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Everything posted by Arkatox

  1. My messenger isn't full right now (It's been constantly almost full or full ever since my premier ran out), so you can send your reply.

  2. Hey Thomas. What's up? I just got Lunatic and Elyon from the library. You really should read more of Dekker's books. I'd say read the Paradise Novels or the Blessed Series (aka the Caleb Books) next.

  3. Didn't tell you? Yeah, sorry about that. You can still author (though you take a lot of time, lol), but me and Gav are gonna be the main authors. We're going redux.

  4. Awesome name, Angus.

  5. So you're Pagemaster now? I remember when you used to change your name like every week or something.

  6. Hey, check out my new epic.

  7. So you haven't really noticed? I'M VICAN! Check your friends list, I'm there.

  8. Hey, Omega, long time no see! What's up?

  9. Well I said I should talk in simple English, 'cause I thought you would probably understand it more.

  10. Lol, I saw. So what's up?

  11. Hey, Justax, long time no see! I changed my name again, I used to be Toa Vican.

  12. Arkatox

    #57: Notice

    I changed my avatar, personal pic, personal statement and interests within the last couple of days. Check out my profile for the updated versions.
  13. Nice t'meet you too! Oh, maybe I should talk in simple english.

  14. Oh, you're Indonesian? Cool. I know some people from Indonesia, though their kids (one of them younger than me and one my older brother's age) grew up knowing english. Also, the father in the family is from here in America.

  15. No, he hasn't read Green yet. I haven't either, unfortunately. He told me in an email conversation that he's only read the Circle Trilogy (which is a good series to start Dekker's books with), but he wants to read more.

  16. You you're the guy who added me to his friends list? Do I know you?

  17. Lol, didn't notice my name change at first, eh? I can't say I'm surprised.

  18. Yeah, the one of the games shown at this year's E3 was Metroid: Other M being developed by Project M, which is a mixture between Nintendo, Team Ninja and one other company. It looks like the coolest Metroid game yet.

  19. BTW, ~SM~, you're a really good MOCer.

  20. My favorite band is Kutless. If you've heard of the song "This Feeling", it's by them. They're a Christian band.

  21. I salute you, Thomas of Hunter! I think I'll add you as a friend.

    Elyon's Strength,


  22. Calling me Vican is fine, 'cause I'm used to it here.

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