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Everything posted by Snelly

  1. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi "Ummmmmm..." I don't have a tiny gun for the tiny girl, what do I do? I looked the Praggos for the off chance he had any ideas. Oh hey, there was Rynekk. "YO RYNEKK WHAT UP?"
  2. IC: Hakari - Le-Koro - Hakari looked at the two Matoran and their shocked expressions, so they hadn't heard yet huh? To be honest Hakari wasn't all that scared of Makuta, maybe it was because she was a Lesterin and wasn't from here, but unless a threat was right in front of her she couldn't really bring herself to be all the worried. "Hey it's alright, I'm sure those Toa Mario or whatever they're called will beat that Makuta guy again, they did it once already yeah?" OOC: @Harvali
  3. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi "#### yeah." I put the ear plugs on as I took a metal pellet out of my pouch and loaded the gun. I waited till I knew everyone present had their ears covered before I took aim and fired at one of the standing posts of ice, I kept my arm steady, but you always felt that recoil in your shoulder a bit. The target was obliterated. "Woo! Alright who's wants to go next!?" OOC: @Pteronura Brasiliensis @The UltimoScorp
  4. IC: Hakari - Le-Koro - Luckily for the two Matoran, Hakari was in fact a resident of Le-koro, and had her identification on her. "Hey it's me, I'm back!" Hakari greeted the nearest guard, apparently knowing him well enough that they recognized each other. "These two got injured in the swamp, I'm gonna take them up for medical treatment alright?" OOC: @Harvali
  5. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Hakari hummed a tune as she started trekking back towards Le-koro. Having a Matoran on her back slowed her down a bit, but that was fine since she didn't want to leave Kanohi in the dust behind her. In the back of her mind she was still thinking of Seprilli. Her memories were still hazy, but she knew it was home, and that she had someone waiting for her there. She needed to go back. OOC: @Harvali
  6. IC: Zanakra - Fort Razorfish;Vaa - Spineless Bay - Zanakra sat on her throne of fish bones, her fingers tapping the arm of the chair as she looked deep in thought. It had taken weeks, and the blood of countless to get this far. But now her fortress was complete. The blood price had been worth every drop. She spit out a fish bone into a pail nearby, this was only the beginning of course. Her rise as a warlord was only just starting. Countless more would die in her name, and she was looking forward to it. OOC: @Whisper @Sparticus147 @Smudge8
  7. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Hakari nodded, that made a lot of sense. "Ok, let's go then!" She turned to head towards Le-koro before glancing back at the two Matoran. "Oh! If one of you wants a piggyback I don't mind!" Considering the Lesterin was roughly Toa sized it wouldn't be a problem for her really. OOC: @Harvali
  8. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Hakari listened intently to the merchants story, before she noticed Kanohi having some sort of episode and immediately turned her attention to him. "H-Hey? Are you okay? You're not having a seizure or something are you? Do we need to find a doctor!?" Hakari was starting to panic a little, she didn't know how to deal with these sort of things very well. OOC: @Harvali
  9. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi "Sure sure, it is pretty loud." Far be it for me to argue with my doctor, at least when it comes to actual medical advice. I took my blunderbuss out of it's holster and opened it up, making sure it wasn't loaded. It wasn't, cause even I wasn't crazy enough to leave something that dangerous loaded when it was literally strapped to my hip. Didn't want to accidently blow my leg off while I'm doing whatever. "Once you set up the targets and get the ear plugs we should be all set." OOC: @Pteronura Brasiliensis @The UltimoScorp
  10. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Hakari sighed in relief as the plant finally died, it was a shame the Guuko had died as well, but nothing could be done about that now. Hakari handed Kanohi back his lighter as she listened to the merchant, who mentioned a Lesterin and Seprilli. "You mentioned Seprilli? Did this Lesterin say anything else about it?" OOC: @Harvali
  11. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Hakari kept a careful eye on the parasitic plant as it burned, making sure that it well and truly died. She wasn't sure if the Guuko would survive after this, but it had a chance at least. "This has been a weird day so far." OOC: @Harvali
  12. Join fort if you want to get stepped on. Fort Name: Razorfish;Vaa Controlling Character: Zanakra Location: The fort is located in the delta of Spineless Bay. Description: A fort made of mainly stone with steel spikes decorating the outer walls. It is compact and square in shape, designed to be durable and functional rather than pretty. It is roughly four stories tall. The mess hall has a razorfish mounted on the wall, and the bones of razor whales decorate both the interior and exterior of the structure. Forces: T’harrak (Whisper), (Sparticus147) Loot: ???
