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Everything posted by Snelly

  1. IC: Skyra NUVA - Piloting Howai - Kini-Nui - Skyra had already pulled the trigger as Mazor jumped between Howai and the machine. "Tillian?" Mazor jumping in front of her like that brought back memories of how Tillian had died, and for a moment instead of Mazor that's who she saw standing there, taking a rhotuka of acid to the chest in her stead. In her PTSD confusion she had completely blasted Mazor with the great disk beam, it was a very good thing that it was non-lethal. The worst thing that could happen to Mazor was that everything on him that was inorganic would be like brand new. Of course the size of the beam was larger than Mazor and it still hit the machine as well. Skyra snapped out of her delusion and turned off the beam. "Are...are you an IDIOT? WHY THE #### WOULD YOU JUMP IN FRONT OF A BEAM? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" @Unreliable Narrator @Gecko Greavesy @Smudge8 IC: Vashni and Varian - Ehlek's Fortress - The exo-toa wasted no time leaping off the ramp of the airship, entering the kaita created hole. Vashni followed Nale and Knichou into the hole as well, using her elemental powers to search for the minds of anyone inside, Ehlek specially. Where are you? Varian had his rocket arm raised and ready to fire, who knew how many enemies were inside this den of evil? OOC: @BULiK@~Xemnas~@pokemonlover360 @Tarn @Unreliable Narrator
  2. IC: Skyra NUVA - Piloting Howai - Kini-Nui - "Well you know what they say, better to try and fail then never try at all." Yeah, Skyra was pretty sure that sounded cool. Skyra watched as the island started to reform. Nice! It seemed like those stones were the solution to that little problem. Since Nuju didn't say anything about the machine with the portal, Skyra figured it was probably fine to attempt to fix it. Howai's right arm transformed into a beam weapon as she aimed it at the machine projecting the farshore portal. "I have no idea if this will work but whatever! GREAT DISK BEAAAAAM!" She fired the beam at the machine, covering it with regenerative power. Skyra wasn't sure what would happen, but worst case was it just did nothing right? @Unreliable Narrator @Gecko Greavesy
  3. IC: Skyra NUVA - Piloting Howai - Kini-Nui - "Huh, do that many people really know about the stuff I did in the war?" She never thought of herself as famous or anything, so it felt kind of weird. She listened to both Nuju and Sidra explaining stuff for a moment, nodding along. Seemed like they were on the right track to figuring out...something. Wait, what's an aspect? Stannis wants to be like what...god or something? This was going over her head a bit. "So about that machine with the portal...it looks kind of broken. Want me to try and fix it?" She figured she could focus on doing something useful while she tried to wrap her head around stuff. "My great disk power can like...repair things I'm pretty sure." @Unreliable Narrator @Gecko Greavesy
  4. IC: Skyra NUVA - Piloting Howai - Kini-Nui - "Hmm, sounds about right." For some reason Skyra could totally see Stannis trying to rule the world. @Unreliable Narrator @Gecko Greavesy C: Vashni - Zakaz Airspace (Mi-Kiri Proximity) - The adaptive armor activated and engulfed Vashni briefly before forming around her like a tight skinsuit, it quickly adapted to her current altitude and environment. "Thanks." Vashni said to Knichou with a nod. OOC: @BULiK@~Xemnas~@pokemonlover360 @Tarn
  5. IC: Vashni - Zakaz Airspace (Mi-Kiri Proximity) - "I failed to stop Ehlek for good back before our world fell, I'm here to make sure he doesn't get away a second time." OOC: @BULiK@~Xemnas~@pokemonlover360 @Tarn
