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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    Local TRU had them.
    I was standing there for at least 30 minutes feeling the bags. Sooner or later we'll have an official list of barcodes to just match up, but for now here are mine. Someone on Flickr has posted an American barcode list...and recently removed it. Huzzah, however, for Brickset.
    Luckily I got the ones I initially wanted. Later I'll pick up two ninjas (one for a friend), a cheerleader (for my sister), a nurse, and maybe the caveman, Indian and/or robot.
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    What's that? Halloween? Oh, yeah!

    Lens Flare (Taken with cell phone. Interesting...)
    One of my CCM friends was holding a small "party" of sorts, so I was able to dress up! No one else did, though. (But one of my friends attended who is both a redhead and Doctor Who fan, so if need be she could have been roped in to be Amy. )
    I would go buy a fez (and mop), but I do not know when I shall be wearing this next. (I am not going to Katsucon (anime con) in February, but if I can afford it there is Madicon (sci-fi/fantasy con) in March...)
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    A rant on bley. *fears the evil eye from Aanchir*
    First, IMO. Please keep that statement in mind and remember that this is a blog based on opinions. There will be a rift and void between our ideas, but I think I can back up my opinion and I hope we can all remain friends and enjoy Lego together.
    Now, as some of you know, I have a certain thing about the Bionicle piece color known as "Bley" or "bluish grey." The color that was introduced with the Metruan arms/joints and the Toa Metru joints.
    I feel that, frankly from those two character groups, bley came in and took out the other potential color possibilities. Which I why I am saying that bley is an absence of color. In the Toa Metru, Turaga Vakama and Co. had two colors, and then their Toa forms are made and they only have one color. Their other color is bley, being used in their hands and legs, well I'm sure you know. The Metruan also had bley, and I could tell this wasn't the dark grey of Onua and the Rahkshi from before, and I thought it was ugly. So, I didn't like bley because it took up the other color potentials.
    I mentioned two things: Rahkshi and other color potentials. From other color potentials I mean that there should be more color in Lego sets. Lego is a colorful group, and I don't feel the attraction when there is little color. (Take Kongu Inika for example. I didn't quite like his full dark build. (Save the small bits of silver.)) I wish Vakama had orange joints, Matau had lime, etc.
    As for the rahkshi, I do remember thinking "why didn't they have orange legs and arms, etc. But I think their dark nature made the dark grey (not ugly dark bley), and the coolness of finally having knees, made up for it.
    So the Metru, Vahki, and Hordika had bley. I lived with it. I was so happy to see some color in the Visorak!
    Now, Reidak and Nocturn had bley, but they were black so it was their color (and by then I had realized that Lego had a color change and we weren't getting the old grey back.). So I am fine with Onua Newva probably being black and bley.
    On Kongu Mahri, I bring back my absence of color. He had bley body parts when he could have had bright green (or something else, but I like bright green). On Maxilos, he has bley vahki legs, which could have been (bright) red instead. More color. Or gunmetal, because that's what he also has and Lego has that color in Vahki legs.
    So that is why I don't like the Toa Newva's legs and arms, because Lewa should have another color of green (his color), Kopaka should have light bley (because he's had the light grey), and no comment on Pohatu because Lego is changing their Po sets. I don't think the bley helps the Newva at all be colorful and look like good guys. (I really don't like the bley on Lewa. He's a fun, colorful (as in mood) kind of guy and the bley just dampens that. Heck, even gunmetal is shiny, and I though his Inika armor was that at first)
    As for light bley, it isn't as ugly as dark bley because having light helps bring out color, or at least isn't dark. (Remember, I want more color)
    I think I can stand bley in most MOCs, for MOCs aren't official Lego stuff and are really creative. Bundaling's Pohatu MOC really proves that. It's inspired me to use bley with other color and make something awesome. If the other colors are used properly. I've seen some good bley things.
    That's why I don't enjoy bley. In sets. Can't Lego use more color?!?! I'm liking the black on the Phantuka because they are bad guys and black is definitely their color (but I wish Antroz had red legs, because of color)
    Quote of the Day: Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, I hope to bring this guy to my event on Saturday, but I need some advice.
