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Bilbo Baggins

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Status Updates posted by Bilbo Baggins

  1. I would, but I don't know how. :P Care to help a noob out?

    -toa mazo's sister

  2. Well, Alex says it takes place in 2035. Meaning it's been... 27 years. So Cat 'n' Tom are probably married, and could have kids now. They'd prol'y be in their twenties or teens...

    -toa mazo's sister

  3. Happy Birthday, MacGyver! =D

    -toa mazo's sister

  4. Happy late Birthday! ToA made you a Birthday topic, by the way.

    -toa mazo's sister

  5. Hey, it happens with you too! In your profile, your new pic is up, but it's the old picture in the mini version. Except it was the other way around with me...

    -toa maoz's sister

  6. Yeah, Switchfoot has a lot of good ones.

    -toa mazo's sister

  7. Watching TV and eating soup.

  8. I don't read them either, actually. I was just really bored one day, and I found that. *guestures to picture*

    Speed Demons, eh? 'Kay, I'll go check it out.

    -toa mazo's sister

  9. Hey there!

    -toa mazo's sister

  10. Hi! You have a cool signature. And, um, that's all for now.

    -toa mazo's sister

  11. Sure about it not being the end of the world? Yeah, I'm pretty confidant. :P

    I know how you feel, though. The whole thing really stinks. Sorry you lost your topics.

    -toa mazo's sister

  12. Hm, do I get free healthcare?

    -toa mazo's sister

  13. Your short story is pretty cool. :)

    -toa mazo's sister

  14. That stinks. You really should check it out again, it was, in my opinion, the most exciting book in the series since... well a long time.

    -toa mazo's sister

  15. Never seen Supernatural. I used to watch MacGyver on DVD with my friends though. And I love Heroes.

    -toa mazos sister

  16. Hi!

    -toa mazo's sister

  17. Yay, Midna! =D

    -toa mazo's sister

  18. Cool username. :D

    -toa mazo's sister

  19. Yes, I remember reading a post by a Moderator that said so. It's possible that I missread it, but I don't think so. If you want, you could try to find for yourself. It's somewhere in Talkback: The Forums Return.

    -toa mazo's sister

  20. You know, short of doing a Google search... I'm really not sure. It's been ages since I read a comedy. I'll have to ask my brother how to get there.

    -toa mazo's sister

  21. Hi there!

    -toa mazo's sister

  22. I think the idea is kinda cool, (I have my own little fantasy world with Toa-like heroes in it) but I don't really read the comics or anything unless I have nothing else to do.

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