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Status Updates posted by zhalath

  1. -4 penalty for you throwing the glaive. I scored a 27 on my Will save to resist the domination.

  2. ?Hablas espanol?

  3. ?The lyricswiki had nothing on Nobuo Uematsu or One Winged Angel.

  4. "And if you care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you."

  5. "Before the Dark Times; before the Empire."

  6. "I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too..."

  7. "Maho" Miderazaki.

  8. *blows up D-x*

    Hah! He's down to a lower-case x!

  9. *blows up DX: LEGEND OF LOVE?!*

  10. *changes Resev back to a guy, because it must be so*


  11. *charges Death Star superlaser* Guess what?

  12. *crashes at your profile and eats all your popcorn and root beer*

  13. *death rays Dremora von DOOM*That's what's rworng.

  14. *disarms DX* I'll take that.

  15. *dun duah!*

  16. *eats cruise missile* Yum.

  17. *eats popcorn epicly*

  18. *fails* Spell resistance

  19. *falis miserably*

  20. *fires missile at DX fro fun*

  21. *gives Resev some vampaire pills*

    You don't want none of that.

  22. *Grabs Degeneration-Exo, consumes soul*

    Problem solved.

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