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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Everything posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. I want the gold 08 Ignika, but I do not want to pay 30 Bucks USD for it.
  2. I envy you. Hey, I'll bet, with all your pieces, you could build Optimus Prime from Transformers. How about it?
  3. Well, judging by the action, it was harmless. The Kid deserves his diploma because he earned it, not because the teacher says so. Now excuse me while I go play Pink Floyd's "The wall, Part 2" into the principle's house. Very loudly.
  4. I really, honestly hope you get better very, very soon.
  5. Sadly, I have no money. But I do have this: Alas, poor Yorick! I knew Thee well! Not working for ya? Okay, then it's back to not having any money.
  6. And if I said I was from Seven Days Ago? Ha ha. Nice referance to one of my favorite shows.
  7. Wow. I need weather like that
  8. I think he should. I like Twitter, it really is fun for some odd reason
  9. "Freedom is the Right of all semtient beings!"

    *Fires Gun*

  10. Phduh indeed. I have a Finite beleif that this is true, but I prefer the Expanding theroy.
  11. I missed my One Year annivesery(SP?) I'll have a comic up soon, but First, here's a teaser of a project I have been working on. BIONICLE: SKRALL WAR! Raanu walked through the hot desert. It was noon and the sun was beating down on his small troop. He was heading to Atero on a scout mission with his fellow Agori Berix, Metus and Kirbold. The Glatorian talked of a plan involving an attack on Atero. Raanu gleefully accepted, Tarix understood why. They attacked Atero. Raanu wanted them out. So, all in all, it was a win-win situation. Glatorian had spies and scouts now, Agori could get revenge. As Raanu and his party approached Atero, they stopped. Each one took out Rock tribe armor and put it on. “Stay close together” Raanu said. They approached Atero. Two Skrall were standing at the gates. “State the nature of your visit” The first Skrall said. “We’re here to verify an order of supplies by Branar” Raanu lied. The Skrall grunted. “Fine. But be quick, you have supplies to get” The Skrall said, with natural ferocity. Raanu could not help but believe he was going into a trap. Raanu and his group proceeded to go into a set of Towers. Raanu and Kirbold took out Thornax Launchers while Metus and Berix set up an observation post. When the Observation post was set up, Raanu and the group exited the Tower.
  12. Glat Legends all around!!! My head has just switched to BIONICLE mode. I'll probably have some of these sets soon, because they are not going anywere.
  13. Jay really did good. I hope he enjoys his Prime Time show.
  14. Nice! I liked the ST movie too. Good update. Live long and prosper, B6.
  15. Is Leaving the Tonight Show. His last broadcast is on right now and I'm goig to watch it. I'll see you guys later.
  16. Did you know, dexter and Grif are also two characters in the TV show "Married...With Children?"

  17. The Favorite Piece of clothing topic inspired this entry. I have tons of cool stuff. But I'm "Old fashioned" as they say. I prefer one color to prints and other stuff. Here is a list of my favorite stuff from everything. Cloths: Red crew shirtStar trek Memoribillia: Starship Enterprise New movie <3Transformers: 2007 original Optimus PrimeHats: Ohh, a beautiful Spartans baseball cap, go MI state!BIONICLE: Strakk
  18. Yeah, that's what Homeschool will do for you. Plus I'm not that lucky.
  19. Wheeeeeeeeeeee. I'm having fun now.
  20. Hope you fight it off. I'll follow you! I'm Khan32, look for me!
  21. Two Words: Riverside Shipyards. Haven't seen em' anywere? That's a shame. I hear it's a really cool place. I've been there 4 times my self. And of course I'm making a shameless Star Trek plug.
  22. Fighting a Cold, that is. But still. My ears have become decompressed. Thats a good thing. Still a little congested though.
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