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Inferna Firesword

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Posts posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. IC: PainkillerThe femme was tempted to reply "Was not" as a knee-##### reaction, but checked herself and didn't. It would just give his arguement more weight about her acting like a young protoform.As such, she just glared at him and continued consuming her third cube.IC: FirestormWith the foliage around her being so thick, and the fact she was practically fighting the forest itself to get to the area, the soldier wasn't truely paying attention to her surroundings, letting the three Autotroopers (lazy afts, she thought derogatively of them) that were behind her and letting her clear a path do that work. It was them, not her, that Shadowshot would have to fool.-Inferna

  2. OOC: So it shall be written, so it shall be done.IC: Painkiller"I'm not sure, I think you've seen funnier. Jazz dancing in the medcamp, maybe?"IC: FirestormAs if on cue, faint crashing of a Cybertronian through the underbrush began reaching the audio receptors of the combatants. The soldier was a long way off -- she couldn't drive through here -- but she'd eventually be along.OOC: Happy now, Krayzikk? =P-Inferna

  3. OOC: This probably happens a lot with Painkiller, incidentally. She has a tendancy to overwork herself, but most of the time other medics are able to get her to take care of herself as well as others. Considering all that's happened, though, she's more or less been on her own.IC: Painkiller For a few nanokliks, the CMO stared at the cubes in front of her, as if she was searching her internal database for information on what exactly she was looking at. Afterwards, she took a cube and injested some of its contents. Her optics flared a brighter shade of blue as the Energon entered her system, and she quickly polished off the cube in her hand, taking another one afterwards and getting to work on that too.-Inferna

  4. IC: PainkillerTo her credit, the CMO managed to keep her balance for most of the walk, stumbling a few times but not falling over. Her optics were still very dim, meaning that she was mostly relying on the Wreaker she had labored over for the past few cycles to keep her on the right course.-Inferna

  5. IC: Painkiller"So basically we're back to our normal schedule of you getting slagged and me putting you back together?" she replied wryly, taking the offered hand and using it to get onto her pedes, swaying a bit as her gryoscopic sensors recalibrated. Just because she had lower Energon levels than usual didn't mean her personality had changed.However, her voice softened again afterward. "It's nothing, Shatterquake. I don't like losing friends, and I don't think it was your time to rejoin the Allspark."-Inferna

  6. Thanks for the advice, Kakuto. I'll take those strategies when I return to Kilkreath. I loaded a previous save back before I wound up in the catacombs so I could level up a little more, maybe get new armor and enchant it, or get that Frost Atronach.Incidentally, I ran into a Dragur Deathlord in another dungeon, and to get some breathing room I used Unrelenting Force on him. However, I wound up knocking him into a corner where there was a brazier, and when he recovered he couldn't get at me.After I realized that (and after I had a good laugh), I pulled out my Elven Bow of Fire, and me and my Flame Atronach just took potshots at him until he died. :PHe had some great loot, including an Ebony War Axe, so it was worth it. I'm not sure how I managed to do that, but I'll see if I can do that again in another dungeon.-Inferna

  7. IC: PainkillerThe CMO's tone was slightly rueful as she rubbed her temples: she knew that going so long without Energon intakes were terrible for her system functions. "Everything's been compressed in the last few cycles: this is the first time that I've been able to recharge for more than ten kliks at a time."-Inferna

  8. IC: PainkillerSomewhat amusingly, the first thing that Painkiller vocalized once her systems were (somewhat) online was a static-y wondering of whether or not there were 'aftershocks' of a 'groundquake' going on -- possibly from the fact Shatterquake was far heavier than her and made tremors when he walked. Fortunately for him, when she remembered where she was and what was going on, her mood was more or less neutral, as she looked towards him with dim optics: indicators that she hadn't fueled up in a while. "... heya, mech."-Inferna

  9. IC: PainkillerOnce more the white-armored medic stirred a bit, though once more she remained in recharge. However, if another voice or sound registered with her audio receptors, she would start coming around again. Whether or not she would be in a good mood if that happened was up for debate.-Inferna

  10. OOC: Alright, thanks Zyke.IC: PainkillerThe sounds of Shatterquake reactivating tickled at her audio receptors, but not to the point where she too would come around. Her recharge was deep, so the only response was her stirring a bit, metal making a low sound as she shifted in her seat, and then falling still again.IC: Burning Sky | Captured Mine | Command Center"The next step would be gathering supporters," she said, pulling up a blueprint of New Kaon. "We are the highest ranking, but our command would be short-lived if we moved right now. She looked at her companions. "Do you two know of any other Decepticons that would be sympathetic to our cause? A few of my Seekers I know are hesitant to fight now, but they might be convinced to take up arms again if there was a change in leadership. Some of the prisoners we're trading for might be influenced as well, as they will owe their freedom to us."-Inferna

