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Posts posted by Makuta_of_Oz

  1. In the 2001 comic Triumph Of The Toa, Tahu was attacked by a pair of Nui-Rama, who picked him up, flew him high and dropped him. Without the Mask of Levitation, Tahu had to resort to heating the air below him to break his fall and allow Onua to catch him.


    I was thinking, couldn't Tahu have possibly used his Hau to break his fall and save him from injury? If so, what may have happened?


    So basically, there is NOTHING Bionicle left on the Lego website. Just a few stickers and some REFERENCES in the Classics section of their Messageboards, and even then I'd be surprised if they remained.


    THIS is how they treat a franchise that saved them from bankrupcy. Pathetic.


    What were you expecting? A memorial? :P


    As for BIONICLEStory, there is a chance it can be saved. Will it be possible to purchase the domain after Lego is done with it?


    I don't see the use of having it, now that the line's key site, bionicle.com, has gone. It's like losing a body's top half but still having its legs. What long-term point is there in keeping it/them?


    1: I was expecting at least a little respect for the line that saved them, not them pretending it never existed.


    2: Preservation and futureproofing, just in case Greg finds the time to finish another chapter, and/or the site is needed again when Bionicle comes back.




    It's like losing the top half of a body but still having the legs


    It happened to Tuyet :P


    She died, dude.

  3. So basically, there is NOTHING Bionicle left on the Lego website. Just a few stickers and some REFERENCES in the Classics section of their Messageboards, and even then I'd be surprised if they remained.


    THIS is how they treat a franchise that saved them from bankrupcy. Pathetic.


    As for BIONICLEStory, there is a chance it can be saved. Will it be possible to purchase the domain after Lego is done with it?

  4. The world wants childhoods to be full of happy-smiles and rainbows, and they also think that the tiniest bit of anger will corrupt a child's life forever. I call this the "Nanny Plague".


    When I was little, I played violent computer games, especially with guns, quite frequently. Did I become a violent criminal like the world expects? No.


    The world needs to stop being so paranoid and let kids enjoy childhood without having their lives dictated the way they are.

  5. In the olden days, the primary focus of Bionicle was Masks of Power. They were what Bionicle was known for; its trademark.


    In 2009's reboot, the only Mask of Power that was featured was the Mask of Life. Other than that, Bionicle's trademark was gone.


    I believe the lack of masks in the reboot may have been one reason why it "failed".

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