  13. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Hakari heard the bong of Kanohi's armor, it was enough for her to glance towards his direction and see the lighter in his hand. "Ah!" She immediately understood and quickly zoomed towards Kanohi, taking the offered lighter. "Thanks, I'll give this back!" She lit the lighter as she raced back towards the Guuko but a moment later, Hakari picked up a dry stick on the jungle floor before lighting one end of it with the lighter. She then stabbed the burning stick into the nearest cluster of vines. "Take this!" OOC: @Harvali
  14. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi "Oh come oooon Praggos, Kale isn't that much of a stick in the mud. Luten joining us should be fine!" A little shooting practice never hurt anyone right? I stretched my limbs a bit before thinking about what to use as targets, I glanced at the water before I got an idea. "Hey Praggos, I think I know what we can use as targets. Use your fancy ice powers and make some targets in the water over there some ways." I figured the targets being in the water would also ensure that we didn't accidently damage the ship somehow and really plss off well, everyone else. OOC: @Pteronura Brasiliensis @The UltimoScorp
  15. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Hakari drew her other scimitar, swiping at the vines whenever they got too close...but now what? If they kept regrowing like this she wasn't going to get anywhere. "I think I'm in trouble..." OOC: @Harvali
  16. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Well, that was unnerving. Hakari drew one of her scimitars, and ran towards the Guuko using her mask to speed herself up. As she closed in she swiped at the vines, they seemed rather dangerous, and she wasn't going to give them the chance to prove it. Perhaps there was a way to save the poor bird? She wasn't sure, but the vines had to be dealt with regardless. OOC: @Harvali
  17. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi I smiled at Luten as Kale came up to the deck. "Uhuh, sure have."
  18. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Hakari kept up with Kanohi with relative ease, it helped having a Kakama, even if the jungle was full of obstacles that slowed her down. She kept enough distance from the matoran as to not interfere with his work, but close enough that she could jump in and aid him if necessary. Hmm, this is kind of fun. OOC: @Harvali
  19. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi "The tiny girl is Luten, she's our adorable mascot." Figured I should clear that up.
  20. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi "I'm Skyra Daring, and this crummy doctor next to me is Praggos."
  21. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi "I'm about to shoot you instead." I said to Praggos before looking back at the Toa. "Yeah you're in the right place, you wanna sign up or something?"
  22. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi I gave Praggos a look, "That's one way to greet a stranger. 'Hey you can we use you for target practice, we'll heal you right up after, promise!'" I turned away from the quack doctor to look at the newcomer. From what I could tell this Toa was of the iron variety, judging by excessive amount of armor he was wearing. Seriously how did he move in all that, and wouldn't the harsh Po-Wahi sunlight be cooking him alive? "Hi there, can we help you with something?" @Pteronura Brasiliensis @Onaku
  23. OOC: @Harvali I think that's just a Bo-Matoran thing, Lesterin of Plantlife have poison immunity and can gain energy from sunlight. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - Hakari quickly grew concerned as Kanohi struggled to speak, and then started hacking and coughing. "H-Hey, are you okay?" But the Fe-Matoran was already swinging away with his launcher. Hakari stood up, as she followed him with her eyes. "I should follow him..." He seemed determined to find this merchant he mentioned, even if it killed him. Hakari couldn't let someone die when she could do something about it! She leaped from the branch onto another, using her Kakama to increase her speed as she did. What she was doing would be considered reckless by most, but the Lesterin was well practiced at traveling through the jungle.
  24. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp - "Oh me? I just come out here to think sometimes, it's rather peaceful...well most of the time anyway." Hakari's legs swung back and forth as they dangled from the branch she sat on. "Help me? I appreciate the offer, but I don't think anyone can really." Hakari sighed. "I recently started to remember the island we Lesterin come from, a place called Seprilli. Isn't it weird that I couldn't remember anything about it till now?" Hakari shook her head. "Anyway, I don't know if going back is even possible..." @Harvali
  25. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi I felt myself pout as Krayn laughed and walked off as I held back firing off an angry retort. That's exactly what he wanted me to do, I wouldn't give it to him! The nerve of him, I'm not some horny teenager! I rubbed the left side of my temple, ####ing headache. I glanced down at my side as I got an idea. "Praggos...there is one weapon I haven't practiced with today." I patted the handle of my blunderbuss that was currently snuggled in it's holster. "Wanna set up some targets and do some shooting?" @Pteronura Brasiliensis
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