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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    Totally forgot that yesterday was my 8th BZP Anniversary! (Among other things...)
    But a day late isn't bad. Here I am! Eight years later! I've certainly changed compared to the first few posts I made way back when. Now I'm a reporter, I've started this blog, been to a few conventions...it's a nice community we have here, and I've felt like sticking around.

    I was going to blog about Portal 2, and then this came up to steal that thunder. But I'll still say it: I'm wearing my Aperture Labs shirt today, listening to the Orange Box OST, but unfortunately am not buying the game because I have final exams next week I should study for. Oh well. I suppose I'll play it over the 4th of July at a friend's place. If not then I might just buy it next semester when I have access to my roommate's X-Box (there's no way this will play on my computer).
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    The new Pirates of the Caribbean sets have started to appear on shelves, and I definitely want to get one. I just can't decide if I should get The Captain's Cabin ($13) or Isla De Muerta ($20). Care to give me your own thoughts on the matter? Here are mine:
    First off, they are both priced a little higher than proper proportions because this is a licensed theme with quite a few new parts. The price is unimportant, aside from that I am willing to spend the extra $7 for the larger set if it comes to it. They both have a good Captain Jack Harkness Sparrow figure, neither with a hat. The larger set does have Jack with a normal head (if it was only ghostly I'd go for the smaller set), so no worries there.
    The Captain's Cabin has some cool ships in a bottle, new bones, a cool globe, two cutthroats, one sword belt/holder in brown, and a few nice brown pieces and gold pieces. It looks like it also has the map seen at the end of Pirates 3.
    Isla De Muerta is a classic final battle scene from our favorite Curse of the Black Pearl, the movie that started all this madness. There's Jack, Barbossa, skeleton Barbossa, and Elizabeth (more female figs to my collection is always welcome). There's an apple, new gold pieces, some cool rock structure of sorts, the boat, and Jack's compass. Along with two sword belts/holders in black.
    OK, after typing out those pros (and some cons), I've pretty much sold myself on Muerta. But I had been pretty set on buying Cabin for a while, it just seems like Muerta is the better choice. Except that it seems small. But for collecting minifigs and pieces I am more likely to use, that seems the natural choice. I still welcome your input though.
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    Arpy posted some of these a while ago, but I found them recently (though I thought it was entirely his making).



    There are tons more (here are my favorites (and mine!)), most of them reflecting the fandom quite well IMO.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    My roommate sat me down and made me watch all three extended Lord of the Rings movies today, to my begrudging acceptance,* but I must now admit that it was indeed a day (woke up at noon, started at 1 pm, finished at 2 am) not wasted.
    Great movies. The true meaning of the word "epic." Awesome. Such beautiful landscapes and cinematography, and then amazing battle scenes. Oh, those battle scenes really round it all out.
    First was great, second almost fell into the "second in a trilogy syndrome" were it not for the amazing Battle at Helm's Deep, and the third was just epic.
    My only question: Why on earth would anyone want to watch the theatrical versions? I asked that after just the first one, because of how amazing it was, and really, by the time all three are over 12 hours later, it's such a full story having anything less seems inadequate. As a movie-goer, I sure would have sat through 4 hours of film if it meant a complete story.
    *I haven't finished The Two Towers book yet, but that (and Return of the King) will change this summer. Then I'll watch the theatrical versions at home with my dad (he has them and I'm interested to see the difference), then come back to school and watch the extended editions again but by then my roommate will have gotten them on Blue Ray (having then finished the books).
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    Looks like I'm watching all three extended editions of LotR on Saturday, despite not having finished The Two Towers (and thus neither Return of the King).
    Part of me doesn't mind. I know plenty of good people who just couldn't read through to finish the books. They are well-read aplenty in other prose.
    A part of me is still trying to get over my personal rules of, if possible, reading the book first.* But I know I'll enjoy the books, grab the soundtracks after and enjoy those while doing homework, and can get my roommate off my back from complaining so much about my lack of LotR. I know the movies are good so I might as well get excited and enjoy them now and forever.
    *Doesn't look like that's happening for A Game of Thrones though, though the book is on my shelf.
    (Also, I drafted the Dr Who entry because this is more immediate. I'll bring it back in a few days.)
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    I'm done. Over with spoilers. No more for me. I want to stay surprised with each episode/movie I look forward to watching. Secrets are now surprises!
    Particularly, this is in regards to Doctor Who. I watched Series 1-4.5 not knowing what was coming next. I always turned off the episode before the “next time” clip popped up. But as soon as I finished, I enjoyed the bombardment of Series 5 details that crept up on me ever so easily. But a the same time, there was a part of me that misses the surprise that came with the older episodes. Especially if I didn't know it was a two-parter.
    Same goes for Chuck, where I breezed through the series unknowing of details. But the only big spoilers I see for that are usually plot descriptions of upcoming episodes. There aren't too many spoilers for Stargate Universe, what with being kicked off the air and all, but knowing certain characters were returning was nice. But I'll be fine. Not much has turned up about Warehouse 13 yet, so I'll be able to stay blissfully ignorant easily.
    This all started when my friend saw the DW premier in NYC this week, saying she was confused as to why the characters were acting the way they were, and I knew what the bad guys were doing to them, yet she didn't, and I realized I wouldn't have such an experience and, thus, enjoy it less. If I stay away from spoilers everywhere, wherever I used to get them, maybe I can keep some of that surprise for later episodes.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    I don't call too many sets beautiful. This is one of those exceptions:

