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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    New space ship WIP:

    I jumped on my idea I've had for a while now because a parts order came in today! The parts order did not contain the 72 purple-yellow spiked from the Dark Panther, but about half of the hinge bricks beneath them. (I already had them from August when a WAMALUG member gave me 60 of them from his 12 sets he got for helping clean up on Monday after BF. All he really wanted were the robot figs.)
    I have another plan for these come BrickFair 2011, TBA soon. Especially considering I told Nuju Metru I'd do something amazing with the 15 I had after he gave me his set.
    I just can't figure out which end should be the front... Or how I'll either fill in the middle or fill in the gaps on the outside so it can be hollow.
    PS, the parts order also contained a new blue suit for my Tenth Doctor, a fez for my Eleventh, and, among other things, a board game die because it seemsl like a piece I should have for the future.
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    I watched Chuck all of last night while I sorted through my uncle's Flickr album of vacation photos for a calendar I'm making him (and then I sorted some LEGO bricks when I got tired of that). Season 2 episodes 1-7. Within the first few minutes I was reminded of why I loved this show so much: Chuck is introducing his secret agent buddies: "This is Sarah. Yeah, I know.... This is Casey. He's not as pretty." But it got better. When Casey brought out the big guns from their secret lair, and Chuck goes hysterical, then Casey says "Just like the sign says: Yogurt and fun."
    But perhaps the best scene from last night was in episode 7 when Chuck's new real girlfriend (sad ending, but expected...) said "The logon for his computer was a randomly selected word from a piece of Vogon poetry."

  3. ChocolateFrogs
    We had a Warehouse 13 Christmas episode. Same with Eureka. Did nobody think of the potential of a Stargate Universe episode--Christmas in space? (Say that slowly. Like, "Christmas! IIINNNNNNNNN...SPAAAACCCEEE!)
    It would have been neat to see the crew get all homesick when someone realizes what day it is. There could be sheepishly-made gifts, some improv mistletoe, and they would bring a tree aboard from another planet and that is when the trouble starts. Some sort of parasite (like we haven't seen that before, heh) or alien is in it. Also, Rush would definitely be a Grinch/Scrooge character.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    I'm not going to Katsucon in February, for the first time in four years, and I do not know when my next convention will be where I will be able to cosplay. (Obviously BrickFair doesn't count. Those are entirely different from Anime/Sci-fi/comic/geeky conventions.) But if I did (maybe Madicon in March, a sci-fi/fantasy convention at a big college in Virginia), I would be tempted to cosplay as the Raggedy Doctor. How fun would that be? I would need the pants (the hardest find, since I would want them cheap to be ripped up), a light blue shirt to rip up, and a swirly maroon tie. No jacket, nothing big, and I already have a Nine/Ten sonic screwdriver. It would be especially great since I have not seen anyone do it, people usually focusing on the full Eleven outfit.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    That's not something you hear very often. Usually, people that have Verizon love it (and people that don't sometimes do as well, but this isn't an entry about phone service). But I am a little irked right now.
    I am due for a new phone soon, which is good because my EnV2's front "OK" button stopped working in August or September. Unfortunately all the good phones require a data plan, usually at least $15/month but the $30/mo unlimited data package is the best deal. There's no way I feel like paying $15 or $30 a month, even with my job.
    But seriously, all the phones that don't require a data plan stink. They either look terrible, are a touch screen with virtual QWERTY keyboard, or just stink. I have settled for an LG Octane, most likely, though I would love to find a good deal on Amazon or somewhere for an EnV3, though unlikely.
    Point being: I want the LG Ally but that requires a data plan. Heck, I would love the EnV3 or the Samsung Reality, but both are off the market and required plans. Simple phones and they required plans.
    I'm all for making money and having good marketing schemes, but it's almost leaving customers without much choice. And sometimes it doesn't make sense if the phone wouldn't really surf the web well anyway.
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    I've never done anything steampunk. I've barely made minifigs for the theme (like my steampunk Abraham Lincoln).
    So I tried my hand at a, well, this:

    I've already gotten some suggestions from a friend, which I agree with:

