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Hahli Husky

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Posts posted by Hahli Husky

  1. I don't know a lot about Ninjago, but I might still enter this if I get some free time to come up with a decent story.Question: Can we use Bionicle characters in our stories, or are we restricted to only Ninjago characters?
    You can put in some Bionicle characters if you like, sure.
    Am I allowed to enter multiple stories?
    No, one story counts as one entry, and there's only one entry per member. I forgot to put that one in the rules.
  2. bzpowerbanner.png

    Thank you Infrared for the great banner!!


    Ninjago Short Story Contest

    Legend of the Green Ninja




    Winners List!!



    Oh boy oh boy we're finally here! Time to announce our winners! :D But first, a HUGE thank you to Meiko, who provided so much help putting this contest together, advertising it, donating prizes, bringing in people from The Ninjago Wiki, and judging. Also thanks to Infared, another judge and the creator of our kickbutt banner, judge Aanchir: Rachira of Time, -Windrider- for his help and ideas, Janus for the awesome theme, and Black Six for the sweet first prize!


    Now for our winners.


    Third Place: For Eternity by Dralcax! Contact Meiko for your prize!


    Second Place: Child of Night by RicochetRay! Contact Meiko for your prize!


    And First Place goes to The Serpentine Plot by xccj! Contact Black Six for your prize!


    Runners Up:

    Legend of the Shadow by Shock wave

    The Green Ninja? by WhiteNinjaWolf04


    Congratulations to our winners, and thank you so much to all our participants! This was an awesome contest and I hope you enjoyed writing Ninjago stories and will join me in congratulating the winners. :)




         Remember last year? We were all so excited about the grand reveal of THE GREEN NINJA. Theories abounded as to his true identity. Would he be one of the existing ninjas, upgraded? Or one of the bad guys, even a henchman? Or would he be a hitherto-unknown character?Or rather, that's what I imagine it was like. Because I don't know anything about Ninjago. At all. But I am told there is a green ninja! And there's a rumor that nobody knew who he actually was! However, apparently his eyebrows gave it away? ANYWAY.How It Works     In this first-ever non-BIONICLE Library contest, I need you guys to put on your imagination caps and wonder: what if the Green Ninja was actually someone else? Who would it have been? Why would he have concealed his identity? What if "he" was actually a "she"? What if it was your OC?Once you've got a great alternate universe planned, fluff it up into a large-scale, but one-post, epic adventure. Of at least 500 words, just to help paint a gorgeous picture in the minds of our judges. It can be as canon or non-canon as you like (I mean we're already changing-up the Green Ninja here.) You can post your tale here in the Short Stories forums.How To EnterBefore December 10th, 2012, at 11:59 pm PST, post your entry in a new topic in Short Stories, and then post a reply in this topic with the information below.- Your screen name- The title of your entry, containing a link to your entry (don't know how to link? Just type your title, highlight it, and hit the Link button in the post formatting tools above)IT'S THAT EASY!The Rules- One entry per member.- Entries must be at least 500 words in length.- The story you write must be new; not posted on BZPower before now.- Your entry must be contained in one post.- You are allowed to edit your story until the entry period ends. After that, any editing will get you disqualified.- No arguing, fussing, or flaming. The first time you are called down, I'll let you walk. The second time, you'll be automatically disqualified from every event. Also, appropriate action will be taken if necessary (ie proto drop, suspension, etc.)- All questions should be asked in this topic. Or, you can PM me, Hahli Husky, or -Windrider-, who knows as much about Ninjago as I do.- Do not bother or attempt to bribe the judges. If I find out you were harassing them or trying to make them vote for your work, you'll be disqualified.- If you suspect someone is cheating, please PM me. Don't post it here.- Let's stay on topic. If you are going to post, make it a post that adds to the discussion. I will delete spam posts without any sort of warning.Thanks for helping me out by following the guidelines, guys! :)Judging PanelI may have limited knowledge of Ninjago, but some of our pals over at The Ninjago Wiki will be judging your entries! So breathe easy; this isn't all a blind rush. ;)PrizesFirst Place: A brand-new copy of the LEGO Ninjago: Character Encyclopedia by DK Publishing!Second Place: A Ninjago spinner set donated by Meiko, to be determinedThird Place: A Ninjago spinner set donated by Meiko, to be determinedQ&AQ: Does my story need to be canon?A: Absolutely not. It can be as canon or non-canon as you want. That's kind of the point of writing fan fiction. :PQ: Can I use my original characters from another Ninjago fan story?A: Yes, you can use your characters, setup, locations, all that.Q: I'm a staff member but I really want to enter. Can I?A: Sure! You won't be given special treatment, but I would love for any and all staff to enter!Q: I'm a judge but I really want to enter. Can I?A: Unfortunately, no. If you're a judge and decide you want to enter really badly, just talk to me and we'll see if we can find someone to replace you.Q: I want to enter but I'm not a BZP member. Can I?A: You'll need a BZP account to enter, since all entries need to be in Short Stories for us to track them.If you're confused or need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask a question!


    Happy writing, everyone!