    No word yet on release date, piece count or the price, but the first doesn't matter because the last will be out of my price range. (I doubt I'll buy the $140 Millennium Falcon unless I have the funds to buy it on sale at BrickFair. Unlikely.)
    But I can sit and look at it.
    (Yes, the figs don't make sense. But who doesn't love getting minifigs‽)
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    Wait, I actually took pictures of a MOC and then uploaded it to the internet?
    Yup. This thing started about a year ago was more or less finished at BrickFair (I never added to it). I took pictures of it because I needed the pieces for my SHIP.
    The space seeder is something that is sent out to colonize and "seed" other planets in the universe, not only housing plenty of humans but all the tools and food necessary to start a new life. It's got long-term stasis pods for crew, zero-gravity gardening room for fresh fruits and veggies, and all the accommodations for a few years' trip to another habital planet (or one suitable for terraforming. Such devices fit best in the big ball, among other necessities. Just drop this from orbit and wait until it sends readings back up for the go-ahead).

    I had this idea for a while, but didn't have a second Nuju lid for the ball. Luckily xccj was kind enough to mail me his (sort of trading for the sparkly one I mistakenly bought (on the seller's error for not specifying what color the lid really was)) and I went about with the MOC. Thanks! Oh and thanks to Senjo for giving me the big Power Miners tire for the engine! I had been wanting that piece to use as such for a while, and she was happy to see it in use at BrickFair 2010 when I displayed this MOC.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    Remind me that next time I have a paper due around the time that Doctor Who comes out that I shouldn't wait until the morning that it's due to work on it (and write blog entries) and instead get it done in plenty of time so that I can skip and go to New York City and camp out overnight with a friend who is currently there meeting Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill (so jealous, sheesh, all three!) waiting for the premier tonight (she's 10th in line).
    Then again, next year there will be Smith, but not Gillan.
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    Yes, you read that title correctly. Need I say any more?

    (Pic via the internet.)
    My school had a Relay for Life (raising money for cancer research) yesterday/today, and during the event groups sell baked-goods to participants to raise more money. I baked something I felt would be irresistible: a delicious cookie inside a delicious cookie. The mere thought sounds amazing.
    So I baked a batch and they turned out amazing. Delicious, ridiculous, incredible.
    Here's the recipe I grabbed online:

    The cookies were almost the size a fist. Huge. It's great.
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    And judging by how my bedsheets were half-off my bed when I woke up, I must have had a really rough night.
    (Actually, the little metal rod inserted into my jaw and toothline to serve as a stick to eventually hold onto my upcoming fake tooth is now loose, making food very hard to eat (seriously, I had a donut* for breakfast. Just one, because I daren't** have another) and ruining my life for the next few days, in which I have to figure out when to go home to see my dentist about this while at the same time having a Relay For Life tonight, a term-paper due on Monday, and me not wanting to miss any class. Except I can barely eat.)
    *Why does "donut" come up as incorrect in Firefox's spell check?
    **Yes that is now a real word. Needn't I remind you I'm an English major?
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    I wonder where that fish has gone.
    You did love it so, you looked after it like a son.
    And it went wherever I did go.
    A fish, a fish, a fishy ohhh.

