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Hahli Husky

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Posts posted by Hahli Husky

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    Entry List

    Attention all citizens of BZ Koro! War is upon us and the time to act is now. Colossal monsters and monolithic titans are locked in an astronomical struggle for control of the city! The suva has been destroyed, monuments crushed, beaches invaded and civilians in danger, but this is no time to evacuate. Only one side can emerge triumphant, and they're both calling on you to rise up and aid their causes! Why are they fighting? Who are their champions? How do their battles play out? What sort of epic soundtrack is playing in the background? It's time for you to step up and make history!


    Before 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time on August 9th, 2013, you must design your own titan or monster and/or describe or depict part (or all!) of the fight in any of the following ways:

    • Build a MOC!
    • Write a short story or comedy!
    • Draw a picture!
    • Make a movie!
    • Compose some music!
    • Create a comic!
    • Design a game!

    Entries can be either LEGO or Bionicle-themed, or completely unrelated to LEGO and Bionicle!

    LEGO and Bionicle-themed entries will need to be posted in their appropriate forums:

    All non-LEGO and non-Bionicle stories, artwork, comics, music, movies, and game designs should go in Off-Topic Culture.

    Once you've created your entry and posted it in the appropriate forum, post in this topic and provide the information as specified in each category's rules section.

    After the entry period is over, each category will compete via public polls, and the first-place winners in each category will be awarded with a LEGO prize! Then, the first-place winners of each category will go head-to-head in a final poll to determine THE CHAMPION! This grand-prize winner will receive an additional LEGO prize!

    First place winners in each category will receive a randomly-chosen medium sized Hero Factory bag set! (worth $12.99 USD)

    The grand-prize winner will receive the new Star Wars Mandalorian Speeder set! (worth $24.99 USD)

    But hold up there, new recruits! Before you get to work, there are some special requirements you should be aware of!


    Failure to adhere to the rules will result in disqualification and additional corrective action, if need be. Please be sure to read carefully and refer to this section before asking any questions!!

    General Rules

    These rules apply to every entry and every aspect of the contest.

    1) Please follow all BZPower Rules and Guidelines in your entries and your conduct.


    3) One entry per person per category. You can enter as many or as few categories as you wish. However, if you enter a category with an OTC creation, you may not enter the LEGO and Bionicle version of the same category and vice versa. For instance, if you enter an OTC comic, you may not enter a LEGO or Bionicle comic.

    4) Everyone may enter and everyone may vote. Members, staff, and even contest staff are all allowed to participate. Even if you didn't enter, you may vote.

    5) Your creation must be new and never posted on BZPower previously.

    6) All entries must be posted in their proper forums.

    7) If you do not post before the deadline, August 9th, 2013 at 11:59pm EDT, you will not be entered. There will be no exceptions for this contest unless there is staff-confirmed forum downtime. In this case, the entry period will be extended as I see fit.

    8) No mass advertising your entry (on BZPower) through PM or other means. PMs amongst you and your friends are fine, but nothing more. If you receive an unsolicited advertising PM, please report it. If you wish to advertise your entry, you may do so through your signature or blog, or, of course, by posting an entry topic. Please do follow the signature guidelines.

    9) No arguing, whining, or flaming. The first time you are called down, I'll let you walk. The second time, you'll be automatically disqualified from the entire contest. Also, appropriate action will be taken if necessary (ie proto drop, suspension, etc.)

    10) NO CHEATING. You will be automatically disqualified and prompt disciplinary action will be taken, which may include loss of proto, suspension, and even banning.

    11) If you suspect someone is cheating, PM me (Hahli Husky) immediately. Don't post it here.

    12) Post all questions here in this topic. Do not PM the contest host, category hosts, or assistants, please.

    13) Discussion is encouraged! Go comment on other folks' entries - this is a friendly competition, after all! Most importantly, make sure you have fun! This is monsters vs. titans, people! Godzilla vs. Mothra! Takutanuva vs. the Rahi Nui! Dimensioneer vs. B6!

    BBC and SBC Rules

    Category Hosts: DV and Nukaya

    Assistants: Chocolate Frogs

    1) Do not modify your entry or replace it with a different one after you have posted it. If, after posting your entry anywhere on BZP but before officially entering it (including the blogs), you modify it and then enter it, you will be disqualified. You may only start one topic for your entry.

    2) Please post only one main pic in this entry thread and a link to the rest of the pics in the gallery on your image host (most likely Brickshelf, Photobucket, or Flickr). You can do pictures as normal in your own separate thread. If you need help posting pictures, please see this topic.3) Painted and modified parts are NOT ALLOWED.