    This MOC isn't the best, but I like him and want to display him. But he needs work before I'll reveal him to the BBC (if I ever do) so I want your advice on improving him. I already made the green piraka legs hordika, and experimented with a metruan body instead of the claws and vissie feet. But I'm not too happy with him, so I might just scrap him.
    Any tips?
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    It's good to have AFOL friends.
    Free Bionicle pieces!
    (Those are from a 2006 Playset)
    Also, this past WAMALUG meeting, I finally got my hands on the 2007 City Advent calender. Pretty much for the pieces that come with it. Half off, too, for $12.50.
    Highlights include:
    About 22 1x1 tiles (!)
    Life Preserver
    Trash Can
    3 Briefcases
    Police man (and other figs I don't have)
    Other cool pieces
    Quote of the Day: Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    Just like past years...same themed entry, except this year I can't make the March....
    Today marks the 36th anniversary of Roe v Wade, 1973.
    I'm drafting this because I feel it is too politically themed. Especially with that last comment down there.
    Oh, I see. I went to bed before that one was posted. So...I'll edit this, lock it, and, finally, say that I wish it would have worked out, but I guess it can't even though other similar blog entries have been handled perfectly well with the same professional manner.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Why is it that I must press FN+insert for the Print Screen function, when I use Print screen 100% more of the time than I use the insert function?
    Srsly, ppl.
    Can I change this? Dig deep in the coding and switch a portion of it?
    Quote of the Day: Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried nailing jello to a wall.
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    Everyone else it listing out what they got, might as well focus on the getting part of this holiday too.
    Hand-sewn pillow from my 9 year old sister (and family)
    Portable laptop mouse
    Cargo pants (my second pair. I had an epiphany that I don't want to wear jeans anymore.)
    Spirited Away (Everyone should see this movie.)
    2009 Astronomy Calender (With some really good pictures this year.)
    Something from my dad which I'll blog about later with a "now what?" entry. Seems to be part of "becoming a man."
    Best Buy gift card. (Another "now what?" kind of thing. I never go there. But they have music and stuff.)
    Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (Great, just 4 more movies to go to actually have the whole series.)
    Anberlin, New Surrender
    New Zealand hat (looks cool too. Black with some fern leaf patterns.) and rugby polo. (My uncle just came back from vacation there.)
    And a long-sleeve shirt from my other uncle which is problematic. It seems as if some of my relatives don't know what to get me, ever. My guess is that somebody doesn't want to tell them to just choose a Lego set and get on with it. It was also nice when my uncle used to get me Barnes and Noble gift cards. On this note I should tell my younger readers this: As you get older people will claim they have no idea what to get you. There might be a year where you get lots of money. But then people ask you for a list of what you want and you'll give it to them and then they'll pick out things they think you want/need when in actuality it'd be very cool if they just got you what was on your list. (Which is why I worked hard to get people what was actually on their list.) I can't be picky and shouldn't be a Scrooge, but I got some stuff I could live without and where Lego or a CD would have been cool. I have money, so I can use that on Katsucon registration, which would be a good chunk, but I think I'll go buy Takanuva at the Lego Store. It's sad, I know, buying stuff right after Christmas.
    Edit: Oh and hints don't really work either. No Firefly under the tree, among other things. And I've had the 5 SW movies I don't own on my list for probably 3 years now.
    Quote of the Day: All I ask for is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    (Whoa. It kinda fits. Any other day it'd be funny. But seriously though, I enjoyed being around family.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    So they were all like "matrix of leadership" and I was all *facepalm* really? C'mon!
    Saw Transformers 2 at 7 PM Tuesday evening, to brag to those who had to wait until midnight. (Apparently my managers saw it Monday at midnight!)
    T'was cool. I can't say much more than that. But taking it as simply an action flick, it was very cool! And hey, there were some cool/clever parts, and a ton of more Transformers.
    I was tempted to get the soundtrack score but I realized it's a lot like the first's score and I have that so I don't really need this one. Plus, this didn't have as epic a sound as "Arrival to Earth."

