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Hahli Husky

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Posts posted by Hahli Husky

  1. So, I want to make an epic based off a comic series I made, but I have a question. Let me give you the back story.


    Alright, I released the said comics, but abandoned it after a few days and two comics even though it was potentially popular. Months later (over a week ago), I asked my friends if I should just make an epic based off the series, and a friend named Axilus Prime who was a co-author of the series suggested that we make it a multi-author epic. Later another friend, JiMing, wanted to be an author, but I told both friends that I had to run it through the epic library moderator(s).


    So, can we make my epic, which will be named Superiornatural, have 3 authors, me, JiMing, and Axilus Prime?


    However, if your answer is no, JiMing had suggested that he and Axilus could just write their chapters and send them to me to post. Or could we just make multiple topics so my co-authors could freely write their own story-lines?


    Thank you for taking the time to read this and I will understand if your answer is no.


    EDIT: The member named The Forgotten One possibly wants to be in on the epic, too.


    Yes, that's fine. Having co-authors is totally cool, and there's no limit to how many you can have. :) You or any of your co-authors can start the story topic, and each author can post their own chapter in said topic.

    That's great! Thank you so much! We all agreed I would start the topic as it was my idea.


    And I'm guessing that we're all in on the epic, we can post notices of new chapters in the review topic too, right?

    That's fine. Just make sure that none of you double-post in the review topic (double-posting in the epic topic is fine.)

  2. So, I want to make an epic based off a comic series I made, but I have a question. Let me give you the back story.


    Alright, I released the said comics, but abandoned it after a few days and two comics even though it was potentially popular. Months later (over a week ago), I asked my friends if I should just make an epic based off the series, and a friend named Axilus Prime who was a co-author of the series suggested that we make it a multi-author epic. Later another friend, JiMing, wanted to be an author, but I told both friends that I had to run it through the epic library moderator(s).


    So, can we make my epic, which will be named Superiornatural, have 3 authors, me, JiMing, and Axilus Prime?


    However, if your answer is no, JiMing had suggested that he and Axilus could just write their chapters and send them to me to post. Or could we just make multiple topics so my co-authors could freely write their own story-lines?


    Thank you for taking the time to read this and I will understand if your answer is no.


    EDIT: The member named The Forgotten One possibly wants to be in on the epic, too.


    Yes, that's fine. Having co-authors is totally cool, and there's no limit to how many you can have. :) You or any of your co-authors can start the story topic, and each author can post their own chapter in said topic.

  3. Micah, I love snapshot stories like this. Where it's not so much a traditional tale as it is a study of a moment and/or a character. This is a really neat theory and much more interesting than, like you said, oh Teridax did it because Makuta are EEEEEVVVIIILLLLL OH NO. It was very disappointing to learn that Turaga Dume being a fudgebucket was actually just Makuta. So I really enjoyed this premise instead. :) Also of note is how you decided to give just the progression and detail required, so although you painted a clear picture and didn't cut straight through the story, you didn't drag it out into something that it wasn't. Awesome!

  4. We do and I love it so much! <3 It's on the top of the tree with Rob's Scalemate. The little ornament hook hole on the back is so cool, too. I knew right away it was a Nakodile.


    Also omg that's our Christmas tree in the third photo. Hahahahah why do I feel so prideful over this.

  5. Yes, I'm going to have to ask you to please not post new chapters until you fix your current chapters. And when you do post new chapters again, please don't post them unless they are already at least 300 words. If this doesn't happen, I'll have to close the topic.




    Your last chapter was under 300 words, so I'll have to close the topic as I said in my last warning. Also, there's no revival rule in any of the Library forums. Please read this topic before posting in the Comedies forum again. Thank you!

  6. I'm assuming we can't post anymore in the old website, yet a epic of mine (I think due to being hacked/server crashing/I forget) is missing some chapters and are all squeezed in just a few posts. Is it a possability to repost here on the new site? I'm pretty sure I knew the answer once, but it's been well...quite awhile since I've been here.



    You can totally still do this. :)

  7. Eiiiieee I love your Beebo. He's been sitting on our dining table for the weekend and that makes me happy. <3 He's absolutely adorable and I love how smooth he looks. Someday when we get our Karkitty, I wanna commission a Nukaya MOC of him (her??) In the meantime, maybe a Kanaya Purryam would be a sweet thing to see next! ;D

  8. Quick question: I plan on having two epics and a two-chapter short story, which is sort of intertwined with one of the epics. Do I still need to make a thread in Short Stories for all of them, or what?




    Just put each epic in its own topic like normal. As for the short story, the two chapters will either have to be merged into one post or you'll have to make two separate topics for each, like a Part One and Part Two. You don't have to make a thread in Short Stories for all of them unless you want to make a personal library collection topic.

  9. So I read all the chapters you have written like, over 2 years ago? I wish I had written my thoughts down then. But I enjoyed this story so much. The emotion is gorgeous and every scene is so beautifully written. It gripped at my feelings. I love the characters, and I love how you're not afraid to give them everything they need to be solid and real. Not overall good or overall bad. But just people trying to cope with their situations and doing what they feel is necessary. I still have really vivid images in my head of the different islands you described. It was a very exciting read, and the fact that I remember it so well tells me that it definitely caught my attention at the time. Which you know can be difficult to do.Then of course you had to tear my heart out with the last bit you had written, and I've been hanging on for a conclusion ever since. I hope that after you finish posting all your chapters, maybe you'll start writing again? Or at least tell me what happens.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Actually, this would be a good idea if we also had a 'dislike' feature, and if you get a certain number of dislikes your post gets deleted. :D It's the fairest way to have a reasonable discussion. Though that'd be the end of my blog, I suppose. :(- Tilius
    I laughed embarrassingly loud when I read this post.
  11. I voted for a likes system, because there's been so many times where I thought a few posts in a topic or blog entry were great, but I'm not sure what to do other than quote them and basically say "These posts make me happy!", which I don't think would add to discussion and it just makes me feel stupid. I can't always express why I enjoy something without making a spam-like post. So usually I end up not posting at all. I know a few other members who go through this, as well. And maybe we are just lazy (I disagree with this), but sometimes trying to enlarge and dress-up what's basically a simple agreement makes me feel really awkward. To me, "likes" say "I read this and really enjoyed it", and to me it's just as good as a comment that says the same thing, versus not getting any comment at all.In the end, though, whether or not such a system is added isn't a big deal to me. Discussing stuff at length in forums has never really been my thing, so to me it's just normal. But if there was a system like this, I would definitely use it.

  12. Question: does it have to be the green ninja? or can it simply be a ninja who wears green?like something like the Toa metru Metru Nui matoran thing. like maybe it could have been someone else. but wasn't. would something like that work?
    Hmmmm good question. I'm gonna say it has to be the actual green ninja, yes. But of course it's not going to be Lloyd.
  13. HH: You just brought back a huge rush of nostalgic memories to me with that last answer. Korobound was one of my biggest inspirations to write in the library here. Her, Pahrakgirl, and <dd> were some of my best friends here in my early days, both with my writings, and with my socialization. I still go back to the archives to read korobound's unfinished epic that was similar to GaliGee's Makuta stories, and former member RahiZaku's great epic. Now I want to go back and read the epics again!
    Oh, wow, that's awesome! They were also some of my oldest and closest friends; the only one I'm still in touch with is <dd>, but man those were good times. They were amazing writers. :) It's cool someone else remembers them.
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