    4) No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game. There are no restrictions on part type; your MOC can be any combination of system, technic, BIONICLE, Hero Factory, Galidor, Duplo, etc!

    5) Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. If either method is used, the MOC will be disqualified. The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC.6) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, birds, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you!

    To enter for BBC or SBC, post in this topic:

    • Your member name
    • The title of your entry, containing a link to your entry topic (don't know how to link? Just type your title, highlight it, and hit the link button in the post formatting tools above)

    Short Stories and Comedies Rules

    Category Host: Hahli Husky

    Assistants: GSR, xccj, Velox

    1) Please follow all existing rules for the forum you post your entry in. Here are quick links to Short Stories rules, Comedies rules, and OTC rules.

    2) Please contain your stories within one post. Comedies may only have one chapter, and short stories must be kept in one post.

    3) You are allowed to edit your story until the entry period ends. After that, any editing will get you disqualified.

    4) Be sure that LEGO and Bionicle stories are posted in the Library, and non-LEGO and non-Bionicle stories are posted in OTC.

    5) There are no word-count limits. But please be advised that, the longer your story is, the less likely voters are to read it.

    6) No epics. Not in the Epics forum or OTC.

    To enter short stories and comedies, post in this topic:

    • Your member name
    • The title of your entry, containing a link to your entry topic (don't know how to link? Just type your title, highlight it, and hit the link button in the post formatting tools above)

    Art Rules

    Category Host: GSR

    Assistants: Velox

    1) You may only enter one general art piece. Pretty self-explanatory; however, feel free to go enter other media's contests. The more the merrier (and more likely you'll win!)

    2) Entries should be under 3MB maximum. If you need help with converting your image or reducing the filesize, post here and we'll be happy to give some pointers. (As a general suggestion, I recommend saving a JPEG copy and using that as your submission, since that should be a pretty reasonable filesize.)

    3) If your entry is over the global BZP image limit of 500KB, you must link it or use a thumbnail, per BZP rules (see below). This is also a good idea if you've got a large submission (say, over 800x800 pixels).

    4) Please provide a thumbnail of your entry 128x128 pixels or smaller. It can be whatever format you want (cropped, scaled, what have you), but this is so we can have representations for people to look at during voting without filling the voting topic with huge images.

    5) Be sure that LEGO and Bionicle art is posted in General Art, and non-LEGO and non-Bionicle art is posted in OTC.

    Other guidelines:

    1. Entries can be whatever medium/style you want as long as it falls under the category of general art. If it's a movie or comic or what have you, please submit it to the appropriate contest topic for that forum.
    2. I'll be happy to let people change their entry to accommodate the rules above, but please don't edit your entry to make significant changes after it's been posted. If you really need to change the drawing, PM me and I'll let you know if it's alright. Draw something you can be proud of!

    To enter artwork, please post in this topic:

    • Your member name
    • The title of your entry, containing a link to your entry topic (don't know how to link? Just type your title, highlight it, and hit the link button in the post formatting tools above)
    • Your thumbnail URL

    Music and Movies Rules

    Category Host: Makaru

    Assistants: Hahli Husky

    1) Music must be hosted on Soundcloud.

    2) Movies must be hosted on Vimeo or YouTube.

    3) Be sure that LEGO and Bionicle movies and music are posted in M&M, and non-LEGO and non-Bionicle music and movies are posted in OTC. If you can't decide where your music should go, just post it in M&M. :)

    To enter music and movies, post in this topic:

    • Your member name
    • The title of your entry, containing a link to your entry topic (don't know how to link? Just type your title, highlight it, and hit the link button in the post formatting tools above)

    Comics Rules

    Category Host: -Windrider-

    Assistants: Kakaru

    1) Entries should not exceed 3 MB in file size per page. You are allowed to split your entry into multiple files/pages, but each must be less than 3 MB in size.Remember that if your image is above 500 kB in size, you should link to it in compliance with BZPower's global rules.2) Entries must be in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format. Your comic's presentation must be static, with one exception:3) Your comic may be presented as an animated GIF. Other forms of animation, such as SWF files, will not be allowed, as such entries would belong in the Music & Movies category.4) It is highly recommended that you provide a 128x128 pixel crop or thumbnail that represents your comic. These will be displayed in the polls for flavor. For examples of past thumbnails, take a look at the last contest's polls. If you do not submit one, I will use the standard Brickshelf/Majhost thumbnail, and you might not like it!

