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Everything posted by kongutohunga

  1. I've been nominated for the MS. I've been nominated for the MS. I'VE been nominated for the MS. I HAVE BEEN NOMINATED FOR THE MS!??!?! Anyways, I'll make a new entry when voting's open. *Shuffles up and down in anticipation*
  2. Formerly known as Degenaration-Exo. He should change his name to '[/sarcasm]'. Black Six would be good too XP
  3. Here he is! And now he's gone. Tankee. I agree with the 'I only post when I have something good to say'. I'm that way too, but, if I tried harder, I could adapt my opinions for the situation. HAHAHAHHAHA!!!! LOW POST COUNTS ARE FUNNY!!! HAHAHAH!!! Wait . . . you meant YOUR'S not just the actual graphic .... My bad.
  4. A few days ago, I didn't post in a topic because the original post was long. Is this want has happened to me? Does my post-count really matter THAT MUCH that I won't post an opinion BECAUSE IT WILL TAKE TOO LONG? Our post count: it's great, it show's you like BIONICLE and BZP, and it's fun to see your post count go up and emerge in new ranks. Has this happened to other BZPers? We're becoming post-hungry. But, or course, that's just my thoughts, and many of you post in CoT, Voting Booth, etc, but for those who don't, feel free to say it. I'd like to hear other BZPer's thoughts. Mata Nui . . . I sound like bonesiii. XP
  5. What is this, your fifth blog entry today? << NO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Youz Bfahome. -Bfahome-, or ~Bfahome~, or even Bfahome!, might be acceptable . . .
  6. Who just so happens to be a member. That 'Pikachu' not 'PIKACHU'.
  7. Other than me? ME!!!!! CLAKFIGNGSDJGNSDJFGNSJDFKGNSJDNWEIRDIN AM BROTAH!!! WHOO!!!!! . . . Wait . . . .
  8. To be truthful, I've only read the first 3 volumes of FMA. XD I'm pathetic.

  9. Uhh, thanks . . . but what made you think that?

  10. By any chance do you like a character from the LoZ named Link? Just curious.

  11. Go read. NOW.
  12. Wall-E is cool. :P

  13. I just saw Wall-E again last night. :)

  14. I just made 50+ edits. I iz tired. At least I got the KZN02 award!! =D
  15. XD

    I don't get. ._.

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