    Seriously, what was going on in their minds when Monty Python decided to produce this skit?
    Especially that elephant. Stop staring at me!
    (Creeped out.)
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    There is just waaaay too much information about Doctor Who Series 6 floating around right now.
    Haha, just kidding. That can't happen.
    (Actually, we definitely don't want the opening two-parter spoiled.)
    All you need to know to jump into a Doctor Who episode:

  14. ChocolateFrogs
    April Fools' Day, 2011.
    I froze my roommate's ID in a cup of water (which turned into ice. Science!).
    Then I froze that in a tupperware second layer.
    Then, after he didn't call the room to be let back in all night, I froze it in a third layer the next morning.
    He finally came back, over 24 hours after starting this entire thing. He was not amused. (But we were!)
    More pix.
    Edit: Beardliness: 8 weeks!
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    It's always nice being able to swap music with a friend, because it's a win-win situation for both parties involved!
    Just recently I added probably almost 2 gigs worth of Christian music to my computer, thanks to a friend.
    Among those additions, I have recently been excessively enjoying Falling Up, David Crowder Band (especially Church Music), Newsboys' Houston We Are Go, a few Abandon Kansas songs, and some more Matt Maher (especially Alive Again (song and CD)).
    Now if only Relient K would release a new album...
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    ˙ʇı oʇ ƃuıʞɔıʇs ɯ,ı puɐ ǝuıɯ ɟo pǝǝɹɔ ɐ s,ʇɐɥʇ

    sʇǝʞɔod ɟo ʎʇuǝld-
    ʇıɟ ǝɔıu-
    :sʇuɐd oƃɹɐɔ

    ǝslǝ "ǝuoʎɹǝʌǝ" ʎq uɹoʍ-
    sʇǝʞɔod ɥƃnouǝ ʇou-
    ʇɥƃıʇ ooʇ-
    ˙ʎnƃ ɟo puıʞ sʇuɐd-oƃɹɐɔ ɐ ɟo ǝɹoɯ ɯ,ı ˙suɐǝɾ ɹɐǝʍ ʎlǝɹɐɹ ı
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    Would anywhere from 9-12 people be interested in putting together pieces for a second BZP Mosaic for BrickFair 2011, since the first one is filled up?
    Post here (or Nukaya's blog), and if we gather enough interest we'll continue work on a second image.
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    :ʞuıɥʇ ı ʇɐɥʍ
    /ɯsı-ǝuɐɾ/ :ɹɐǝɥ ı ʇɐɥʍ
    ɯsıuıɐɾ :ǝǝs ı ʇɐɥʍ

    ˙ɯsıuıɐɾ ʇnoqɐ ƃuıʞlɐʇ ʎlʇuǝɹɹnɔ ǝɹɐ ǝʍ 'ssɐlɔ ʇsɐǝ ǝɥʇ ɟo suoıƃılǝɹ ʎɯ uı
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    The only good thing about having rain is getting the opportunity to wear my sturdy hiking boots out and about (and with Philmont and Boy Scout brands, no less!). My feet can withstand anything!

    (The second good thing, heh, is the pollen-count lowering.)
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    ˙ǝɯ ʇsuıɐƃɐ
    pǝsn ǝq plnoɔ ʇı uǝɥʍ sɹǝɥʇo ʇnq 'sıɥʇ ƃuıʎɐs ǝʞıl lǝǝɟ ı uǝɥʍ sǝɯıʇ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ ɹoɟ 'ǝʌıʇɐlǝɹ sı "ɥʇɹoʍ" ǝsɹnoɔ ɟo puɐ ˙ʍǝɟ ʎɹǝʌ ʇnq 'suoıʇdǝɔxǝ ǝɯos ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ
    "˙ʎlsnoıɹǝs ƃuıʞɐʇ ɥʇɹoʍ ʇou ʎlqɐqoɹd s,ʇı 'ʇnoqɐ ƃuıʞoɾ ɥʇɹoʍ ʇou s,ʇı ɟı"
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    Say what?

    This is verymuch from at least the Steampunk convention that was taking place in the same hotel as Bricks by the Bay. And it's shown up elsewhere. Jealous! (And great idea!) (Pic from the internet, found and linked from flickr.)
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