  6. IC: Vashni - Zakaz Airspace (Mi-Kiri Proximity) - Vashni had left the Taku and kept flying towards the Vakhi Give where Knichou and the others were. She felt a little guilty about leaving, but she felt like she had to do this. "I'm here." Vashni announced as she flew near Nale and Knichou. OOC: @BULiK@~Xemnas~@pokemonlover360 @Tarn IC: Skyra NUVA - Piloting Howai - Kini-Nui - "I'm Skyra Daring NUVA, pilot of Howai, Kaita of Willpower." Skyra stated to Nuju proudly. She glanced at the hole Nuju mentioned. Something seemed rather ominous about it, plugging that hole was probably a good idea, she figured. "Sure, why not?" Skyra returned Howai's axe to the suva Kaita and then reached into the lake with Howai's massive hand, pushing down into the depths until she had the capstone in her grasp. She then pulled the capstone out of the lake and placed it back down on the hole. With that out of the way, Skyra wanted to ask this Nuju more about the weird portal and such. But before she could a newcomer appeared. It was Sidra, who she recalled seeing here and there before, and that she was one of the other NUVA. "Sup! You say something about Stannis? What's the old guy up to right now anyway? Probably working on his million step plan to save the world or something." @Unreliable Narrator @Gecko Greavesy
  7. IC: Varian - Aurax's Airship (Mi-Kiri Proximity) - The Exo-toa could not fly, and therefore remained on the airship for now. Varian observed the falling Aqua Sphere. "It truly is the end of days." IC: Vashni - The Taku (Bridge) - Vashni stood up, looking at the Aqua Sphere as it grew larger and larger as it descended. She looked at Triage. "I'm going out there." Before he could really say otherwise she was already running off to the cargo bay. When she got there she telekinetically lifted Skyra's old jetpack off the floor and started to put it on. OOC: @BULiK@~Xemnas~@pokemonlover360@Tarn@Toru Nui and anyone else around
  8. IC: Skyra NUVA - Piloting Howai - Kini-Nui - Skyra flexed the muscles of Howai as she continued to get used to the sensation. It really did feel as if it was her own body. As she surveyed the island and how quickly it was vanishing she contemplated how she was going to beat time itself. If she was honest she knew this sort of thing was better left to people like Stannis and Knichou, they were the smart ones that could come up with a decent plan. They weren't around though, so she was going to have to come up with something on her own. She happened to glance down at Kini-Nui's surroundings and spotted a curious thing. There was this weird portal thing with a broke ### machine that was projecting it, along with a matoran? Something was odd about him though... Using Howai's body she approached Nuju and then knelt down so that Howai's head could get closer to him. She wondered how a little guy like him would react to a giant head coming so close, it would probably be funny. "Yo, who the #### are you? What's with the weird portal and broke ### machine?" She pointed with Howai's massive axe at the farshore portal. @Unreliable Narrator @Eyru @Vezok's Friend
  9. Name: Howai, Kaita of Willpower ACR Faction/Homebase: Builders/Kini-Nui Primary Pilot: Skyra NUVA Great Disk: Regeneration Physical Description: Standing around 100 feet tall, Howai looks very much like a giant Toa with a maskless head, with six eyes rising up to his forehead. His armor is painted primarily blue in color, with a lime green as his secondary. Breed Quirks: Piloting is done via thought. Pilots sync their mind to the ACR via paranormal means. Due to the nature of the interface with the ACR, pilots are unable to personally use any other of their abilities, breed quirks, or other powers to affect anything beyond the walls of the cockpit. Kaita ACRs ignore all but the strongest blows. They ignore damage from creatures less powerful than kaita. Great Disk Beam One of the Kaita ACR’s arms is capable of transforming into a beam-based range weapon that fires powerful mid-range blasts of the associated Great Disk’s power. For example, Wairuha can fire beams of ice generated by the Great Disk of Freezing merged with their chosen pilot Sidra NUVA. Abilities Power Amplification Choose up to three abilities or breed quirks (excluding equipment powers) at a time from the combined powers and breed quirks of all onboard pilots (maximum three pilots). The Kaita ACR may use these powers as if they were its own powers or breed quirks and increases the overall strength and power of the chosen powers or breed quirks to the level of a kaita. You may take one post to change these three chosen abilities or breed quirks. This ability resets when all pilots fall unconscious, die, or exit the Kaita ACR. Flaw: the cockpit must be fully sealed for Power Amplification to work. Additionally, unconscious or deceased pilots do not count towards the available list of powers and breed quirks. Suva Kaita