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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. NEVER. Besides, that's the point of the statement. :D

  2. New LST chapter is up!

  3. We won't. Actually, Lauren's gonna shot down Jake more then once for a while, so it will be hard for it to go far for a good time. ;D

  4. Gotten the green light for the RPG yet?

  5. *Throws homing SWORD*

  6. It's called a HOMING DAGGER for a reason, ya' know.

  7. *homing poke pokes you ... along with a homing dagger*

  8. YAY PLUSLE AND MINUM!!! *hugs both . . . along with my Infernape*

  9. I'm a good person? :D Thank you!

    And yes, I was using a translator.

  10. Well, good thing we abandoned ship when we did.

  11. My face is NOT in a dustbin, thank you!

    Laisse maintenant stoppé me pousser, correct ?

  12. ¡Parado el empujar de mí!!!

    (Yes, that was Spanish. :P)

  13. Je vous ferai !

    *tells dragon to make you quit bothering me*

  14. *whistles* *sends my pet dragon after you*

  15. You want a teaser for a future chapter? Check out my current location. :D (That goes for the rest of you LST fans reading this.)

  16. *stares* Why is everyone poking me?

  17. Dude, we're warning you. If you don't get back and into the game NOW, we're outta the RPG.

  18. Expect a lot of PMs when you get back from wherever you are right now.

  19. Guess Kagha and me beat you there, huh? :P

  20. Repicheep the 22nd? Nice name change.

  21. Believe it or not, I actually take being called weird as a compliment. And yes, I'm getting tired of being called awesome. It's getting annoying.

  22. We need you! WE WANT MIDNIGHT! *starts chanting with the rest of the RPGers*

    Of course, we ARE planning on changing the time ourselves . . .

  23. Well, if you weren't awesome before, you are now. Just for putting my quote in your sig. :D

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