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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    I love British humor!
    (Well, of course, there's Monty Python after all.)
    And maybe just all the other shows England does as well... (Doctor Who, Sherlock, Life on Mars, Outcasts, Primeval, Being Human...)
    (But that does not let me forget about my beloved American Sci-Fi (and other programing). (Firefly, Stargate, Warehouse 13, The Big Bang Theory...)
    That being said, perhaps I should give the BBC The Office a shot.
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    I know what you all are thinking: What is up with the mosaic project that was so awesome at last year's BrickFair?
    It's coming, folks!
    Just be patient, because Nukaya and I are swamped with homework. I guess it's a 3rd year thing.
    HOWEVER, xccj, let it be known is now officially the third member of our team and not to be forgotten in the credits, is a master at the mosaic maker program (and touchups elsewhere) and has provided us with this image:

    While that still needs a little work before we start distributing sections, Nukaya and I agreed that we would like to create that at this year's convention. One image, but one bigger image. Twelve pieces. Lots of color. And lots of nostalgia.
    Get excited!
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    Two weeks ago a friend said he wanted to see me with a beard. (Granted, I think he wants to see a mountain-man beard, but that sounds a little excessive for me, despite my Boy Scout persona.) I saw no reason to fight this notion, thought it would be fun, and thus did not shave the following morning. A week later I cleaned up the underside, and it looked pretty good (and a certain girl mentioned in this blog a few days ago agreed, not to mention other friends).
    Now it is two weeks later and I have a picture! This was taken while some friends and I went to see the hilarious Catholic comedian Judy McDonald.

    I shall keep it for another week and a half so my family and old friends see it when I get back home for spring break, and I suspect I'll continue to keep it as long as I (/the girl with any luck) like it.
    I need to start trimming it a little though so certain parts stop poking my lips, and to keep it under control. Short of using some tiny scissors, I am not sure how to do that, but both a friend and my dad have razors with guards, so maybe those will work.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    My roommates, friends and I enjoy a good game of Risk every now and then (usually once a month, but more frequently would be better if we had the time). We've been playing for over a year, with plenty of good games, but never once have I won.
    That all changed tonight!
    No, I won't retell it Red Dwarf style, but let me just say the luck of my dice rolls can only come from a former incarnation of myself having sold my soul to the Devil. My friends hate it. It's unnatural how good my rolls are, yet there I am, constantly coming up the victor.
    I enjoyed it because I was doing so well, they were a little annoyed at the circumstances but everyone had their good moments. In the end, however, I just had a massive buildup of troops which just marched on.
    PS. We play a new version--Risk: Onyx Edition--which definitely makes gameplay more interesting.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    That's what my posters would be saying right now if they could speak.
    Recently I bought some frames for a few of my favorite posters, as well as something to display some Boy Scout patches in (though a little small. Unfortunately anything bigger would be kind of ridiculous. The best way to display patches though is on a large leather skin-like fabric).
    The Empire Strikes Back
    You got to admit, that's just perfect with a frame around it.
    Blue Sun Travel Poster--Miranda
    (Each patch here has some meaning to me, aside from looking cool, and some probably have some interesting stories behind them. Favorites: X-Men, Yoda, Indiana Jones, Stargate, Star Trek, oh and of course my Eagle badge. Though really, nothing is there I don't like, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen to display it. I do have a few other really nice patches that I am sad to have excluded, and I realized I didn't put up my lodge's OA pocket flap. Oops.)
    More pictures
    All this to ensure I'll still have the posters I value years from now, and they won't look tacky (because let's admit, I'm not putting up a dozen posters when I get my own, respectable place).
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    BBC? Sci-Fi? Yes please!
    Drama? Well, seems like I'm enjoying that more and more (what with Stargate Universe and Life on Mars* being a part of my viewing).
    I've seen up to episode 3. And wow, it was even better than the first two. I hear episode 4 has a pretty good pace too.
    Why hasn't this been advertised more/talked up? One geeky site I visit didn't make a big deal of it until after it aired.
    What's also neat is how it's limited to 8 episodes. Seems to me that the BBC doesn't sell something out if it does well. They make limits on shows, make those shows the best they can, and go on their way. And boy do they do it well! (Granted, for all we know right now there could be room for a season 2. But this sounds like a quick series.)
    I think I might have found some minor plot holes (like if they've been there 15 years why are they in one small shelter and not expanding with materials and resources found on Carpathia, and why did they waste precious space and fuel to bring vinyl records?), but overall I look forward to how this plays out.
    *I've only seen the first season, don't ruin anything!
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    6 or so pounds of LEGO brick arrived in the mailroom today at school. That's about $150 worth of brick.
    Strangely, though, it came with ninety-four white 2x1x3 slopes. And 21 double convex 2x2 slopes. I really only need about 30 of the former, and I only wanted a few of the latter in case they came in handy for details on my SHIP. But this is ridiculous.
    No, I'm not going to contact the seller. There's no proof I didn't just slip and really order that much (which is probably what happened--as opposed to a computer glitch), and it's such a hassle to send stuff back and exchange money again.
    So we'll see if I use them or just sell them in my own store. Maybe these will be a blessing in disguise.
    Also: Thanks, xccj, for the 2x8 slopes!
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    Doritos Reviving ("Grandpa!")
    Star Wars Volkswagen
    Bud Light Product Placement
    Unseen footage from Cowboys and Aliens.
    First footage of Captain America.
    Terra Nova commercial (first footage?).
    And I can't forget the Pirate's commercial. "Captain, I wish to report a mutiny. I can name fingers and point names."
    I was disappointed to not see the Old Spice Scent Vacation or Vodafone Double Rainbow commercials.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    I had always said (in my head, not so much out-loud) that if this Doctor Who picture was ever made into a poster I would buy it in a heartbeat. Well, my ruling still stands, but now I've decided I'm not paying $25 for it. Cut that in half and then I'll be more ready to hit "buy."
    There are a few other nice 11th Doctor posters (also remember I already have a 10th Doctor one from The Stolen Earth, but there aren't any 9th Doctor posters, unfortunately but not surprisingly) out, but I have my mind set on this one.
    On a slight side note, I realized it is very hard trying to picture the Eleventh Doctor running around without Amy (because such an action is inevitable). The only fix to this would be half of a season completely with River Song, which would make sense to have a more complete history of her traveling with him, not just short hops for single events.
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    There should be a college course on dinosaurs.
    You know how probably all little kids love dinosaurs? (Think Calvin and Hobbes. Or yourself perhaps.) What little kid doesn't like the T-Rex, or a stegosaurus, or a pterodactyl? Sure, you could go to your library and read some fun books and probably learn some things, but that's just basic childhood fun.
    But now, now we're older. We still think dinosaurs are cool, but don't want to learn anything too serious. I want a college course on dinosaurs through the ages. No boring facts about different time periods or statistics on their livelihood. Studies with Jurassic Park, Primeval, even The Magic Tree House. Cool stuff used here and there that will make us interested.
    Go forth and become a professor and do so.
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Homework to do. But then your roommate gives your friends and you some amazing news. Then you all hang out chatting about life for the next 4 hours.
    Even though you know you're going to be sleep deprived, probably neglect a homework assignment for class, and have to rush around doing things the next day, these truly are the best moments of college.
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    I have completed all my digital work on my upcoming Explorien SHIP. Everything else (nose, greebles, work on engines, etc) will be done by hand once I assemble most of it.
    And since I don't feel like revealing my plans on Flickr, I show them to you:

