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Status Updates posted by Gavla

  1. If you had a sprite sheet colord like for comics i could GS you in a comic. Unless you wanted me to make a sprite sheet.

  2. Gavla

    Correct. But that has nothingo do with that event in the banner.

  3. Pardon me, my good sir?

  4. XD I see. So whats up?

  5. Gavla

    Thanks NxG

  6. There a tad confusing. But I like them.

  7. It's done. But this is what i do: I make the comic with me and my cast allready displaed. BUT to finnish it I add your sprite last. I just need to dig thre my pics for your sprite. AND add GIMp effects.

  8. Tired :P Bored, Hungry. *eats your hand, then gives a new one* Thats how hungry I am.

  9. Oh my goodness. I'm still gummy though =P

  10. Awsome! PM me as meny pics as you want. You will love the gift!

  11. Hello. And yes, i love chicken

  12. Besides my mom being annoying XD Nothin much. Howz about you?

  13. Ohh nothing much. just about to use the juccuzi in the hotel room

  14. thanks for makeing me a friend!

  15. A PGS? Really? Ohh wow! But i will need a chimoru sheet of you, and info. I can make your sheet. just PM me.

  16. =O Share with meh, please? I am hungry.

  17. EAT MEH. :P

    So how are ya, Zippy?

  18. Gavla

    I wear glasses too :P lol. Hey Nxg

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