Attunement You may choose to summon up to two one-handed weapons or one two-handed weapon from the Suva Kaita in Kini-Nui at any given time. You must return these weapons to summon different weapons from the Suva Kaita in Kini-Nui. Flaw: the Kaita ACR must be within the Suva Kaita’s range to use this ability. Flaws: Physical Flaw: While they can be put into a slumber while unmanned, Kaita ACRs are living machines and cannot be turned off. If not restrained, they very well may just wake up and wander off in search of a rite-born kaiju to kill (read: GMs may start writing your mech randomly when you are not piloting it). A Kaita ACR will refuse to start if the primary chosen pilot is not onboard. Pilots are unable to use their powers or breed quirks to effect anywhere outside the sealed cockpit while piloting a Kaita ACR. If the Primary Pilot falls unconscious or dies while piloting a Kaita ACR, the kaita inhabiting the machine itself will take over and go on a berserk rampage until it is destroyed or the Primary Pilot is removed (read: GMs will start writing your mech). Psychological Flaw: Kaita ACRs are inhabited by the conscious spirit of a Kaita, a spirit of great power. Kaita are proud and vicious beings, and have an incredible hatred for all rite-born kaiju made by Irnakk. If given the opportunity, a Kaita will pursue the death of a rite-born kaiju without concern for any collateral damage to their surroundings. Kaita ACRs cannot condone the destruction of Builder civilization. Kaita ACRs refuse to ally with any riteborn, even if it would be to their benefit. When berserk, Kaita ACRs treat other Kaita ACRs as riteborn monsters.
  10. IC: Skyra NUVA - Kini-Nui Bunker - Skyra panted as she stood on her knees and looked at the glorious silhouette that was before her. Mostly she felt pain and exhaustion, and she was loving very second of it. ...wait what? Why am I enjoying this so much? Sure I'm pretty used to pain at this point, comes with the job...but I'm like...really feeling happy about it. She wondered if this was what Kilo had warned her about, the mental changes that came with becoming NUVA. "Eh whatever~" Skyra struggled to her feet and entered the bunker, approaching the silhouette, knowing full well what it was. When she reached it she gave it a hug. "Hey there baby~" @Eyru
  11. C: Vashni - The Taku (Bridge) "Well, whenever we get into contact with them again I will ask them." OOC: @Tarn @BULiK IC: Varian - Metru-Koro Ruins - Varian got on the ship. @BULiK @Tarn @~Xemnas~
  12. IC: Skyra Daring - The Past - In Airship above ??? island - I sharpened my blade with a stone as we all sat around the command room. I'd finally done it, I'd successfully survived Brutaka's brutal training and now I was on my first real mission. I wasn't alone of course, we were a team of Toa that had been formed specifically for this mission. A few of the other Toa I was familiar with. Tillian, Toa of Gravity and surf rat, had quickly become my rival for the affection of Liara, a fellow Toa of Air. It was a totally friendly rival, well mostly. Then there was Havon, Toa of fire. Not gonna lie, the guy was kind of an idiot, I was pretty sure he was gonna be the first to die, but we got along well. Then there were two senior Toa, Bruntoa, Toa of Earth, and Klane, Toa of Plasma. Klane was in charge of the operation. Brutaka had used his mask of dimensional bull#### and sent our small airship above an island that was critical to the League’s supply chain. It was a pretty straightforward operation, we were going to wipe out everything on the island, scorched earth. “Hey, you’re not nervous are you Skyra? Your hands are shaking.” Tillian pointed out, in front of everyone! “Of course I’m not nervous! I’m just excited, that's all!” Okay so I was thinking about how up till now I’d never killed anyone before, and that there was no way I wouldn’t be killing someone once we started this. I understood that the no killing rule for Toa had an exception when fighting the League, but it still unsettled me a bit. “Sureeeee, whatever you say buddy.” Tillian said while grinning stupidly. “#### you!” I let out a squeak and Tillian did something similar as Liara hit both of us on the top of our heads. “Will you two stop bickering?” “Man, I wish I was those two…” Havon added, what the heck