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Schnee 1

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Status Updates posted by Schnee 1

  1. Fine. Chock one up for Rezev.

  2. Geez! When I welcomed you to BZP a few months ago, I had five hundred posts, and now you have eight hundred! Nice Goign!

  3. Good luck to ya, buddy.

  4. Grrr!! Take that back! JK

    Anyway, y'know, why don't you change your name to !MAZEKA! ?

  5. Guten aben, Laz! I haven't talked to you in a while!

  6. Have I mentioned how ridiculously awesome your personal photo is?

  7. Hello NCM (nuhvok campaign manager)! Well, you left me a comment about a week ago and I'm glad you can help me. Well, I went to Knowledge Tower Productions and put in a request for a banner and avatar. I can't find that forum anymore. Can you give me the link? Thanks! :)

    P.S. Can we be friends?

  8. Hello, and Welcome to BZP! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me!

  9. Hello, and welcome to BZPower! IF you have any questions, feel free to drop a line on my page =D

  10. Hey friend, I hate to tell you this, but the limit for signatures is five lines. Better change it!

  11. Hey friend, welcome to BZP!

  12. Hey, brother, and welcome to BZP!

  13. Hey, buffy, your signature has 6 lines. Better whittle it down to 5 before it's deleted ;-)

  14. Hey, could you tell me how to find those wild Kraata banners that Gerlicky makes for everyone?

  15. Hey, friend, and welcome to BZP!

  16. Hey, friend, welcome to BZP! =D

  17. Hey, friend, welcome to BZP!

  18. Hey, NCM! I just finished writing my "Intrests" column on my page! Come and check it out, K? :)

  19. Hey, NCM! How do you start a blog?

  20. Hey, Nothana, you may want to change your Personal Statement. It may be offensive to our Russian members. ;-)

  21. Hey, pal, and welcome to BZPower! I would like to inform you that the signature limit is only five lines, and....well....I haven' counted but it's definately over five lines. Better change it! =D

  22. Hey, TL, the link in your sig to your blog is a direct link. ;-)

  23. Hey, welcome to BZP bro, have a wonderful time here. =D

  24. Hey, you moved up a rank! Wal-Mart Offender, huh? :P

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