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The green and red Autobots got on my nerves soooo much. I really wish their characters were different. I also really wish one of them got sucked into the giant construction mech's mouth and died. Oh well. 
    There were a lot of cheesy parts, most of which I lived with, but that whole naming it the "Matrix of Leadership" thing was silly.
    Once Sam's roommate started freaking out/screaming, I was corrected in that Shia LeBoeuf is not, well...arg, nevermind.
    Wait a minute! If only a Prime can kill a Prime then how did Optimus die at the hands of Megatron (aside from being jabbed in the torso by the one who hated him most)?
    I don't really know if I want to see it again. Maybe a friend or two will coax me into it, since I get free tickets. But at the same time I have a bunch of other movies to see.
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    I am so glad I brought my Bionicle Encyclopedia to college with me! (Along with the other guidebooks. In hopes of using them for reference when writing my epic, and we all know how well that's been going.)
    Anyway, I think we should cause the data loss the BZP Time Slip, based on a similar six month period in the MU where nobody can remember anything. (BS01 link.)
    Granted, it'll never be presented to the masses, nor greatly accepted, but that's what I'm going to call it.
    Quote of the Day: Eat dessert first. You don’t know what’ll happen before the end of dinner.
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    (Figured I should just give you the picture first, then a description.)
    June 19th was Reston Town Center's annual Taste of the Town (or I think now it's called Taste of Reston) Festival. Local restaurants set up tents and you sample food by exchanging your tickets which you bought.
    They have a kids section, in which WAMALUG (WAMALTC) is invited to. We set up a little town display with a train going around it (people like things that move!) and it's cool and fun. We also had a table with the club brick for visitors to build.
    Spaceships and Bionicle aren't exactly the most appropriate thing (though I still bring them), so I pitched in to the town and built a house. And placed the Crack in it. With 11th Doctor and Byzantium River Song, as you can see in another picture.
    If you couldn't tell already, it lights up. I placed a mag-lite in there and kept it on.
    Other bits of the display had the TARDIS down an alley (and 9th and 10th Doctors just for fun). (Notice how I added LEGO "Police" stickers to it.) Also, a Dalek (extremely hard to build, I copied a design initially) and a better Captain Jack than I had before, facing off.
    Other pictures of the display here.
    A group of four college-aged kids first walked up to the display and saw the Dalek and made a comment about it roaming the street. Then they saw 10th Doctor and then everyone else and the Crack and took a photo and we discussed The Lodger which just aired. ("Where is the on button?") They also noticed my Sonic Screwdriver BrickBadge, which I think I'll keep like that for BrickFair.
    Finally, an updated Wilfred Mott fig, and I finally completed my Clockwork Clown fig. ("Oh, you are beautiful! No really, you are, you're gorgeous! Space-age clockwork, I love it, I've got chills! Listen, I mean this from the heart- and by the way, count those.")
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    I know at least a few of my readers here like the Alex Rider book series (though I fear I might have outgrown it, as I am not excited for Crocodile Tears*) by British author Anthony Horowitz. Upon realizing that outgrowing feeling, I started to wonder about his other works. I've done a little digging on Amazon and Wikipedia, but the only thing I can find that is not geared at the teenage audience would be a novel of his called Mindgame. Sounds like a cool story, so I might consider picking it up.
    But I am here to ask if anyone knows of other adult fiction novels of his. I "don't" have time to read, but "when I do" I would like to pick up something of his eventually.
    Any suggestions?
    *In alternate discussion other than suggesting books, I feel that 1) Alex Rider should be at least 16 by now and 2) It should have ended with Ark Angel. (Now they're just milking it.)
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    I built this after being inspired by Eric Sophie's ZRX2.

    It's not my best work, so I'm not posting it, but it was fun to make. Plus, it barely stands up.
    I bought 20+ technic/Bionicle balls just for this.
    I also made this in LDD. It requires forty 1x3 curved slopes in black. That'll cost me about $10 from you-know-where (once I add in shipping and other random pieces.) But I'm pretty much out of money, so I won't get to make this in time for a display in April. Maybe I'll come back to it during the summer.