dude? “That’s enough..” Klane spoke up and we all became silent. “I know for the four of you this is your first mission, so it’s natural to be getting the shakes. But get that out of your system now, we’ll be launching in five, get in your Toa canisters.” We all scrambled into our canisters, preparing to be launched into the island. I made sure I had my kaitas and Midak Skyblaster of course. During training I’d scored so well with target practice they gave me the Skyblaster, so that was sweet. I felt that rush of adrenaline as the canisters launched out of the airship. The canisters protected us from a lot of the turbulence and rough landing but you’d still feel quite a bit. I was admittedly anxious still, but this mission was gonna be fairly easy and straightforward. This island wasn’t well guarded, as the League didn’t think we’d ever be able to strike so deep in their territory unnoticed. When my canister landed and the lid popped open I climbed out to see Havon getting decapitated by a Skadki of Plasma. I couldn’t even so much as cry out for my friend as my instincts kicked in and I shot the Skadki in the face with my Midak Skyblaster, killing him instantly. That was the moment my innocence ended. I dove behind my canister for cover as other League soldiers took notice of me and started firing. What the #### was going on here!? How did they know we were coming? It wasn’t long before I got answers, but they weren’t what I wanted. Nearby I saw Brutoa and Klane pinned down behind another canister. But then something happened that made my heart stop. Brutoa stabbed Klane through his heartlight. Klane gasped as blood spilled from his mouth. “B-Brother...why?” Before the Toa of Plasma’s eyes Brutoa grinned as his form shifted into that of a male Vortixx, wearing a Mahiki on his face. “For the League.” Klane slid off his blade and slumped onto the ground, never to move again. Now it all made sense, we had a spy in our midst. He’d managed to pose as a veteran Toa and lead us into a trap. Of course I was too shocked to really think much about that, too much was happening and I couldn’t think straight. I just stared at him, feeling betrayal and rage. The Vortixx turned to me, still grinning as he revealed a Rhotuka launcher on his other arm, he fired it. I barely dodged it, but where it hit the ground instantly was covered in acid. He was already charging another shot. “I’ve only known you for a short time Skyra...but I’ll be glad to silence that incessant mouth of yours!” He was closer now, the chances of being able to dodge him were pretty much impossible. I raised my Midak in order to fire but I was sure that he would be quicker. The Rhotuka never hit me though, as a familiar Toa of Gravity on a surfboard flew in between us and took the full hit in the chest. My Midak still fired after, hitting the Vortixx in the chest and sending him flying backwards. “Tillian!” I ran over to him as he lay on the ground, covered in nasty burns from the acid...it...it was eating away at him, I couldn’t even touch him. “Why did you do that!?” “L-Listen Skyra…” Tillian placed a hand that wasn’t covered in acid on my shoulder, I held his hand with my own. “...I’ve always liked you...even though I knew you were into Liara...I started gunning for her to get your attention...sorry about that…” He winced. “What the ####!? You can’t say something like that right now! This...this is serious! You’re dying!” I wasn’t sure when it had happened, but tears were all over my face. “Skyra…” His voice sounded awful, it was hard to hear it. “...I need you to do something for me…” “S-Sure...fine, what is it?” “Survive this...survive this war...for everyone that fell here today...do whatever you have to, but just survive. And don’t forget to keep...smiling...” His eyes closed their last. Something in me changed that day, I’m not sure how to describe it. But after that the tears stopped, I picked up Tillian’s Cordak Blaster and became something I wasn’t before. The remaining League soldiers were near, but they weren’t aware I was still alive, there was smoke everywhere and it was night, I could use that to my advantage. The mission was a failure, the only thing I could do was survive now. Everyone else was dead save perhaps Liara, but I had not seen her so I feared the worst, all the canisters seemed