terrible with fires, and I was only successful in making it worse.


    The sudden arrival of Tufi and her adorable, yet frighteningly cool, voice made me drop what I was doing. Sisen jumped a little as well, and Makaru and Eeko emerged from their rabbit hole (even though we hadn't even heard them moments before??). She dumped out some supplies ... or um ... well, it was more like the assorted remains of one of those decent yard sales that made you an okay-but-less-than-you-expected amount of cash. Before anybody could ask a useful question, the Empress was gone.


    Stunned silence.


    I grabbed one of the books and ripped out a page or two. Wiping a bit of shoe polish on them and adding more sticks, I actually managed to revive the fire.


    "That's really the extent of my knowledge at the moment." I smiled and looked up. "Oh, and I found some fresh water inland! So what are you guys up to in uh ... that hole?"


    You know you're RPing with True Friends when they use terms like vicious, cutthroat, and dangerous to describe you

    If it is any consolation, you are the perfect maternal leadership figure... I only question your sanity.


    Staff? Sanity? Are you sure you work here? Wasn't lack of (or desire to lose) sanity like some sort of prerequisite to joining the team? It's the ones with sanity I question whether they're really staff.

    Hahaha Raga always knows where it's at, yo

  5. "Leader or no leaders, catchy team name or no catchy team name, let's at least get to where the other team can't see us anymore. It's kind of creeping me out," I suggested, following after a bouncing, curly-headed Arpy. The rocks were really close and I was feeling pretty hungry. I imagined the others were, as well, and in my experience ... when people are hungry, people get crazy. When people get crazy, then name-deciding goes out the window. Among other things that probably matter more.


    In the meantime, water would help, but I knew from countless movies and books that drinking seawater was a stupid idea. I picked a small, smooth rock out of the sand. "I think we should mull over name ideas while working out things more relevant to our uh ... survival." I guffawed quietly at my wordplay. "Arpy, are there more of those freakishly large leaves? Also, we need to find a stream or something for water, and figure out if there's anything around that can be eaten. Fish, fruit that doesn't look deadly; you know. If you're feeling especially thirsty ..." (was I really going to say this) "... suck on a rock or something." (Yes. Yes I just did.)


    I popped the stone in my mouth. Sucking on it would look very weird, but it would curb my thirst until we could find a good water source. I walked down to the water, studying the shallows.


    "Uh, so who thinks they're good at catching fish?"


    A very eventful evening ensued, but it was average camp-making fare. A few of the shelters fell over. It took forever to catch just a few fish, even after we did the thing with the sharp-ended sticks. We gave up trying to find coconuts, figuring we couldn't crack them open, anyway. Sumiki and Eeko eventually came back, a little tattered and pretty shaken. They wouldn't explain, but they carried a good amount of sticks. Starting a fire was a horrible, frustrating process that somehow happened. We forgot to look for a water source, but by the time someone remembered, nobody cared.


    Maybe we'd settle on our team name later.




    “My suggestion is The Miracle Cactus!”

    <3<3<3 Emzee you definitely know how to please the RPing crowd.


    Laughed so hard at that part.


    I can't be the only one who does not in the least understand this reference, right...?I hope this doesn't get too heavy with the inside jokes, as that would quickly becomes less enjoyable for everyone else..~|ET|~


    I don't get it, either. MUST BE A BZPRPG THING?

  7. What exactly happens if an entry that is worked on by two BZPers wins. Do both of them get the prize?

    There's only one prize per win, so you'd either have to split it up or decide who gets the prize.



    Must said monsters and titans be as such relative to us in terms of size/scale/scope/etc, or just to the PoV of the characters portrayed? And can the monsters or titans be more worldly threats like angered elephants, tigers, and fanboys; or do they have to be truly dangerous and/or fantastical things such as dragons, robots, demi-gods, and fanboys?


    -Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

    Just in regards to the PoV, yes. I would say the titans and monsters should be things that don't actually exist, but you can plug such ideas into that: terrifying giant elephant and tiger chimeras, or titans designed and operated by crazed fanboys, if you will.

  8. The extent of my knowledge about Voya Nui was that it sucked. I could never read past the first chapter in that Legends series without getting distracted. So far, though, the island was living up to my uneducated expectations. Lowering my hands from my sopping and, most likely, destroyed hair, I breathed in slowly to regain patience. If I was gonna get through this without slitting everyone's throats, I was gonna have to make myself two promises.


    Leave your hair alone, I thought, clenching my fists and puffing out my cheeks in concentration. And don't look at your reflection. Ever.


    Three months. Three months away from my bathroom and comfortable bed with my favorite cuddlebuddy. I glanced back at Janus for the 11th time, who waved sadly for the 11th time. I smiled, though both teams had put enough distance between themselves that I wasn't sure if he could see. Maybe having a break would be a good thing. He drove me crazy about once a week or so, and I figured I got on his nerves at least once a day. I hoped one of us would be voted off before things got too intense. But if not, well ... maybe it would be fun! He often commented that he loved that I could be so snarky, so clever, so evil. Which was hilarious because, I was convinced I wasn't any of those things.