    5) Entries may not be modified once posted unless you have instruction to do so to fix a rules violation, or if you have approval to correct a minor error. All such requests should be PMed to -Windrider-.

    6) Be sure that LEGO and Bionicle comics are posted in Comics, and non-LEGO and non-Bionicle comics are posted in OTC.

    To enter comics, post in this topic:

    • Your member name
    • The title of your entry, containing a link to your entry topic (don't know how to link? Just type your title, highlight it, and hit the link button in the post formatting tools above)
    • Your entry thumbnail

    Fan Created Games Rules

    Category Host: Emzee

    Assistants: Kakaru

    For this section, we will not be asking for finished games, but ideas for potential games!

    1) All game ideas must be your new and original work and cannot have been presented before, whether on paper or as an actual game or game demo. Also, game ideas cannot be direct copies of other titles (e.g. “Bionicle version of [popular game]”). Inspiration is always fine, but the idea here is you see your ideas.2) Entries may not be modified once posted unless you have instruction to do so to fix a rules violation, or if you have approval to correct a minor error. All such requests should be PMed to Emzee.3) Each entry must include the following:

    • An objective of the game (the “win” condition)
    • A genre (First Person Shooter, Action-Adventure, etc.)
    • A detailed overview of the game controls (keyboard keys, joystick support, etc.)
    • A detailed description of your game’s mechanics or features (i.e. what can the player do?)
    • A description of your game’s artistic style
    • A description of the story and characters (if applicable)

    4) Game ideas should be creative, unique, and fun. Keep that in mind when coming with up with your entry.

    5) Be sure that LEGO and Bionicle games are posted in Fan-Created Games, and non-LEGO and non-Bionicle games are posted in OTC.

    To enter a game, post in this topic:

    • Your member name
    • The title of your entry, containing a link to your entry topic (don't know how to link? Just type your title, highlight it, and hit the link button in the post formatting tools above)


    As stated above, the entries in each category will compete for first place in each category. For this, LEGO and Bionicle divisions will be combined with OTC divisions. So for instance, LEGO and Bionicle short stories will compete with OTC short stories.

    If a member wins in more than one category, they will be allowed to choose one of their winning entries to move on to the finals. The category or categories not selected will be represented by their second-place winners in the finals.


    Q: Does my story/comic/etc need to be canon?A: Absolutely not. It can be as canon or non-canon as you want.

    Q: Can my OTC creation be based on another existing story, such as Star Wars or Doctor Who?

    A: Sure! Just be sure you are keeping within the theme: Monsters vs Titans.

    Q: Do OTC creations need to take place in BZ Koro?

    A: No. For OTC works, the battle can take place wherever you wish.Q: Can I use my original characters from another story I created?A: Yes, you can use your characters, setup, locations, all that. Just remember that all creations must be new and not previously posted.Q: I'm a staff member but I really want to enter. Can I?A: Sure! You won't be given special treatment, but we would love for any and all staff to enter!Q: I want to enter but I'm not a BZP member. Can I?A: You'll need a BZP account to enter, since all entries need to be posted on BZP for us to track them.If you're confused or need clarification about anything, please don't hesitate to ask a question! :D We have many contest staff members ready and willing to help!


    Remember, citizens: the fate of the city is in your hands! Now get out there and make us proud!



    I have come back from a lengthy absence, and I started looking to see if the old gang from the Bionicle Girl's Corner was still around, or if anyone that I'm following on other websites are still kicking or have moved on.

    Do you mean BGC 3rd gen, by any chance?


    Whenever I see one of them post, I'm like WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK ON THIS WEBSITE???



    Yesss, I miss them all so much. Those were the good ol' days.


    That was always a lot of fun and I loved having you in the chats. :D A good portion of them are still active on Twitter.

  3. I have come back from a lengthy absence, and I started looking to see if the old gang from the Bionicle Girl's Corner was still around, or if anyone that I'm following on other websites are still kicking or have moved on.

    Do you mean BGC 3rd gen, by any chance?


    Whenever I see one of them post, I'm like WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK ON THIS WEBSITE???

  4. Sorry man, I notice you have two trade topics open and active, and according to the BST rules:




    You are only allowed to have ONE trade topic open at a time. If you wish to start a new topic, simply report your old topic to be closed. Additionally, you may post a link in your old topic that leads to your new topic.


    I would recommend posting this request in your current trade topic, or if you'd like, a moderator can reopen this one and you can move your sale and trade info in here. :)


    Topic closed.

