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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Everything posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. Well well well. If it isn't slim jim himself.

    You are not deserving of recognition, skeletor. And on this, I hope BZP agrees, you are undeserving of BZP's remarkable hospitality. And I beleive, undoubtedly, that you WILL be banned should you return. Bye bye!

  2. In 2001, the Maori attacked. These are the lost logs of the few brave men who stayed behind. PLEASE NOTE! THIS IS FICTION! NOT REAL IN ANY WAY!!! Member: Rahi master Time: 10:42 A.M. Location: G.D. Rahi Master, logging on. My platoon of troops has been deployed to G.D. in hopes of stopping the armies before they can reach further back into BZP territory. Word from artwork is, the Maori troops have taken the cities. The last remaining city in Creativity is Games and Trivia and we don't know how long they will last. A scout is coming, log off for now. Member: Black six Rank: Administrator Location: Games & Trivia Time: Unknown B6 logging on. My city is under attack! Tanks coming from each side! Missiles flying! Scouts cannot here anything off to the south, which means Rahi Master must be in position. The only remaining thing to do is....*Cuts into static*
  3. Adding on to what Omi said, This kind of behavior could result in banning, should it go any further then "Better in full". You may mean it as a joke, but the Mods and Admins don't, or atleast they don't know your trying to be tricky, or funny. So, in addition, this has to stop.
  5. You do?!? Cool. Maybe we can kill some time taking pics and posting them?
  6. I just ordered it off Best Buy.com. It cost 179.99, so, not too bad.
  7. I get guests reading my blog alot. I guess it's the title. Concious control.
  8. My camera. It hates me. Just today, I droped it on the floor and it took a picture of the floor as it hit. I picked it up and dusted it off, the thing went off in my face. Now I have a picture of the floor and a picture of my face. And a broken 300 dollar digital camera. The good thing is, I bought it some time ago, so it's not like I'll be in the slums if I buy a new one.
  9. I was expecting a more "ZOMG! Omi quote!" ish reply, but hey, I'll take what I can get.
  10. The SS Silver sailor.
  11. See, even Gresh thinks your awesome!
  12. Franz Joseph Haydn


    I'd go with bottom, in blazing red.
  13. Oh, ha ha, very funny, ho ho, it is to laugh.
  14. My new years eve was great. How was yours?
  15. We are now leaving. And It's mai birthday. Bai. Don't wreck mai blag kthx.
  16. Forever. I talked to my dad about how long it would take to get to the lake. He said 7 hours. I went =0. So from 7:00 A.M Today to 2:00 P.M EST I won't be on. Also, I won't be on once we arrive, I don't think the ship has WI-FI. Maybe. Bai. Don't wreck mai blag kthx.
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