    Of course Tufi would separate me from my dear little family. This is probably better than Janus or Kakaru being by themselves, though. As long as my husband and our adopted son were together, then I knew they would be just fine. And, at least Makaru and I ended up together. By our powers combined, the two of us had a real talent for Getting Stuff Done (But Only When We Felt Like It.) He was currently, however, busy yelling the same babble over and over. The shock of the cold swim and the water in my ears had lowered my comprehension greatly, but I figured that the mention of stuff had set him off. As far as the rest of the team went, I was thankful I already knew all of them. Well, I had preconceived notions about each of them that would inevitably change before the end of this excursion.


    Another thing I had to process was ... luxury items? My hairbrush? Food? Maybe my purse!! My purse served as the perfect first aid and anti-anxiety kit.


    Janus is my luxury item.


    Pppfffffttt, Tufi wouldn't consider that a luxury item. Maybe his shirt. Yeah, that would be nice because then I could snuggle it at night. And a not-really-secret Secret Fact about Janus: he LOVES being shirtless.


    Somebody said my name, instantly snapping me out of HH-Land and my temporary deafness. "Makaru, HH," Arpy piped up thoughtfully, "you two are fairly well attuned to the Canadian zeitgeist, aren't you? Is there any way we can pander to the Empress's tastes to come up with something totally excellent for our name? My only thought at this point is Bryan and the Supertramps."


    "Canadian stuff might be playing it safe." But given that I was a very young Canadian, especially compared to certain friends who were Canadians by birthright, the buzzwords coming to mind were just as embarrassing as the fact that I said them out loud. "Uh ... poutine, perogies, loonies, maple leaves, Tim Horton's, hosers?"


    Makaru looked partly determined. "The Clickit Von Glitterglau Crew."


    I tried to think of what the other team might call themselves. Possibly also something concerning glitter and general mockery of fabulous, feminine notions. But Smeag wasn't around, and there were too many wild cards on the other team to be sure. It had a high chance of turning out very retro, as well.


    As far as the first challenge went ... I've always been terrible at coming up with names and usually rely on the creative genius and/or ridiculous pluckiness of someone else. "Well, Clikits is a sure-fire, hot-button, hilarious topic as far as Tufi is concerned," I said. "But I couldn't say no to Supertramps, either. Uh. Clikit Supertramps?" Marrying two ideas is the extent of my talent for titles, if it could even be called a talent.


    God forbid we try to pick a leader at this point.

  9. Ooh, that radio drama idea sounds very appealing.


    Can BZP members collaborate with other members/non-members, given that the coordinator/main talent is the one who enters and "wins?" Because, while I have range, I might want some help. If I get it rolling.

    Hmmm interesting question! I would say yes, provided that the coordinator is the agreed-upon entrant and the members helping understand this clearly.



    Can we have multiple Titans/monsters in the scene we're making?

    Yes. :)

  10. [becca]: Name the fish0037.gifMay I introduceHER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS MILTON, GLORIOUS AND TERRIBLEYou usually just call her Milton, and maybe "Her Highness" on days when she's feeling particular.She dines on FINEST of plastic building bricks twice daily. Otherwise, she bides her time trying to follow you wherever you go, or watching high-quality television programs. She seems especially interested in shows involving blue dogs with self-inking pawpads and talking household objects, and makes sure there's shells to pay whenever you forget to turn the TV on.You can't remember how you got Milton into her tank; it's possible she's always been there. You're hoping she doesn't grow or anything.[becca]::::0038.gifAs far as giant plastic temperamental angelfish go, she's pretty much the most FANTASTIC one ever.[becca]: Search room for goodies0039.gifYou don't need to search for the goodies! You've tastefully placed every single item you love on display, to keep yourself from forgetting that you own them! It really sucks when you have to dust, though.[becca]: Style yo' gears, guuuurl!0040.gifYou always have this BURNING desire to check your face and primp your hair and gears at LEAST twice an hour. This is strange, though, because your hair is just a BIG CHUNK OF PLASTIC, and so are the gears! You never have a hair out of place. Literally.[becca]: Show Us One of Your Favourite Animes0041.gifThis is your FAVORITE ANIME of all the definitive animes from Animeland. Look at these beautiful young women and their gorgeous flowing multicolored hair amid fluttering shojou rose pedals. They are all princesses and they can all KICK BOOTIE. You can't remember a time when you didn't have the lovely ladies of Sailor Moon to guide you through matters of love, friendship, morality, feminism, looking hot, and punishing bad guys and gals in the name of the moon!You're pretty sure Sailor Venus is your favorite, but you wish you could be Sailor Neptune, and you're definitely in love with Sailor Uranus. Not in love as in you really admire her; in love as in if she were real, you'd definitely ask her out. Her elegant decline would be inevitable but still make it all worthwhile.[becca]: Stare at screens that are in room0042.gifOh yeah! Before you were interrupted, you were deeply engrossed in the hilarious and clever antics of THESE PEOPLE, who are always up to something fantastically confusing and may or may not even be REAL. You didn't start the fire these seemingly-live video feeds on the monitors, but they ARE the whole reason you've set up camp in this particular room. Keeping track of all the intimate details of their lives is pretty much your current basis of existence.These people are just TOO COOL FOR WHATEVER SCHOOL IS[becca]::::0043.gifThere's something familiar about them that ...[becca]::::0044.gifYou're pretty sure you could've been friends with them in real life or something!But that's just ANOTHER FANGIRL DREAM ~