  3. I am not sure I understand rule 7. Can you elaborate?
    People like to create topics where they give links to all their stories, in one convenient place. We call them personal libraries or collection topics. Personal libraries must be in Short Stories, even if they contain links to only comedies or only epics. Most personal libraries have a mix of epics, short stories, and comedies, but it depends on what the member has posted. Here's an example of a personal library.
  4. Yes, I'm going to have to ask you to please not post new chapters until you fix your current chapters. And when you do post new chapters again, please don't post them unless they are already at least 300 words. If this doesn't happen, I'll have to close the topic.

  5. Hey Fastcar800, hilarious story you've got going here! Unfortunately, I noticed that your chapters are under 300 words. Here in the Comedies forum, we ask that members keep their chapters above 300 words. Maybe you could merge your two chapters into one, or just add more awesome funny happenings on to each chapter! Thanks for understanding, please let me know if you're confused or have any questions. :)
    Well, i added the Hunger Games stuff to chapter one in an attempt to do so. It ain't easy. But i'll try.
    Thanks! You also might try merging two chapters together to make them longer.
  6. Great story so far! :) However, I noticed that you don't have a review topic linked from here. Every epic posted in this forum needs a separate topic, for other members' reviews. This is so your story won't be cluttered by comments. ;) If you don't understand or need any help, please feel free to post here and let me know. Thanks!

  7. ROB I LOVE YOU SO MUCHI HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE MURDER MYSTERY SCAVENGER HUNT YOU WOKE UP TOAlso there are cookies waiting for you at home, but it's raining so they didn't turn out as good as the last batch. :|ANYWAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :lovesign:

  8. Hey Fastcar800, hilarious story you've got going here! Unfortunately, I noticed that your chapters are under 300 words. Here in the Comedies forum, we ask that members keep their chapters above 300 words. Maybe you could merge your two chapters into one, or just add more awesome funny happenings on to each chapter! Thanks for understanding, please let me know if you're confused or have any questions. :)

  9. As someone who's run the Library for 6 or so years (and worked in it about 2 or 3 years before that) and decides on the rules therein, sure, I'll take a GD quiz about the Library! But just warning everyone upfront that I can't promise I'll answer any opposing replies. I'm doing this right now because I'm bored and I actually have free time to reply to this. :lol:;;

