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Everything posted by kongutohunga

  1. Well, at least I'm Kongu and not Matoro, if that's the case. :P

  2. kongutohunga


    But how do you know?? HOW DO YOU KNOW??!?!
  3. EAT . . . uhh . . . umm . . . VINES . . .? :P

    By the way, welcome to BZP! I hope you enjoy your stay.

  4. FALSE. R2-D2>Everything else in existence.
  5. I'm guessing that you like Wall-E? :P

  6. kongutohunga


    The third little piggy taught us that everything should be made out of bricks, so why don't we have brick cars??
  7. At least a rebuilt Matoran. :P

  8. kongutohunga

    I Hate Nintendo.

    I WANT TO SEE YOUR POKéMONZ!! =O Unfortunately, I have no idea. It worked fine for me in NSMB. --K~T
  9. Thanks, Greg. I already knew all this, but others could get a refresher. --K~T
  10. You don't seem very happy about your job . . . why dont'chya ask Bioran to use me instead of you?
  11. Sasuke has a Mangekyou?! Thanks for ruining Shippuden, everyone. XD

  12. *Fires THE UNIVERSE (which includes Mudkips) out of Nerf Gun* EDIT: *Goes to the future and shoots people continuously (even if I don't know you, you never shot me, etc.) with Cordak Blasters*
  13. First of all, total and utter WIN. Second, I'd love to see your version of Axalara. Why thank you. And I can't wait to build it. True dat.
  14. I really don't care about instructions. I just get the sets, and put them together. See, look at this Tanma. I didn't use any instructions. I made him all by myself. Instructions are for chumps. --K~T
  15. It's all a set-up, Mom! IT'S ALL A SET-UP!! Bfa, you're a set-up.
  16. No offense, but I don't think he'll beat Hapori Dume . . .

  17. No, on BrickShelf, or Maj.

  18. To deeplink a picture, click on the picture, so it's the only picture onscreen, then click it again, and copy and paste THAT URL. It works great. Can't wait to see the pics! :)

  19. I have a feeling it'll be like: 'Wow, the Toa Nuva are losing greatly to the Makuta! They will need backup!' <SHOOTS TO SWAMP> 'Well, here they come!' --K~T
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