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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Everything posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. I need help with my username. Whitch of the following should I use? The original series: 1. Chris Pike 2. Jim Kirk 3. James T. Kirk 4. Uhura 5. Scotty 6. Chekov 7. Spock 8. Bones 9. Leonard McCoy The Next Generation: 1. Captain Picard 2. Data 3. Wesly 4. Jean Luc Picard 5. Jean Luc 6. Locutus of Borg 7. Beverly Crusher 8. Wesly Crusher Voyager: 1. Captain Janeway 2. Kathryn Janeway 3. Harry Kim 4. Chakotay 5. Tuvok 6. B'lanna 7. Tom Paris 8. Borg Queen Enterprise: 1. Captain Archer 2. John Archer 3. T'pol 4. Trip 5. Malcom 6. Hoshi 7. Tucker Equipment, Starships and assorted things: 1. Phaser 2. Enterprise 3. Tricorder 4. Defiant 5. Med kit 6. The Janus Gate 7. The Guardian of Forever 8. Star Trek XI Your opinion?
  2. Pretty much everything. Once in a while I would get in the mood for writing a story, but would instead just say it was my life. Sorry guys. :/
  3. I just want you to know, I have been trying to cover up my real life. But from now on, I will tell the truth, promise.
  4. Could you please send me the message I sent you, I deleated it.

  5. Coming to you live from the writers desk! As I sit here, on my computer, contumplating the things in this world, I decided to star writing a program that would take BZP by storm. This is, obviously my greatest decision yet. Every wensday, at 1:00 A.M., I will write my newest "Good morning BZP!" This news letter will supply you with the BZP news of the week. I have some "Reporters" lined up who will bring you in-depth coverage. The only things we will be reporting on are the forums. So don't go off half-cocked thinking were going into politics, cause were not. The only thing I'd like to add is, Enjoy lost! And remember..... Destiny is calling
  6. heh heh heh. Did you get my message?

  7. Finaly! I got a blog theme coming soon.
  8. A guy once said to me, "Omi's a prick and the most Moderator ever" I responded with "Dude, you can't say that. He is cool, calm and a great Moderator" I straightened him out. And that is what I think of you
  9. *Lights Profile on fire*

    It's so...so...beautiful

  10. *Lights bon fire on TTW*

    *Throws kerosene on fire, adds magnesium*

    Try and put that out!

  11. Are Awesome! Also, I just got 1000 posts. Somebody congradulate me already. (J/K)
  12. KT? GKWL?


  13. Credit for Blog Graphics goes to Nuju Metru.
  14. *Lights bon fire*

    At least it's not a bat!

  16. Could you please make some Beatles graphics. Like one for catagories Etc. Thanks.
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