    Quote of the Day: "Why girls are better than boys: Our friends don’t say hello to us by punching us in the arm."
    Disclaimer: I find my quotes randomly where I can. I'm a boy. This quote is funny though. Plus, personally, I don't like hitting my friends in the arm. Do people even do that anymore, or is this quote outdated?
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    Are you a ninja in a pirate kind of way?
    A pirate in a ninja kind of way?
    I'd say I'm a ninja-pirate in a Jedi kind of way.
    Quote of the Day: It's a story about a ninja who couldn't climb a wall...but became a big pop star.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    I have a small obsession with collecting books.* Working in a bookstore, my employee discount makes for tempting impulse-buys, leading to having about 100 books but having only read about 40% of those.** A full bookshelf looks nice. It's impressive. It's a finish line goal; me always knowing I'll have something to pick up immediately upon finishing a book.
    But it does seem like I should slow down my book-buying until I actually finish a lot of these. Especially when a handful of these are borrowed or gifts.
    Here's what my bookshelf looked like in August. (Oops, procrastination.) Today it's a little different, but I pretty much gained a lot of graphic novels and a few novels, and about 15 are lent to a friend. So this is still fairly accurate.

    (That last pic is my comics.)
    And some LEGO on the other shelves:

    See anything you like? Have just as many (or more) books piling up as me?
    In a few days I'll reflect on what gems are on this shelf I have read this year, and what next year holds for my reading anticipation.
    *I also have an affinity for hardcovers. Just look at this binding of The Night Circus! (The American Gods 10th anniversary edition has a beautiful binding too!)
    **Surprisingly, a lot of these books aren't from work, but gifts or collected over the years. I've learned to stray away from impulse-buys, especially since I probably won't read it for a few months.
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    I played Apples to Apples for the first time last night. Tons o' fun!
    My adjective: Visionary
    Someone's winning noun: Hellen Keller.
    If you have not played this game I recommend you do so the next time you have a group of friends around. (And after someone gets to about 5 or 10 adjectives collected, don't draw anymore nouns.)
    Currently rockin' out to: Appleseed OST
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    Here I go again, stating my opinion of the 2008 Bionicle sets. I've given some thoughts in other people's blogs, so perhaps you know what I think. But I will also give extended thoughts and reasons, opinions, mind you, about these.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I am really liking these Makuta sets. Perhaps it's the wings. Bat-like, they can strike fear from up high and swoop down to attack. (But the summer ones might not be in the air) 
    In general, I'll aim for the red one, then the black. (I don't usually go for the blue)
    I like Antroz's (red one's) build of black and red, as that is evil. His wings and weapons are cool, definately staff/pike material. And someone said it might be normal red and I hope they are right. There has been enough darker colors, so let's even it out. On and off. Alternate colors. (For Lewa's sake)
    Chirox's (Black one's) build is cool. He has new feet and Nuparu Mahri's armor in a new color. His weapons and wings are cool. Only problem is his stubs of Hordika skulls for hands, but they work, I guess, for a baddie. Is that a silver Toa Metru chest piece on his waist? I need some of those.
    Vamprah (blue) is more spider like as he doesn't have feet. (But blue Mahri-toran blades! That makes up the difference)
    Interesting arms/hands/weapons.
    Um, does he fly? (Too bad he's a he and not a she. We need some villainesses.)
    I like the heads on all of them. Glaring with some form of mouth, ready to strike without a second thought. Turns out they have Kanohi, too. Like MoMN.
    I just don't understand their chest/orb thing. I guess I'll have to wait for the comics.
    I've been thinking, and there was also the comment by xccj. Wouldn't it be awesome if the summer colors were:
    Bright green (with perhaps dark green, being bad guys and that color scheme hasn't been used yet)
    Brown (wishful thinking. But picture these guys in brown and it just might work. Maybe brown with a black or gunmetal or keetorange secondary color. Or if brown was secondary then we'd have brown double joints! Now I'm just getting ahead of myself.)