    I might add a shoulder-mounted cannon. I definitely need to fix the legs--the first type I had with T-bars and Technic 1x3 beams were too loose. The left arm also needs to be fixed up and look more menacing.
    This instead of an essay.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    If I turn into a flat pancake by the end of the week (or by tomorrow), someone will come and scrape me up, right?
    I really wish I could just not sleep. Or that I could pull an all-nighter, but I know that is never a good idea.
    I should get 8+ hours of sleep, but if I start my day right I should be able to get away with 6 or 7.
    I probably wouldn't be worrying so much if I didn't have an exam from 2-4:30 tomorrow followed immediately by an exam from 5-7:30. I'm trying to figure out how I can not get hungry during that time. Probably crackers and perhaps an apple, but I'm going to eat lunch right before that so I should be moderately fine where I won't need a full meal.
    I obtained the Doctor Who series 3 soundtrack from a friend, so that's 1.2 hours more of music for me to jam listen to while I study. Unfortunately no word on my friend finding Series 4.5 or 5 though. He's usually on top of those things. For now I'll have to settle for MI7G's rendition of The Eleventh Doctor's action theme.
    I need to stop playing snake.
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    LEGO was really smart sending BZP and at least one other forum some HF 2.0 sets early. Now I'm super-excited and wanting to buy some of them at least a month before I can. As opposed to seeing them on the shelf, ignoring them since I would not know the full extent of awesomeness as to what I was getting, and then regretting it and having to wait a few more months.
    I suspect I'll get at least the red and white heroes 2.0 (So sorry for using colors, I sound like a little kid) and maybe a bad guy or something.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    My brother and I went to Borders the other day for some Christmas shopping (as it turned out, I had a coupon for 40% off a kid's toy, so I got my sister Minotaurus (along with A Wrinkle in Time) for Christmas) and right as we walk in we see a blue box of collectible minifigs! We immediately look for the bumps until a moment later I realize they were blue and part of Series 2. My brother it looking at them and next thing he knows I had pulled a barcode sheet out of my wallet. He was a tad surprised, but probably more impressed (and even more appreciative).
    Although they were $4 each, it's not like we were going to get a better deal nowadays, so I found him a pharaoh and Mexican while I got myself a surfer dude, female lifeguard, karate master, and second spartan. (I say second because a WAMALUG mother I'm friends with sent me a pharaoh, vampire, and spartan a few months ago, but I intended to send one to my 300/Gerard Butler-loving friend while she was in Scotland studying abroad, so I did not have one for myself (partially for a Rory Williams minifig, partly because they are so popular).)
    I checked my Toys R Us both Wednesday when I got home and at 10 pm when they opened Thanksgiving night for pre-Black Friday, but they did not have Series 3. When I was at my LEGO Store's mall on Wednesday I called them (I was up at the movie theater) and they said they were not coming until January. Guess where I'll be heading on my way home from New Years festivities?
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    As my roommate describes them, they take that one track that sounds awesome that every epic movie soundtrack has on it and made an entire CD like that.
    I have the Invincible CD on my computer and am trying to find more (with much luck!).
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    If I had known how useful RSS feeds were, I would have started using them years ago!
    I started a few days and it has proved immensely helpful just a few hours after I started.
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    Ever have any fears where you don't want to tell people of that fear because then they will become fearful/paranoid along with you? I just don't want to tell anyone whenever I am standing at a crosswalk corner that I fear a car could suddenly veer over the curb and hit me.
    You see what I did there.
    (Seriously, that would be terrible small talk while you wait for the light to change.)
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    Great movie. I really enjoyed it, much more than I thought I would. I am really glad I saw it.
    Tangled was funny, sweet, scary, tense, rewarding...and much more. Very enjoyable.
    Right before seeing it I realized this was one of those Disney movies that was also a musical, but I soon got over that worry because it was just fantastic.
    What was also neat was Zachary "Chuck" Levi voiced Flynn, the main dude.
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    Wow. What a great lead up. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 was so well done. And the acting was great. Just everything about that, book inconsistencies aside since they didn't screw up the movie, was really good.
    I also liked how they told Beedle's story of the Hallows.
    Can Summer come already? I'm going to have to dress up for that one...
    It was especially neat being there with everyone else, because everyone was excited and ready to watch a good movie they have been anticipating probably since the 7th book came out, or the first movie.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    Say, if I do not know what to get my 11 year old sister, but she does like LEGO (she visited BrickFair this year and last), is it almost my "obligation" so to speak to get her some LEGO for Christmas?
    It is productive and creative, enjoyable, boundless, and appropriate (though I wonder if my parents would rather I get her something else).
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    I guess if there was ever a time to build a Stargate MOC, now would be it:

    Granted, I an not actually going to get the set, but that headpiece is cool.
    (The $10-11 one, sure, I'll get that. This theme seems really cool, and I never got any Adventurers sets.)
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    But I'm seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 today at midnight!
    So stoked.
    ALSO: This is my first midnight Potter thing. I had never done a book event at midnight, and aside from working the midnight show of HP6 (seeing is 6 hours before those people ) never seen the movie at midnight either. Excited does not begin to explain my mindset right now, and it is almost hard to believe I am actually doing it!
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    "Wouldn't it be a terribly interesting thing if you, the person you think you are, and the person other people think you are could be in a room together? They would be such very different people! Would they be friends or enemies?"
    Oh how very interesting indeed.
    I guess the closest way to doing this would be to watch a candid video of you for a day, or something. Get to see how you act from that different perspective.
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    As I sat writing about LEGO for an English paper, I realized that I am really glad I stuck with building throughout any ridicule I received during the ages where is was socially unacceptable. Where would I be today and what would I be doing if I did not have LEGO in my life? I dare not think about that.
    Also, is it just me or are messenger bags becoming popular? Even my roommate who criticized me for having one now uses a side bag.
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    ...kicked my NaNo novel in the butt.
    Even worse that last year, where at least I was writing over halfway through before I realized I had work to actually do. This year the work is just screaming at me not to ignore it. Ug.
    Oh well. I hope I can write some fun stuff sooner or later, but NaNo is such a nice time to do it. November, however, is not.
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    ...was typed from my new iPod Touch.
    And by new I mean 2nd gen 32 gb that was my friend's until last night when he gave it to me. So I told him he can't get mad if I buy him a good Christmas present.
    Edited for formatting.
  22. ChocolateFrogs
    My goodness that was an absolutely brilliant episode!

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Gotta feel happy for Eli.
    Getting off of Destiny is what I always love. Stargate was always about going off-world, they need to keep that up here. Plus the aliens they have encountered so far have been interesting (although most prominently humanoid), and this ship looked pretty cool.
    Rush working around his problems using his scientist lover was fantastic. Maybe better though when Eli reminded us all that he records the Kino video to his computer.
    Brad Wright said that "Rush won't reveal the bridge in that episode, but it's coming soon, and it will bring Young and Rush to their biggest conflict yet."
    Technically he did not reveal it to Young, but there Young was on the bridge at the end. I had thought Young would not be on it for at least another episode or two. But as far as writing goes, he's been holding the secret back for a while now, so I guess it was time.
    Also now that bad Lucian knows how to manipulate Eli. Just seeing him watch him as he walked by in the end.
    This episode was great even up to the last minute.
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