  11. Yeah, I guess it'll be rather amusing when she dies. :PHmm. Maybe I can reload a previous save (before the hallway door got locked), go back out, get the Ritual Stone, come back, and then unleash its power. That'll teach him to not leave his unused material lying around where I can see it. :P@Katuko: I have a bunch of resist-frost potions (mostly taken from dead Ice Wraiths), but they don't seem to be doing much. I only have the Flame Atronach spell now, but maybe I should go get a Frost Atronach if I reload.Spells: Lesser Ward, Fast Healing, Bound Sword, Soul Trap, the aforementioned Atronach spell, all the Rune and Destruction projectile spells, and Oakflesh.Shouts: Unrelenting Force (3 words), Frost Breath (1), Disarm (1), Become Ethereal (1), Whirlwind Sprint (1), Kyne's Peace (1)Armor: All steel, along with a ring that improves lockpicking and the Stamina fragment of the Gauldur amulet.Weapons: Aforementioned sword, Gauldur Blackbow, Elven Bow of Fire, and more arrows than you can shake a stick at.Potions: Can't name them all off the top of my head, sorry. Lots of restoration items, skill enhancers, some resistance items, and a few poisons.Also, I have the Lady Stone activated and Talos' blessing.-Inferna

  12. Still though. He's a Necromancer. Sure he's got Corrupted Shades hanging around in there, but come on -- he could at least ressurect a few dead bodies instead of using ice spells. He's got plenty of them in that last room; he's not exactly lacking in the materials department.In any case, my poor Redguard Spellsword is getting killed over and over again by him and his spell.@Katuko: I don't have the impact perk (or dual-casting, for that matter), since I've been focusing more on one-handed and conjuration, but I'll give it a shot. I have all the words to Unrelenting Force, so I've been trying that, but I guess I should do that later.Arrows aren't working that well, but I'll give it another try. Can't really shield-bash since I've been playing with a sword in my right hand and a spell (usually Conjure Flame Atronach) in my left. My main weapon right now is a Superior Steel Sword that absorbs health with each hit: great for dragons and animals, not so great for enemies that keep you at a distance.-Inferna

  13. No Dawnguard for me either. Mostly waiting on more patches for it before I buy. =PAlso, did anyone else have trouble with that necromancer in Kilkreath during Meridia's Daedric quest? I still haven't beat him, and I want to know if I'm alone with this problem.(Why do Necromancers use ice spells anyway? They're not Ice Mages. He's got plenty of dead bodies he could ressurrect in his chamber down there; he could at least live up to his title before using that uber-frost-spell of doom. <_<)-Inferna

  14. OOC: Oy vey, guys, sorry I took so long. As I mentioned before, I had a visitor from the 1st to the 8th that took up my attention, the 10th and 11th were the days I had college orientation, and the rest of the time I only had Skyrim to blame. Finally managed to get around to reading all these pages.Anyway, I guess Firestorm participated in the various things that occured around New Iacon, and Shatterglass is hanging around New Kaon or something. I'm not sure if it was clear or not, so humor me: has the prisoner trade between Hunter-Seeker and Grindcore occured yet? I want to have that clear before I IC Burning Sky.(Also, to the discussion several pages back: I keep imagining Burning Sky's voice as a combination of WFC Slipstream (Tara Strong) and TFP Arcee (Sumalee Montano). I'm not sure about the others.)IC: Painkiller | New Iacon | MedbayDuring the days since the battle, the CMO had not been idle. With her duties and the war, it was impossible to ever be idle. Between caring for Shatterquake, tending to Victory Leo and the other patients that had been shuttled in and out of the medbay, and assisting Red Alert in downloading Tripwire's data, her servoes had been so full that she had barely had time to recharge a bit.That happened to be what she was doing, resting in a chair just beside the medical berth that the ex-Wreaker was resting on. Her helm was drooped onto her torso, optics dim -- thus, she couldn't see that her old friend was coming back around.-Inferna

  15. OOC: Jeez, I leave you people alone for a little while ...Just as a heads-up, I'll be more or less inactive until sometime on the 11th. During that time, Basilisk and Zyke are in charge of using my chars if someone needs to interact with them, Basilisk controlling my Cons and Zyke controlling my Bots.Thanks. =)-Inferna

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