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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    Current wallpaper:

    I am loving the x-gene out of this new series. That, and the rebooted Uncanny X-Men, especially how they exist together (if need be. Things are barely mentioned, but I figure that sooner or later the Schism (which I still need to read) will become a forgive and forget, at least for a major team-up situation).
    And along with new issues of Wolverine and the X-Men (Alpha and Omega) and Uncanny X-Men, comic book Wednesday treated me to Star Munchkin. It looks awesome, and I can not wait to play it with my roommates. And then soon after I will shuffle in my Munchkin deck for ridiculous genre-bending!
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    Had a lovely morning and afternoon with family.
    Now back at my house, more family time. Probably going to play a game of Munchkin, But first we'll set up the Blu Ray player I got them, and probably watch tonight one of the four blu ray movies I got them to start their collection. (Most likely Super 8 because my brother and dad didn't see it when they had the awesome chance of seeing in theaters.)
    And of course there's the Doctor Who Christmas special tonight!
    Current wallpaper:

    Happy Christmas!
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    I would dare say that this past week has been one of the best and most invigorating weeks of my entire year. I feel fantastic unlike any feeling I've felt in a very long while.
    Because I've stayed off the internet and, generally speaking, off my computer.
    I've read a book in four days. A fantastic book (see tomorrow's entry).
    I saw my long-distance girlfriend three times this week.
    And other friends.
    Actually, yeah, that's about it. Anticlimactic, I know. But it's mostly because I actually plopped myself down to read for once, not having homework or other ties, and seeing Ashley (though I know two of my readers have it even worse than I do. <3 ) and hanging with other friends once being home.
    Have I been on the computer? Yeah. But I've let my email and RSS overflow with unread messages that I can get to later. Instead I've read and hung out and slept in and done stuff and generally enjoyed myself! (We'll see how long it lasts.)
    No regrets.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    Comic books. Something I never really attempted to get into. With so much backstory, where do I start? Well, my girlfriend has been going to a comic book shop close to my house, and she said any issue is relatively a fine start. With that, I was quite excited to make with her my first comic book shop visit when I went home for Thanksgiving break!
    I picked out the latest three Astonishing X-Men comics, having been a fan of them (and Spider-Man) since their 1994 Saturday morning cartoons. (Fun fact: Joss Whedon wrote for this series' first few years back in 2004!) I read the first so far and quite enjoyed it.
    But here's the worst part: I went to my local comic book shop down here at school, to get my roommate a Christmas gift, and picked up two more Astonishing X-Men (this week's latest issue, the start of a new story, and one from a few months ago to have a full story-arc). I just had to know what I missed, and what happens next!
    What have I gotten myself into‽ Well, it's pretty awesome. I should probably branch out though, get some Cap, Thor, Deadpool, and maybe even see what DC's new 52 is up to...
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    Just yesterday I was telling a friend that my college class ring should arrive pretty soon, so I should try to get as much mileage out of my high school ring as I can (because you don't wear it after except when going to class reunions).
    So guess what arrived today!

    It's pretty neat (and pretty). Best of all it fits snugly on my finger (which is good because I didn't wear my high school ring around too much because it was just a tad loose--it can fit on my middle finger*).
    Silver and blue are the school colors. 1960, the year in the middle, is the year the school was founded. English is my major department, Journalism is my major/concentration, and CCM is the organization I am most active in: Catholic Campus Ministry. (Fun fact: I'm also a Philosophy/Religious Studies minor just for kicks.)
    *So I could wear that one on my left hand, middle finger, have two rings and be full of bling. jk
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    Does anyone else have that problem where it takes them a good 2 weeks to 6 months to take photos of their latest MOC?
    It's easy to take a quick, cruddy WIP pic and toss it online for a "what do you think?" post. But it takes time and effort to set up a lightbox or white/solid background, find proper lighting with sunlight or a strong lamp positioned well, and take decent photos.
    And then choosing a half-dozen good ones at different angels.
    And then cropping them (the easiest thing, especially with Picasa).
    Right now I have a Vic Viper complete. That needs to be finalized on the internet before the 30th.
    I also still have yet to take proper pix of my SHIP. I have photos of it lit up at BrickFair, but I need some against a solid background (unfortunately relighting it with my LEDs will take even more time, and then unlighting it. Would it be acceptable just to point to a few lit BrickFair photos?).
    Question: It's a white MOC (with trans-blue accents). I have both light tan and dark green bedsheets. Which do you think would be best? (Here's a preliminary pic from last semester, for class, before I touched it up.)
    This would be a lot easier if I had a better setup for taking pix. I did last year, but now I do not.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    I'm still around 3,800 some-odd word count for NaNo. I haven't written anything since Friday.
    For perspective, by the end of Thursday I would want to be around 16,667 words. D:
    And my personal goal was over 20,000, and then I had homework and papers and stuff.
    Hopefully I can work some intense writing time around my homework today and tomorrow. The problem (well, the setback) is that this weekend I will be on a planning-retreat get-together. So not much time for writing there. I will be bringing my laptop and trying my hardest though to punch out a good word count though.
    Oh! And I think I just figured out how to make my story more awesome. It's about two steampunk agents for the Queen that go around stopping antagonists and such from destroying the city, but of course there are general steampunk enthusiasts and inventors around too that don't work for the government. I was going to have one of these be a lovely lady love interest that would kick the butt of one of the baddies for them, but now I think I'll reveal an entire underground society/club of these folks who do the superhero-thing and use their steampunkness for good. Kind of like how Batman enhances himself with tools--these people will work together with their different devices, and then the goal would be to integrate them into the story more.
    See? I don't want to stop writing...
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    Hi all,
    I have a problem.
    I'm bad at making up names.
    You know, for fictional stories?
    So would you tell me, please, what you think some good names are? First names, last names, your best friends' names or those of inspirational 15th century world leaders. Whatever. Just drop them here in the comments and I'll find a way to thank you in my NaNoWriMo novel when I make it big.
    EDIT: I'm fine on guys' names now. I would really appreciate some for the awesome ladies I'll be placing in my story though. Thanks!
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    My roommate is being Dr Horrible for Halloween. (One of his friends is being Captain Hammer.)
    So while he was away last night, I tried on his costume for fun:

    That's coming along...
    I bet you're wondering what I am going to be for Halloween (and if you are not, well then I guess I know who my friends are ).
    Amongst my wardrobe I have attire for:
    The Eleventh Doctor (sans fez)
    The Fourth Doctor (scarf!)
    Arthur Dent (pajamas, bedrobe, towel, Ultimate HHGTTG)
    Chuck (White dress shirt, silver tie, pocket protector with "Nerd Herd" badge) (I no longer have a white dress shirt.)
    But none of these shall be worn on Monday. That costume, my dear readers, will be saved for posting on Halloween.
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    Nah, nothing so dramatic.
    However, my hiking boots of 5+ years were in need of replacing, so it was slightly emotional on account for having them for so long and having to let go.
    You see, they went with me to Philmont Scout Ranch. I even got them branded!

    They will be missed. (Well, except that they ripped here and there and let water in recently which led to needing to be replaced.) But I cut off the branded leather backs for scout memories.
    So over Fall Break, back at home, I went to REI (where I have previously gotten these and other trusty hiking boots) and selected a new pair. They were $173 (including tax), about $25 more than I wanted to spend, but it was necessary as they were the superior design in my price range.

    I look forward to many adventurous years with these!
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Over the summer I started work on something. But enough with words, pictures!

    That's right, I knitted a Fourth Doctor scarf from Doctor Who! It is 10 feet long and took me 4 months, about 130 hours, to make. It pretty much follows the original pattern Tom Baker wore in the first few seasons (there are 4 types overall).
    I'll be warm this winter. B)
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    If you remember, I started growing a beard in February. After two weeks it looked like this.
    I didn't talk about it much after that. I think there are pictures of me at eight weeks, but those aren't too good.
    Then, at twelve and a half weeks, I had to remove it (or felt like it? It was getting unwieldy. I had stuff to do. It was fun while it lasted). It looked like this.
    (And like this.)
    And then, in all her awesomeness, Nukaya worked her magic:

    And presented us with Paul Benyan and his blue ox Babe.
    Beard: Feb 4-May 3, 2011. It was bittersweet returning to normal, but I think it's for the best...for now.
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    The third WIP picture of my purple-accented starfighter.
    I want to push the wings out more, which will be easy. The hard part is still coming up with a stable system to keep them at the proper angle. (I can't use any technic piece with a 120 degree angle because that is too much.)
    Other than that I made some substantial progress.
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    Let me just say, my fall break has started off splendidly! The majority of my hours awake have thus far been spent with a girl. An AFFOL, Whovian at that!
    With any luck I can see her again Monday, but alas I'll have to go back to school on Tuesday.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    Deciding to fool around with the other 5 tail things from the Toa Mistika I had lying around, I made a quick Vic Viper:

    Also, I got a little idea for some of the purple/yellow spikes I have. Kind of looks like an Alien Conquest UFO. I don't know if I'll follow through, probably because of a lack of pieces to attach the spikes. Also I'll need to disassemble it before BrickFair so I can make my flower.

  16. ChocolateFrogs
    Some progress coming along on the SHIP. And even though I took these pictures probably a week ago they are already outdated compared to what else I've done.
    SHIP as a whole
    102 studs long!
    Top Middle (the disk has since gone)
    The back third. Bridge hidden there, and I like the flow
    Engines, Kakama, different angle to view (I'll work on the end with the disk and slopes)
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    For the figs that need no introduction

    Withstanding introduction
    Also withstanding introduction
    (I think these are their final designs. Not much else I want to add. Unless I find a better face for Kaylee, and make a browncoat for Mal.)
    Early attempts for Inara Sera and River Tam.
    Coming with a list of recommendations as long as my leg.
    (So now all I need are some brown faces and proper hair and torsos for Zoe and Book. Slightly harder to come by, but eventually I'll break, want a complete crew, and pay big bucks just to wrap it up.)

    The Lime Team!
    Finally, a lady-elf:

    (Oh, if only LEGO made elf-eared hair in long, blond. Also, I was tempted to give her yellow, bare arms, but this seemed better.)
    Some more WIPs coming along!
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    A month ago my roommate Ian removed my mattress and hid that while putting the covers back on my bed frame, in case you don't remember.
    I had to get him back, of course. I waited a month and then struck. I waited for a morning when he got back from work. He's a police aide, sitting at a residence hall front-desk from midnight to 8 a few times a week. Then he sleeps for a few hours before any afternoon classes he has. This morning was one such morning. I got up at 9, knowing he'd be asleep, and laid out my plans.
    The previous night I got 204 styrofoam cups for about $7. So I placed those outside his room's door and down the 12 feet of hallway leading to his room, and filled them halfway with water.

    (His door is to the right. The one in front is the pantry door.)
    I wasn't around when he woke up, but apparently he had a pretty good reaction. He almost didn't notice them. And this was definitely not something he wanted to wake up to.
    Unfortunately the size of this prank is greater than the size of his prank, so we're not even and I have to beware. It's like the cold war, he told me.
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