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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. "Race ya!" (Although it really isn't all that fair, considering I'm driving the world's fastest car. :P)

  2. "What happened?" "The usual. A drive-by shooting. People tried to kill us. Failed miserably, per usual." "All in all, an average Friday night?" "Sounds about right." ~ Myself, Kagha, and Akaku

  3. "You're in an awfully good mood for someone who had trouble with her French final." "Trust me, I have reasons to be happy that have nothing to do with my GPA.. ^^"

  4. (Actually, I like checking up on my Toa Seneca's profiles, and I wanted to see the other half of your comment convo with Reep. =P)

  5. (Also, do you happen to have Xbox Live?)

  6. (Although, your little Linkin Park thing in your profile means I have less inclination to want you irritated. =P)

  7. (And for the record, I'm playing as a Necrofriggian in Reality =P)

  8. (BTW, I'm still waiting for that Huna Nui stuff to be posted. =P)

  9. (For information on what halflings are, read my epic (my first one =P) Heroes and Halflings.) =D

  10. (I don't need a Deoyxs. I already have one, courtasy of a friend.)

    And I'd take you up on your offer, if it weren't for that annoying fact I don't have access to the Wi-Fi Club. <_<

  11. (oh BTW I'm working on a 6 Legions of the Multiverse thing, even though I haven't heard anything about it since the Server Fail)

  12. (PS: Happy (very late) birthday. =D)

  13. (PS: I may be changing up my commission request a bit. I'm currently torn between the original and a new idea. =/)

  14. (PS: I updated my rules again >=D)

  15. (PS: I'm not editing my rules, even though you put yours back up again.)


  16. (The actual Inferna here. Akaku decided to use my account while I was away ... *rolls eyes in exasperated affection*)

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      It was the cat stepping on the keyboard, i swear!

  17. @Rule 2: Please see latest rule on my profile.

  18. @your post in the COT RPG approval topic: yours is the fourth approval for Pantheon. =)

    1. Noxryn


      Thanks, I just hadn't slept a good 25 hours before posting that xP

  19. *attacks because of Rule 21*

  20. *blasts you with clorophorm as well* (In case you don't know, that's basicly knockout gas.)

  21. *Bows* Thank you, thank you very much. [/Evis voice]


  22. *burns the skeleton army* MUAHAHAH.

  23. *calls dibs on birthday topic tomorrow*

  24. *catches your hand before it makes impact*

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