to be accounted for...some were being blasted till they were slag. I couldn’t worry about Liara right now, right now I needed to figure out a way to not die. The original plan had been to retreat after the mission was complete to the southern end of the island where a small fishing boat would pick us up and let us slip away, but I had to assume that the Vortixx had informed the League of that as well. Well #### it! There was only one way this was going to end. I wasn’t someone who was good with being quiet, so I started with some noise. I unloaded the Cordak Blaster into what looked like a small cluster of League Soldiers, using the explosions and chaos to slip around their flank, the smoke was thinner over there, so I used my elemental power to blow it into their faces as I started to fire my Midak Skyblaster at them. They went down before they could even figure out where I was. Luck was on my side that night. Not wanting to stay in one place too long, I ran into the nearby woods. I could hear shouting behind me, obviously my commotion had most likely attracted all the remaining League soldiers towards me. I...didn’t really have a plan at all at this point. Then I fell into a hole. You might think that was clumsy of me, but when you’re being chased by a literal army through some woods and it’s dark it can happen okay? It was actually a real stroke of luck, the hole was deep enough that it kept me hidden from the League, they all ran right past me. Oh yeah, and Liara was there too. I almost screamed out her name but she had already covered my mouth before I could. She’d always been good at finding hiding places when Brutaka tried to find us for...stuff we did. Once the coast was clear Liara uncovered my mouth. “Liara! You’re not dead like everyone else!” I was happy that at least someone else survived. “A-About that…” Liara’s voice sounded pained, my stomach dropped as I looked down to see...that was a lot of blood. “Oh ####...” That was all I could say, Liara put her hand on my shoulder, why was everyone doing that today!? “Skyra...you need to leave me behind. I won’t survive anyway, you have to tell everyone wh-” “Yeah no, I’m not leaving you behind! How can you ask me to do that!?” Liara smiled sadly, “Yeah...you’re right…” I felt a prick go into my neck, I started to feel drowsy. “L-Liara...no...don’t…” I was quickly losing consciousness. “I’d ask for your forgiveness Skyra...but I won’t be around to hear it anyway…” Liara said. “I’m going to lead them away from you...you’ll be able to escape when you wake…” That’s all I heard before I passed out. Liara’s plan worked, by the time I woke up, neither Liara or the League were anywhere to be found. Soldiers sent by Brutaka eventually came when we didn’t return and found me. After giving my report I was praised for having the cunning and intuition to evade capture and/or death. Naturally my reward was to go on even more dangerous missions after that, though I didn’t mind. I had promised to survive, and that was a promise I’d always keep no matter what. And to keep smiling of course. @Unreliable Narrator
  13. IC: Vashni - The Taku (Bridge) "Fear was definitely an emotion I felt from him." Vashni couldn't help but smirk just a little. OOC: @Tarn @BULiK
  14. IC: Vashni - The Taku (Bridge) "I...I was there Triage, in Le-Metru before the world we knew ended. I was with Stannis and we confronted Ehlek. I used my mask of mutation to make him into a air breather, which scared him so much he jumped through a window and ran. I thought that would be the last I'd ever hear of him, but clearly that was a mistake. I wish I'd mutated him further, into something that couldn't hurt anyone..." OOC: @Tarn @BULiK
  15. IC: Vashni - The Taku (Bridge) "Ah I see..." Vashni had heard plenty about these monsters from others of course, had yet to see one herself. "Do think that Ehlek is...sorry I can't seem to get him out of my head..." Something inside her kept telling her that she needed to make sure Ehlek was stopped, it wasn't enough for her to leave it to others, not this time. OOC: @Tarn @BULiK IC: Varian - Metru-Koro Ruins - "I shall join you as well." The exo-toa said as he came up from behind them. @BULiK @Tarn @~Xemnas~
  16. IC: Vashni - The Taku (Bridge) "Oh? What's at the volcano?" She asked as she took a sip. OOC: @Tarn @BULiK
