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Aussie Tahu Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Aussie Tahu Nuva

  1. nothing much mainly school, thanks anyway talk to you later

  2. Nothing much, mostly working, it was school holidays last week and I worked almost everyday, I also replayed LEGO Indiana Jones a second time and finished it 2 days ago, and as I am posting this I just came home from my late shift at work. Ok enough about me, how about you?

  3. Nothing too exciting, I just bought the remainder of this years sets, and worked. Good to hear you had a great time.

  4. Nothing too exciting, mainly work, and I just bought a new computer (it arrived today) so I've been setting it up.

  5. Oh and by the way go check out my brickshelf pics of my lego collection, here is the link


    copy and paste it into your bar

  6. Oh and it was my Birthday on the 15th.

  7. Oh guess what the Agori are out I saw them in Myers, Target, and KMart.

  8. oh nothing much, looking forward to school ending mostly

  9. oh thats fine no prob

  10. ok here is a list of the lizards i have found or either caught up here, i have found a couple of blue tongued lizards, a few bearded dragons, lace monitors, geckoes (once had an empty fish-tank full of them), carpet snakes, red bellied black snakes, king brown snakes, tiger snakes (never actually touched them just watched them), green tree snakes, and to top off my experiences with reptiles i rece

  11. ok its time for me to go. i'll talk to you later then. bye

  12. Or Malum they are really cool, the new pieces are great, and gresh looks great when fighting the Skrall.

  13. please contact me regarding the trade for the ferrari

  14. Pretty good, yesterday I caught a pink tongued skink, but I let it go because I couldn't put him anywhere. I've also trained my other two lizards to eat and drink out of my hand. And how are you?

  15. Same here, I can only get on for an hour at a time. I haven't done anything much, however I did finish off my collection, and I been mainly working. I see you and your brother got some of the Legends, how are they? I'm still waiting till they come on S@H.

  16. Same here, I haven't been able to get on BZP because it is running slow for me too. I haven't read the Lord of the Rings books yet but I do plan too, and I have only ever watched the movies once. They were pretty good I have to admit.

  17. same i liked exo-force till they cancelled it, why LEGO why

  18. so how is university over there I'm thinking about going there (to uni) but it is so expensive, and i dont want to do more schooling

  19. So what have you been up to of late.

  20. Sure, is it the one in the top topic.

  21. Tell me about it, I can hardly even get on at some times, it is really frustrating.

  22. Thank you for adding me to your friends list.

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