    I'll be getting more trans-blue 1x2 bricks to add more color, as well as a lot of trans-neon-green pieces. The top stripe will be greebled all the way down.
    And I want to work on some landing gear.
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    At the LEGO Architecture display in DC, they had a building area full of some tables and trenches of bricks. Zack and I decided we should build something extraordinary, considering we were the oldest ones there excited about LEGO. While there were stickers placed on the tables telling us to keep the building within a 16x16 stud base range, we went a little bigger.

    It is 51 bricks tall not counting the additions to the roof.
    We probably ate up most of the supply of black 2x8 bricks, but then again we were able to very easily keep finding more. After a while we figured out a pattern two-bricks tall that would be sturdy, making our building process go easier.
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    It just so happens to be Bundalings the Bunny's* 18th birthday!
    That means:
    1) He can buy dry ice.
    2) He is an official AFOL!
    (and 3) A bunch of other things... bah.)
    Also, a few things about myself:
    -Someone get me a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster!
    -(J/k. I will not go out and drink certain beverages tonight, because I walk against society and their expectations of what someone should do on a day like mine. I just don't see the point.)
    -Actually I've found a recipe for a Whovian-themed beverage appropriately named for The Doctor's "magic wand." I'll have to make that someday.
    *Say his name outloud. I hadn't until BrickFair one year and it's so weird.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    I ordered it. It arrived. It sat on my shelf and then I moved it to the living room with all the other DVDs. That's right folks...
    Stargate SG-1 the Complete Series, Collectors Edition came in yesterday!

    It's pretty awesome. Geek-tastic.
    A roommate said he would start watching if I bought it, so he's borrowing the first disc (I've already seen 2/3rd of the first season). I'm probably going to wrap up the first season this week, but then I need to watch 90 episodes of Farscape before the semester is over.
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    Some TV shows I have started watching, am continually watching live on TV weekly, and shows I hope to soon watch:
    Currently on, or soon:
    Stargate Univsere
    Community (the Excel Saga of sit-coms.)
    The Big Bang Theory (just renewed for another three years!)
    Castle (I don't watch this weekly, but I should.)
    (Doctor Who Series 6)
    Catching up, just started, in the middle of:
    Primeval (I just finished the first season. Loved the ending!)
    Life on Mars (BBC)
    Being Human (BBC. I'm weary about SyFy's version starting up.) (I might not keep watching, but it's been enjoyable.)
    Doctor Who classic (I'm only a few Tom Baker episodes in, but I look forward to him and Peter Davison. Maybe Sylvester McCoy.)
    Andromeda (seasons 2, 4 and 5. I heard 3 was pretty much episodic. Unless I have some season confused.)
    Stargate SG-1 (from the beginning. I became a regular viewer around the time of the Ori/Atlantis. I'm halfway through season 1.) (Subsequently SG Atlantis will be viewed I reach that season.)
    Santuary (I'm struggling though. I hear the Tesla episodes and finales are good though, and I can skip the rest?)
    To start:
    I have given up on V (for now), and decided against watching The Cape (despite Summer Glau), which was probably a good idea considering the reports I've heard from fellow geeks on another board. My roommate liked it though.
    Maybe more important however are the books I want to read this semester: Mockinjay, A Game of Thrones, Storm Front, Solar, the 5th and 6th books to Hitchhiker's Guide, and much of a Sherlock Holmes collection.
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