  17. IC: Vashni - The Taku (Bridge) Vashni rubbed her eyes as she sat up from Triage's tapping. "Sorry, must of been more tired than I thought..." She ended with a yawn. "Wake-up juice sounds excellent." OOC: @Tarn @BULiK
  18. IC: Skyra NUVA - Kini-Nui - "What do you mean it's not the best time to barge in!? I always-" Skyra stopped her rant abruptly as she glanced towards the mech bays. "On second thought you're right..." She wordlessly flew in towards the mech bays, she needed to stop getting distracted and do what she came here to do. She landed before one of the massive doors that still held a sleeping Kaita ACR behind it. "It's about time I did what I was meant to do..." Skyra didn't even hesitate to raise up her hands and start powering her energy and power into the door. She wasn't one to stand on ceremony after all. @Smudge8 @Unreliable Narrator
  19. IC: Skyra NUVA - Kini-Nui - "I'm here to kick ### and take names." Skyra said with a grin as she looked at Mazor, he looked a little thin but she wasn't one to judge. "Actually I came here to unlock my Kaita ACR when I saw this commontion going on and..." @Smudge8
  20. IC: Varian - Metru-koro Ruins - As the mask of light illuminated them all, Varian understood who Stannis was and his purpose. Varian had focused all his hatred and rage towards Mata Nui, but now he realized there was something bigger at play, Mata Nui was nothing but a pawn in the grand scheme of things. "I will assist however I am able. Use me as you will." @Tarn @BULiK @EmperorWhenua @~Xemnas~ IC: Skyra NUVA - Elemental Ruins of Water - "Likewise." Skyra gave both Jutori and Kilo a quick salute as she started to head towards the exit of the ruins, her adaptive armor forming a jetpack on her back as she did. "I'll see you guys soon." With that she flew off towards Kini-nui. @Tarn @pokemonlover360 --------------------------------------------- IC: Skyra NUVA - Kini-Nui - Even as she flew towards Kini-Nui, Skyra could tell how much more control she had over her element. She was able to manipulate the wind currents with much more ease, using her powers to increase her travel speed as she flew through the sky. It wasn't too long before she could see Kini-Nui below her, and quite a few people were down there as well. She got lower so she could get a better glimpse of what was happening down there, but she could already tell that there was quite a bit of tension. "Well this looks like fun." So she flew lower and lower, till she was low enough to be within shouting distance of the majority present. "Yo #####es! Guess who's NUVA now?" She didn't really know any of these people save for a few, but she wanted to boast a bit. "Anyway what's up?" @Unreliable Narrator @BULiK @Vezok's Friend @Kal the Guardian @Smudge8 @anyone else I missed in kini-nui
  21. IC: Varian - Metru-koro Ruins - Varian felt something he hadn't felt in a long time, an emotion he had nearly forgotten, fear. As soon as Stannis had manifested that was what struck the exo-toa's non-existent heart. He felt himself take a step back as his electro-rocket arm aimed it self towards the aspect. "What sort of sorcery is this..." He wasn't exactly sure who this newcomer was but he was now quite on edge, and it seemed the others were having similar reactions. @Tarn @BULiK @EmperorWhenua @~Xemnas~ IC: Vashni - The Taku - "Careful Triage, the pushing of buttons is a very big responsibility." @Tarn @BULiK IC: Skyra NUVA - Elemental Ruins of Water - Skyra grinned at Jutori. "Thanks, glad to be here!" She gave a thumbs up. She nodded at Kilo as he explained they were waiting for the admin guy to tell them where to go so they could help with...whatever problem the disembodied voice had. Skyra tapped her foot as she waited. "So I don't want to seem like I'm impatient or anything...but I like...have to things to do, like get my mech you know? Yo admin guy start talking already!" She went to reach for her Midak Skyblaster, but as she did she realized it would be kind of hard to hit someone who didn't have a body. "Dang it, you got me...this time..." @Tarn @pokemonlover360 @Unreliable Narrator
  22. IC: Varian - Metru-koro Ruins - The Exo-Toa watched the two Toa talk silently, observing each of them. He was familiar with Knichou of course, having met earlier. "Solid plan." He finally commented. @~Xemnas~@BULiK
