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Everything posted by Astrotorical

  1. Onu-Pakari is also making every bionicle movie that has and has not been made, and making them as canon as possible (since the MoL and such kinda were wierd). But your signature pic kinda makes me excited to see how it will turn out.
  2. Welcome to BZPower, enjoy your stay and such type things. thought id be nice, and say it haha

  3. >Greetings ProgramsThe Tron Franchise.. its not one of the more well known ones really. It is a huge cult hit, but with only 1 movie it was never as big as Star Wars and the like. But with the creation of Tron:Legacy, the announced series, Tron:Uprising and the games of Tron:Evolution and Tron: Battle Grids well it updated the canon. even Tron 2.0 and the Tron: Ghost in the Machine story sparked clans of games (even though it surrounds an alternate time line). With Tron 3 planned, how many of my fellow Troniacs (the tron fan term similar to Trekies) do we have among the ranks of BZP? where would you like to see the franchise go to?>End of Line
  4. I applied for the University of Macquarie. Bachelor of Computer Science in Video Game Design/Development woot
  5. Kanohi Kirk, The Mask of Photon Torpedoes

  6. make it stand alone, as said above. but then it should be set after the current storyline. Set on Spherus Magna, so filmakers can introduce what ever enemies and such they want
  7. Well MNOLG was my favourite, it made us, the players, believe we were on the island, rather than its sequal where we played Hahli. Heroes took the franchise less seriously, but then i loved its humour (and the music was epic). and the only other gamr ive owned was Bionicle: Maze of Shadows. that game was fairly Pokemon-ish, six toa, four attacks each. levelling up and puzzles. But all the games are good. in my eyes, MNOLG is the best, all others are (with exceptions), equal
  8. i would expect it to be made in the way of Avatar or King Kong. preferably use CGI characters, but use a real environment. Mata Nui is an Island Paradise, and i didnt really get that in the Mask of Life. the explosions seemed all "BAM, we just blew up some Foam"But definately, they could get it done.
  9. It is an excellent MOC, an inspiration. Using this system i think your next model should be the Mata Nui stone, ive always wanted to see something like that
  10. I do infact watch Psych, yes. Infact, we had a running gag at my website about who would win, Shawn Spencer or Patric Jane. good times..
  11. [*]A detailed description of his appearance: Is the same style and hight as a Toa Inika, minus the organic design. Has gunmetal green feet and arms, light green hands and legs, and a black chest. His eyes are blue, and the mask that covers it is black[*]Weakness(es): He has become adept at controlling his element, and is not used to others like him. He cannot defend against any Iron or Magnetic attacks because of this. He also has a hard time against elements he cannot see such as Air, and due to an injury he recieves migrains around all toa of Psionics (aswell as those who use the Mask of Mind control).[*]Name: Toron[*]Species (Toa, Matoran, Turaga, et cetera): Toa[*]Gender: Male[*]Powers and/or weapons: Has control over the element of Iron, giving him control of metal. He wears the Mask of Biomechanics, and an Iron Sphere which he uses to practice his powers on as well as manipulate it into a sword for enhanching is powers[*]Alignment (good, evil, neutral, et cetera): Good[*]Personality and history: He is very logical at all times and will only act when he feels it is logical to do so. He has a very strange sense of humour, and finds it hard to make friends. When he was a matoran, very early in his life, he had heard about what the makuta were doing to his people and disguised himself as a Le-matoran. He spent most of his time on the run, staying away from other villages. He was transformed into a Toa which destroyed his disguise. He had not seen his true self in over 10 thousand years, but knew he would not until the Makuta were killed. promptly he changed to the Toa of Air style of colouring. He knew in his heart that he had transformed with 5 other Toa, and to this day is still searching for his destined Toa Team.[*]Anything else deemed necessary: When i think of it
  12. if Hero Factory was as cool as this, id buy all of them all at once. only one word in matoran can describe the detail and that is Nuianother word that can describe my ability to make something like this, Spiriah
  13. oh yeah, i thought Korra was their daughter..anywayThe story does need to finish of first i agree. He is busy with life and we should respect that. when it ends, it ends. then you can hope what i said comes true
  14. Study, MOCS, worked on my Wiki... worked on the Bionicle Wiki... pretty much everything i did during that period of time when i had no computer acess (which is why i have like 28 posts)
  15. well think of it like this. Bionicle is the original series. gone for 10 years, then ends. in that time, Greg does other stuff, as writers often do. But then The Bionicle Saga has a new generation. on the top of my head, 3 super famous TV shows have done that. Star Trek (with the Next Generation), Star Gate (With Atlantis) and Avatar (with... what ever Aangs daughter is named). So maybe the saga will end, but a new one may begin
  16. I kinda miss the old forums because of my inbox contained some stuff from GF (and now its empty) but then the new ones are sleek and all "professional-E" and what not. theres other reasons, but all in all its very NUI
  17. Onu-Pakari Productions is making a Bionicle themed SSB. it wont be as good as the Wii game, but looking at their animation skills on ####### (about 13 seconds of tahu jumping a rahkshii) should be good.On topic, If Pikmin isnt in this game i will rage and some of their OLD OLD stuff like, some of their original nintendo stuffplus, if any of you have played Leiro X, they should do stuff like that.
  18. If your still in need of a web designer, i can help (just dont pay me or anything, too much of a hassle)
  19. A 10 year story is pretty long, and its gone pretty well. I mean, Greg has pretty much written Stargate: SG-1 from start to finish (being a 10 year long series) so i could understand if he has stopped. But then, coming from his own mouth, he said (roughly) "If star trek fans said that the show wasnt going to come back, it never would have". Take that in mind. there is always room for a sequal (as in, Bionicle has been 1 big series, and that the bionicle saga can now take a fresh begining).
  20. Toa Tahu Mata. I was already an avid lego fan, and had no idea what these things were. mind you i was 7. But a guy with a sword surfing on lava, really spoke out to me i dont remember much about that day, except wondering "what the heck is this little ball thing the instructions want me to shove on his chest? maybe its like a heat absorber... definately a heat absorber"
  21. "Fear is a rock you can hide under, anger is a rock you can throw"

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