    White (well, that's obvious. I don't have much to say about it except other options would be the dark white (which we need more of MOCing-wise) or a white and light bley combonation. But he's a baddie so I guess a full white body is ruled out. Some shadow is needed)
    As you can tell, I like these sets a lot more than the Nuva. The Makuta look the part and I feel they will have lots of attitude.
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    Blog entries, term papers, even news stories sometimes. I just do not go back and reread what I wrote and check for errors.
    Is that bad?
    I trust spell checker too much and I trust my writing well enough the first time around.
    Now, I know that Stephen King's editor said that the first draft, he is writing for himself, and the second draft he should be writing for his audience, so you then take out all the little things you felt like inserting. However, I remember once my editor said he liked the feel of my article because it was not as bland or straight as other articles.
    Plus, when I get a 90 on a 5 page paper I wrote the night before, I know I am good.
    Still, to reiterate the question: Is that bad?
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    I was so excited about ordering a new laptop that I really should have told you all that "Hole in the Wall," a game show based off a Japanese one, is making an appearance on Fox Sunday night at 8.
    If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can search videos of "Hole in the Wall" and/or read my description: A big foam wall has some sort of cutout(s). Contestant(s) must then shape themselves to this cutout or be pushed into the water behind them, for the wall is moving towards them and they must pass through.
    I am definitely going to try to see this tomorrow!
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    Yes, you read that title correctly. Need I say any more?

    (Pic via the internet.)
    My school had a Relay for Life (raising money for cancer research) yesterday/today, and during the event groups sell baked-goods to participants to raise more money. I baked something I felt would be irresistible: a delicious cookie inside a delicious cookie. The mere thought sounds amazing.
    So I baked a batch and they turned out amazing. Delicious, ridiculous, incredible.
    Here's the recipe I grabbed online:

    The cookies were almost the size a fist. Huge. It's great.
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    That is how tall my ceiling is from the floor.
    The HHGTTG poster is 9 feet tall.
    My bed is about three feet above the floor.
    And let us also take note that putting a sticky 3M hook on the wall would "lower" the ceiling 3 inches.
    In the end, the string is too stretchy that the poster lowers another foot, annoyingly.
    This is what it looks like.
    I was expecting to only be able to see the top two thirds, but that extra foot is making hanging it not worth my while. I'd try extra hooks but I don't think I have anything that would be able to hold it up. (And besides, the one will probably rip the paint off the wall, as usual here in the dorms.)
    I will probably take it down, even though it'll mean having to shuffle my posters around again, even though I already did that, but this just doesn't look too pleasing...
    And someone will have to put it to good use.
  22. ChocolateFrogs
    Hello BZPower,
    Let me tell you a story of a Boy Scout who got lost in the woods
    Ok, let me try this again...
    Hello PZBower,
    Let me stell you a tory of a Scoy Bout who got wost in the loods. Cow Hum? Cebause he wasn't using the studdy bystem. What a mupid storon! Now he found bimself heing based by a chair. This chair was muhongous! The Bout wasn't ratching where he was wunning, so he ripped over a troot, lell into a fatrine, and now he smells like a dile of pung.
    woh ell.
    The storal of my mory is this:
    Actually, I haven't made a storal yet. How did lou yike this? Ever tistened loo the Stapital Ceps? They have sunny fets like this. I am troing to guy this out on my Scoy Bout troop at cummer samp.
  23. ChocolateFrogs
    But I could be, no?
    Fedora, wide-brimmed like Indiana Jones.
    Oh so tempting to buy.
    I'm not one to wear ball-caps around. I'll wear one camping, absolutely. It's necessary. But I didn't even wear my geeked-out cap with a BrickFest patch on it at BrickFair.
    But a fedora? Now that is something that appeals to me. I like to think that if I had one I would wear it around often.
    I don't know what I'm worried about. Most of my IRL friends would accept it (and some have already said they are pretty cool hats), and besides, I don't really worry about what others think of my image anyway.
    Plus then I could put a piece of paper in it that says "PRESS"!
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