  23. IC: Skyra NUVA - Elemental Ruins of Water - Skyra's now golden eyes looked around, mostly at her body. Her armor was like new, the same green and black, but with golden highlights decorating the edges. She flexed her muscles, they felt a bit stronger than before...and was she taller now? Nice, maybe she was at least average in height now. "Well...this feels pretty neat..." She touched her new NUVA mask, it felt oddly organic to the touch. "...I feel like I could really #### some #### up now." @Tarn @pokemonlover360 @Unreliable Narrator IC: Vashni - The Taku - Vashni nodded, seeing the war through his eyes firsthand had given her a better understanding of war than she had before. She glanced at Berys. "Don't worry, I'm not the type to push buttons if I don't know what they do." @Tarn @BULiK
  24. IC: Skyra Daring - Le-Metru Race Tracks - Some Years Ago - So I'll fully admit it, I was kind of a naughty Matoran. You might think that maybe I hung out with the wrong crowd or something but it was more like I was the wrong crowd...well that doesn't make a lot of sense but you know what I mean right? Anyway, it wasn't unusual for me to get in trouble with the Vahki. So much so that I was even brought before Turaga Dume once or twice. We had tea and biscuits it was really nice. I think the only reason I never got thrown into a cell with the key thrown away was because I was actually pretty good at my job. I was a test pilot for prototype vehicles, I could drive pretty much anything. Well on one of those nice visits with Turaga Dume I just so happened to see his briefcase that I was pretty sure had the old man's fabled collection of Toa Stones in them. Naturally I asked him about it but he told me to stop asking questions and keep my mouth shut so that ended that. I told my coworkers about it the next day. Some of them thought I was making it up, though Jimatru dared me to sneak back into Dume's office and take one of the Toa Stones and show it to him as proof. Well I was never one to back down from a challenge, so I did exactly that. You might be wondering how a little Le-matoran pulled that off. It wasn't easy, though I managed to get the floor plans to the building from an Archivist by offering him half of my sandwich. Yeah, I don't know why that worked either. It turns out the ventilation is just big enough for a Matoran to fit through, so at night I went through the ventilation to Dume's office, opened the briefcase, and voilà! There were Toa Stones. I did think it was a little weird that he just left the suitcase right on his desk and unlocked but I figured maybe he was just going senile or something. I took one and got out of there. That brings us back to me standing at the race tracks. I had brought the stone in my bag and I had told Jimatru to come meet me. I wanted to see the look on his face when I showed him the Toa Stone. I was sure he'd be amazed. Well...he was amazed, but he also looked terrified, his mask was growing pale as well. "Skyra...what the heck did you do!?" He took a few steps back from me. "What do you mean? You dared me to do this! Didn't you want to see a Toa Stone up close?" This wasn't the reaction I was expecting. "No..nonono I was joking around. You weren't supposed to actually do it!" And how was I suppose to know that? I mean really. "Well I did it anyway! What's the big deal? No one saw me, I used the vents to get in and out." "You idiot! You don't think Turaga Dume has hidden cameras hidden in his office somewhere? Also you were literally there and saw the briefcase yesterday, he'll know it was you!" "I-It's fine, I'll just go back to his office and put it back before...hey where are you going!?" Jimatru was running as far away from me as possible, the coward. Soon I understood why he had run off, as when I looked around me I could see I was quickly being surrounded by a rather enormous amount of Vahki. Well this was just great, but I realized there was probably a way out of this. I quickly took out the Toa Stone from my bag and raised it above my head. "Here, just take it back! I didn't want this thing anyway, I was just trying to show my friend how cool it-AIIIIIIIIIEEEEE!" Out of nowhere, the stone had lit up and started shocking me with energy and power, I could feel my body stretching and growing, it felt both painful and wonderful at the same time, even as the Vahki started blasting me with their stun staffs till I passed out... ...and yeah, that's pretty much how I became a Toa. @Unreliable Narrator @pokemonlover360 @Tarn
