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Bilbo Baggins

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Everything posted by Bilbo Baggins

  1. Oh yeah, I read that. Not bad. And yeah, it is kinda weird that you've never spoken to Mazo. Maybe I ought to get my own account...

    -toa mazo's sister

  2. Gar, I meant to say that KIND of person. Dumb typos...

    -toa mazo's sister

  3. Aw, nuts. Well, I told you that the President of Rwanda's name is Paul Kagame, and that most of those options weren't really serious. Oh, and a Player Killer is somebody who randomly kills other players in MMORPGs. Not that I thought you were that kins of person. ;)

    -toa mazo's sister

  4. Hi!

    -toa mazo's sister

  5. Nice cat.

    -toa mazo's sister

  6. That story you were talking about in the Writer's Topic sounds cool...

    -toa mazo's sister

  7. Why, thank YOU!

    Actually, it's 'madame.' :P Toa Mazo is a boy, but I'm his sister who likes to go on his account.

    -toa mazo's sister

  8. Aw, your mention of nachos in your interests made me all hungry...

    -toa mazo's sister

  9. Where does that song/poem thingy in your sig come from?

    -toa mazo's sister

  10. Hi!

    -toa mazo's sister

  11. I replied to your PM, but I don't know if it got through...

    -toa mazo's sister

  12. By the way, when I said 'we' two comments ago, I ment MacGyver and I. Just making sure we understand eachother.

    -toa mazo's sister

  13. Oh, everybody's weird... Some people just show it more than others. :P

    -toa mazo's sister

  14. Oo! I know what PK is! *Only knows answer because she looked it up*

    And on another note I also love Wall E

    -toa mazo's sister

  15. Hi there! Are you gonna come back to Outbreak any time soon?

    -toa mazo's sister

  16. Hey, cool username.

    -toa mazo's sister

  17. Yep. But that's okay, 'cause I'm weird too. Kindred spirits we are, at least, in that way.

    -toa mazo's sister

  18. I loved Mistmantle!

    -toa mazo's sister

  19. Your personal info says you're 18, but in your interests it says you're 14...*Reads more* Hey, I like a lot of that stuff too!

    -toa mazo's sister

  20. Hello to you too!

    -toa mazo's sister

  21. Hello!

    -toa mazo's sister

  22. We're only just starting to get our Christmas stuff out. :P We used to put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving, but now my mom likes to wait like, a week, 'cause it takes up a lot of space, and our living room is pretty small.

    -toa mazo's sister

  23. The guy on the right in your personal photo looks like somebody I know. Kinda...

    -toa mazo's sister

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