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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Everything posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. Who doesn't love Patrick. Probably wouldn't watch the show if he wasn't on it. -Omi I agree completely.
  2. Straying a bit off course. -Omi I really have no Idea. I just want to be on your blog.
  3. That's not Famfrit. It is final fantasy, though.
  4. It's a desert, with a statue.
  5. But still. Yes I liked the Piraka, Zaktan being my favorite. Yes, I was shocked by Matoro's sacrifice. But I did not CRY over it. Just yesterday I saw someone crying because Zaktan died. I went " " at them.
  6. I wish people would stop moping about how Zaktan died and how unimportant it seemed. Sheesh, its just a character in a kids toy line.
  7. Hey, man. Your number one admirer here. I've always found it fun to be around you. I am not the person to talk about for depression, but I can tell you this, I am very, very, very happy you are here. Maybe we can hang out sometime?
  8. * Takes out Blog wrecking Gun and shoots the blog until it looks like swiss cheese*
  9. Annd your authorized! Your on my freinds list!

  10. I like the dark. Woot for the dark.
  11. If B6 has a full Proto bar, and EW has a full Proto bar, B6 has more Proto then EW. It's that simple.
  12. Yup, thats right. The person without a blog theme now HAS a blog theme. Take THAT, Takua95!
  13. B6 has more proto then EW. KAPOW!
  14. *Wrecks blog with super-duper blog-wrecking spray-paint *
  16. I'll take one. Yellow head band, red body. To reflect on my Malum-ness.
  17. My real real name is: Duncan Macleod. I know, it is a stupid name. I was born in the Highlands of Scotland, then I moved to America at age 12.
  18. You should do one to "I am immortal". I think that is the name of the song.
  19. Welcome to BZP! I hope you enjoy your stay.

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