  25. Name: Skyra NUVA Breed: Toa NUVA Faction: Her Friends Brief Description: As a result of her transformation, Skyra’s eyes are now gold. She has gained some height, which pushes her from below average to just average in height now. She is also physically stronger due to this change. Her armor is still primarily dark green with a black mask and external armor, but she has gold edges around her armor now as well. Background/Occupation: Skyra was once a Le-Matoran who piloted test vehicles in Le-Metru. She was a well known troublemaker, and one day she caused a bit too much trouble and broke into Turaga Dume’s office, out of curiosity she found his stash of Toa Stones and accidentally got herself turned into a Toa. Dume was naturally angry, and set her off to the front lines to fight in the war. Skyra ended up being very good at surviving, surviving missions where the rest of her squad didn’t. She did rather well in the war, but it changed her forever. Towards the end of the war, Skyra met Rose. They hit it off rather quickly and became lovers, eventually marrying. They killed Carapar together, and after the fall of Mata Nui they even took down Pridak with Stannis and some others. For a while after that Skyra didn’t know what to do with herself, thinking the war was done. It turns out the war never really ended, the enemies just changed. She ended up working for Nale and Knichou on the Taku, also learning about NUVA and their Kaita ACR around the same time. After than she became a bit obsessed with the idea of getting her own Kaita ACR, which lead her to help fighting off a riteborn with Kilo NUVA in his mech. After that fight she expressed her desire to become NUVA and Kilo actually agreed. Which leads to now. Flaws: Skyra can be exceptionally reckless, even for a Toa of Air. She's extremely impulsive and it can make her a bit of a headache for her friends and comrades. She's rather easy to rile up, though she often returns the favor. She doesn't weigh much and is easier to push around than most Toa. (Though due to her physical changes from becoming NUVA she does weigh slightly more) She is an extreme lightweight, getting her drunk is easy. Additional NUVA Psychological Flaws: Sadistic: Skyra has begun to find much joy and satisfaction from inflicting pain on her enemies, be it physically or emotionally, both preferably. She’ll go out of her way to do this, even if it sometimes means delaying their death. Masochist: In the same vein as inflicting pain on others, Skyra seems to like receiving it as well. She won’t go out of her way to get injured, but her already reckless nature makes it all too easy for her to receive injuries, which she doesn't mind one bit. It simply pushes her to keep fighting. Powers: As a Toa NUVA of Air, Skyra has enhanced elemental abilities over the air itself, her power is roughly halfway between a regular Toa and a Toa Kaita. She can share her element with up to two other willing creatures. Additionally she can place a portion of her elemental power into a pre-specified elemental effect that can be delayed to whatever time she chooses. Her former mask, the Calix, has fused to her face and is permanently a part of her, granting her the ability to perform at the peak of her natural physical abilities. As part of the transformation, Skyra can now fire a beam of energy with the power of a Great Kanoka disk of Regeneration. Like all NUVA, Skyra can share her breed quirks with up to two others within her sight and range.. Equipment: Kanohi Garai NUVA, mask of gravity. This mask allows Skyra to increase or decrease a target’s gravitational pull. Like all NUVA masks, it’s powers can be shared with up to two other beings. Skyra has adaptive armor designed by Knichou, which will shapeshift to her environment and to whatever suits her current needs, such as giving her a jetpack when needed. In terms of firepower Skyra is armed with a Cordak Blaster and a Midak Skyblaster. For melee weapons she's armed with two katana and an assortment of throwing knives.
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