  5. I'm not sure this is the place to ask, but I can't see anywhere more suitable either.


    What if I wanted to write a Bionicle epic, but one where the characters were depicted as humans rather than bio-mechanical creations, and existed in a variation of the canon timeline? Would that be allowed in this forum? Or since the characters are no longer technically 'Bionicle', even though they are still canon characters and locations, did it ought not to be placed here?


    I'd just like to make sure that I wouldn't be posting something I'm not supposed to if I went ahead with this idea.


    Yeah, you can post that here. :)

  6. hanus-banner_zps11744959.jpg

    Welcome to the discussion topic for the not-nearly-as-famous Hanus!

    Hahaha, famous Hanus. That totally rhymed.

    What the

    Janus and I decided to make a comic. However, he doesn't like to draw and I don't with the Photoshops, so our lovely friend InnerRayg made beautiful artwork for us! He's so cool. We also invited a mystery guest or two. We know you guys love surprises!!

    Please note that we aren't accepting random guest stars. :( I know how much you guys love asking that question, so I wanted to go ahead and clarify. This is just something we're doing for fun and giggles.

    So is this another BZPStuck?

    No!! =[ No, it's not. I mean, you can totally submit suggestions, like this:

    [Player Name]: Do action

    But I definitely DID NOT just copy-paste that from the BZPStuck discussion topic. Not at all.

    So what is it about?

    Two people and a fish and a blizzard and a factory and maybe some other people who we love. <3


    No, not UPS or FedEx. Pipe down over there.

    Yeah, so this is basically identical to this other comic...

    NoooOOOOooOOooOooO okay so it's a little like that other comic. And maybe that other other comic.

    So wait you're seriously just going to copy InnerRayg

    Okay maybe a little. It was supposed to be a surprise for him. But now he's in on it, too!

    Do we really get to decide what happens?

    Definitely! I mean, sometimes something else will nudge the story along, probably to avoid running in circles and inspecting every single toilet and cobweb. But please feel free to submit a few suggestions per update, and then maybe they'll happen in the comic! :o Please be aware that any suggestion that is against the BZPower rules or kills one of our lovely OCs will definitely not be happening. Unless, of course, we like the idea of killing said OC.

    So, reader, what will you do now?

    • Upvote 1
  7. [???]: Be the NPC0024.gifWell that was an interesting thing that just happened.

    [NPC]::::0025.gifBut you're certain it has no relevance in THE PLOT.


    [NPC]: So do you have a name, or ... ?0027.gifNo. Shhhh. Stop. You can't miss a single solitary second of this.

    [NPC]: Pleasssssssssssssssseeeeeeeee??0028.gifYes there okay that's it

    [benderduck]: Fine, whatever.0029.gif

    [benderduck]: Enter cheat code to reveal actual name0030.gifOkay, okay. That Bunderbutt Commonbite stuff would've probably gotten old quickly so it's cool.[becca]: Get pestered!0031.gif[becca]::::0032.gif[becca]::::0033.gif[becca]::::0034.gif[becca]: Answer0035.gifOh yeah, dinner time already, isn't it?[becca]: Cease pestering0036.gifNo more cannibalistic than if she were a real fish!

  8. Rob and I are listening to Pat's interview and responding to it as if you guys were on the phone with us or something.


    Also aawwwww Pat you are pretty too! But Rob is sad that you didn't say he is pretty. :(



  9. I already answered this is the rules topic, but I'll post here to make sure everyone sees it. :) Kinda surprised that an ECC review would be too long for a single post, but Steelsheen can post it in parts as long as he mentions at the top of both posts that he has my permission to double-post in that one case.


    I'm fine with letting this happen once, but in the future, please refrain from writing reviews that are too long to post. If the problem is pointing out many instances of incorrect grammar and/or spelling, I would recommend just posting about a few of those and sending the rest via PM.

  10. I got a review from the ECC, but Steelsheen couldn't post it because it was apparently too big. Is it alright if I post it i separate parts? I know that this would count as bumping, but I'm just curious.

    Kinda surprised that an ECC review would be that long, but Steelsheen can post it in parts as long as he mentions at the top of both posts that he has my permission to double-post in that one case.

  11. P.S. You can check if Google has older topics saved in their cache and read them that way. For instance, you can search "bzpower.com/forum" and then type the title and/or author of the topic you're looking for. If the green link under a search result has a little arrow next to it, click on it and then click the "cached" option. I just looked for a few stories I remember and about half of them have caches still saved.

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