  11. Oh, and the Fan-created games forum rules say that there actually need to be work on a game for something to be posted, not just an idea


    EDIT: I'm in the middle of making a short-movie and was wondering if you need to make the music for it yourself or if you can use other music as long as you credit the author?

    Approval has been given for entry topics to be posted in that forum in the case of this contest only.


    You can use other music, but be sure to ask the creator first if possible. If you are unable to contact the creator, make sure to credit them. :)



    By "Titans", can we use giant robot suits of armor?


  12. Music and Movies Entries 01. -Reznas- >>> Out of the Darkness (The Toa of Light) >>> Topic02. Toa Kovolta >>> Takanuva vs Makuta >>> Topic03. Toa Kayn >>> BZ Koro: The Movie >>> Topic04. Kung Fu Rahkshi Destroyer >>> Desperate Situation! A Light in the Darkness! >>> Topic05. a self-referential name (Eyru) >>> The Manas and the Kaita >>> Topic06. Legolover-361 >>> Charge! >>> Topic07. Toa of Dancing >>> Attack on the Rim of BZ Koro >>> Topic

  13. Art Entries 01. Toa Kayn >>> BZ Koro Titan vs Monster Art entry >>> Icon >>> Topic02. CrunchbiteNuva >>> The Kaita Program >>> Icon >>> Topic03. xccj >>> A Monster on Titan >>> Icon >>> Topic04. Wasp >>> Face Off >>> Topic >>> Icon05. ToaN >>> Titans vs. Monster entry >>> Icon >>> Topic06. Stroxx >>> The Order's Call >>> Icon >>> Topic07. Silverglass >>> Fire and Ice >>> Icon >>> Topic08. Haecceity >>> Ending Days >>> Icon >>> Topic09. Funcle K. >>> Fatal Wound >>> Icon >>> Topic10. Toa Kovolta >>> Great Spirit >>> Icon >>> Topic

  14. Short Stories and Comedies Entries



    01. Canis Lupus >>> Titans vs. Monsters Entry: A Technic Coliseum Special02. Pahrak #0579 >>> AQUA MAGNA ATTACK ON MARENDAR 10.1010 THIS IS (NOT) COPYRIGHT INFRINGE03. Toatapio Nuva >>> We Never Wanted04. fishers64 >>> Machronicle05. Kung Fu Rahkshi Destroyer >>> The C-Squad06. Zeal >>> The Machine07. Wasp >>> Titans V. Monsters SS Entry08. Torran >>> Perspective09. GSR >>> The Days They Were Needed and the Years They Were Not10. Legolover-361 >>> Casualty11. CrunchbiteNuva >>> Hold the Line12. xccj >>> Gaint Frog-Baboon-Wolf Monster That Wants to Eat You13. Baltarc >>> Hero14. Rarity >>> ITT: Hoodie Saves BZKoro Disqualified




    BBC and SBC Entries



    01. SmoothJazz >>> Gorvox >>> Topic02. Tomdroidser >>> Titan Project WeaponsMaster: Arsenal Primal >>> Topic03. Wasp >>> V12 Foot-soldier Mech >>> Topic04. Kung Fu Rahkshi Destroyer >>> Fusion Mach 5 >>> Icon >>> Topic05. Toa Kayn >>> Mutagen Toa Kayn >>> Topic06. Ballom >>> Vermillion Tempest >>> Topic07. Jinkmeister >>> The Mecha-Toa >>> Topic08. Toa Czar >>> Graydahk -Titan AND Monster >>> Topic09. Tornado >>> The Obsidian Flame >>> Topic10. Vohon >>> The Shadowed One >>> Topic11. V-N >>> White Defender >>> Topic12. Mairanui >>> Nutrakh >>> Topic13. Dual Matrix >>> Massive >>> Topic14. Mohamed Marei >>> Zardius: Master of Destruction >>> Topic15. Sumiki >>> Undersea Cowboy >>> Topic16. Ultimate_Kardas >>> White Fury >>> Topic17. Haecceity >>> Kirzakani >>> Topic18. xccj >>> Frog-Baboon-Wolf Monster That Wants to Eat You >>> Topic

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