    1.) Should the entire Library have a 300 word minimum? Why?
    I don't think it should. The 300-word minimum rule in Comedies was instated because, at the time, it was the nature of many Comedies authors to constantly churn out what were basically repetitive, spam-filled chapters like little keyboard-mashing factories. I've never noticed such an issue in SS and Epics, and recently in Comedies, this problem has really calmed down.Here's some history that might interest those who weren't here or don't remember. For a long time on BZP, we had to worry about bandwidth sizes and server overloads. Just a couple years after it was launched, BZP was rather limited and became very crowded. If you posted a topic in any Library forum, especially Comedies, and it received no replies, your topic was off the front page within 24 hours. Comedies authors struggled to be noticed amid some very talented and popular competition.So to some, it seemed the easy way out was to post chapters as often as possible, no matter the quantity of words or quality of story. I think the Comedies leaders at the time felt that the 300-word-rule was the most effective way to curb this. There would be at least 10 reports a day about writers who had broken the rule. The concern wasn't the need to control content, though many staff appreciated that additional benefit offered by the rule. The point was to try to curb server and bandwidth overloads.Nowadays, the activity has decreased drastically while server performance has increased. We don't need to worry about overloading the site anymore. All the 300-word-rule does is try to control content. For a long time, it has been assumed by staff and members alike that this rule was designed to control content.Every 6 months or so, I review each Library division's rules. I revise them to correct errors, offer more clarity, add any needed new rules, and remove rules that are no longer relevant. As I've gained more experience and thought things over, I've found some rules to be unfair or ridiculous. Instead of just carrying on "because it's always been this way!", I talk it out with other staff and do some brainstorming to figure out if I should remove said rule.Now that I've explained some history and my operations, I'll finish answering the question. :) After all the experience I've had, I feel that trying to control non-harmful content in a creative forum is wrong. In this case, I feel that making people adhere to a minimum word limit is stifling to creativity and growth, especially for those who are just starting out and have less experience in sharing their writing. Usually I find that people who write tiny stories or chapters are young, either in age or in writing skill, or possibly both. Just forcing them to write more words doesn't teach the point as well as good examples and feedback can.I often think that more length makes for better stories and chapters, but not everyone does. And honestly, I've read stories, some of them on BZP, that are very short but very good, specifically snapshot or mood pieces. When I'm judging writing contests, I absolutely love when there's a short entry that really captures my interest.I know when I first started posting in the Library, at age 14, my chapters and stories were very small and not very good. There were those who were my age who had more experience and were much better for it. But I was earnest in my writing; I thought it was clever and funny and interesting. Other members encouraged me and gently nudged me in the right direction. Within a year, I was confident and began writing stories that I enjoy when I go back and reread them, instead of cringing (my reaction to stuff I wrote before I started learning.)Because of all this, I've been taking the time to study the nature of Comedies now and see if the 300-word-rule can be easily lifted. Until recently, McSmeag was in charge of Comedies, so it was his say whether the rule stayed or not. I can't say if I will lift the rule or not (please do not contact me about it), but I am feeling that it's very unnecessary these days. I definitely don't want to see content-controlling rules in SS or Epics, either. Extremely short fan fiction doesn't hurt anyone or anything. If you come across a very short short story or epic and feel that the author "didn't try" or "doesn't care", please try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Some people just don't know why longer, more fleshed-out stories are more popular and are often better quality. Maybe you could give them some hints. :)
    2.) Should comedies be merged with the rest of the library? Why?
    This is actually the first time I've heard this suggestion! I think the separation of comedic stories is just a deep-set habit now. People sometimes ask me if their story should be in Epics or Comedies, but it's very easy to decide. Comedies seems to be separated because of the common natures of fan fiction: they're often either extraordinarily silly or more serious. The intent of the separation seems to be for the benefit of those who aren't interested in reading really humorous stuff, or those who are. I know there are many technical comedies that can be serious at times, and many technical epics can be hilarious at times. I think Comedies is there because of a once-high demand for crazy, goofy stuff. I think it lingers because of that deep-set habit and the continued demand, although said demand has lessened. Maybe Comedies will merge with Epics and Short Stories in the future. But at this time, I feel that it's a non-issue as-is.
    3.) Should the "one chapter per 24 hours" rule be reinstated for anyone not reposting an epic from the old board?
    Since I was the one who removed it, that's an obvious no. The 24-hour rule was a lot like the 300-word rule. Once upon a time, it was there to help the clunky server out during the high traffic years. Once the server could handle the changing demand, the 24-hour rule became a content limiter. All it would do now is force people to post chapters at a pace that others (not everyone) feel is acceptable. As such, I think it would enforce an opinion on what is non-harmful to members. For instance, if you think someone is posting chapters too fast, that's their business. I personally think that chapters should be posted in a non-rushed manner, but since that's my opinion, it's not necessarily fair for me to force it on others.
    4.) Do you want a CoT Library? Why? If a CoT Library existed, how often would you make use of it?
    I doubt a CoT Library will ever happen. There's a good amount of members posting their non-LEGO stories in CoT and blogs, so I know there is a bit of a demand. But if B6 allows a CoT Library, it would open the door for creating a CoT-whatever-else-creative-forum just because of demand. This could result in many non-BIONICLE or LEGO forums. The BZP Administration wants to keep the site focused primarily on BIONICLE and secondary on LEGO. I understand their reasoning. In the end, it's their call, not mine.If there was a CoT Library, I'm not sure how much I personally would use it, as I'm no longer interested in sharing the things I write on BZP.
    5.) Are there any ideas, themes, etc. you feel would be better expressed in your writing without a Bionicle influence? What are they?
    Not really, as I have always written fan-fiction with as much or as little canon regard as I want. I respect those who try to write within canon, but it's not for me. If I want to add something, I find a way to shape it and fit it in. Even if it means creating new worlds with different rules.
    6.) How often do you post a story? How often do you review?
    Like I said before, I don't post fan fiction anymore. I write every couple months, but I these days, I express myself better through creating game scripts, doodling, and sewing. I share what I write with Janus, and that's good enough for me. I don't publicly review much anymore, but members often ask me to read their stories and offer feedback before they post them. I do most of my reviewing that way.
    7.) Do you use the critic clubs? Why or why not? Do you find the critic clubs useful?
    No, since I don't post fan fiction anymore, I have nothing for them to review. :P A lot of people seem to like the critic's clubs, so i think they serve a good purpose as long as they stay helpful and genuine.
    8.) Who are some of your favorite Library writers? What are some of your favorite Library stories? What's your favorite self-written work?
    I'm so old-school when it comes to this! I remember really liking Nova Nuhvok (Belfy), Israeli Toa, Janus, PaharakGirl, korobound, <daydreamer>. I can't really remember the names of the stories I liked and would have to go on a huge hunt to find them. But basically, anything on the old forums by those people was RAD. As for my own fan fiction, I think my favorite is still that Vakama's Story one. I mean, I look at it now and it's kinda silly and sometimes campy, but I remember having such a great time writing it. I was actually depressed when I finished it. XD When I read back over it, I still feel proud of some of the different ideas I came up with and my dedication and love for it.Thanks for the new GD quiz on the Library, Ced! I had a good time filling it out and thinking about it. Like I said before, I most likely won't be able to join the debate or follow-up on replies, but I hope people enjoy my post or even find it enlightening. <3
  10. Great story so far! :) However, I noticed that you don't have a review topic linked from here. Every epic posted in this forum needs a separate topic, for other members' reviews. This is so your story won't be cluttered by comments. ;) If you don't understand or need any help, please feel free to post here and let me know. Thanks!

  11. We've joked about buying North and South Dakota and making them into BZPowerland.
    The other day I was planning out what I would do if I won hugenormous amounts of money; after I read your post, I made it my new plan for winning hugenormous amounts of money.Also if BZP was a country I would be fulfilling my childhood dream of becoming a librarian. Chief Librarian of Fanfiction. Man, that would be pretty sweet. Especially if you replace "Chief" with "Queen". [/bestever]
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