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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Taken about a week ago.I really don't like the flash and the fact I needed to use a mirror. <_<The shirt I do like, though. I need more excuses to wear it.-Inferna
    That is indeed a nice shirt. Same goes for your room, it's pretty well organized, it seems.
    Pfft. That's not my room I'm in, that's my parent's bathroom, and their room's behind me. XDMy room is a lot messier. :P(PS: Forgot to mention: that sundae is drool-inducing.)-Inferna
  2. IC: Burning SkyWith the intruder dealt with, the Seeker's stiff wings relaxed, though not by much. It just went to show how annoying those grounders were: they were rude and arrogant, barging in on all manner of meetings that they had no business in being part of.While Mindwipe had clearly been the one that made him go away, that didn't mean she trusted him yet.-Inferna

  3. IC: Burning Sky"There are far better ways to get a prisoner to talk than beating them senseless," the Sky Commander replied coldly to the arrogant soldier before her. "There are more ways to fight than pounding at the side of a mountain until it crumbles to rubble or you die from pain."Inwardly she seethed at his intrusion, though no hint of it emerged other than her icy distain. While he was right on the mark, there were far too many Cons that assumed betrayal whenever more than two of their own gathered to speak. The three of them were the highest-ranking officers in the Decepticon Army -- surely they didn't think they did all their stratagizing over commlinks, or in the presence of Magmatron!OOC: TNG, even if they did just leave, they're not leaving the cells unguarded for long. The new guards will be there in less than a klik, and they're probably being monitered by camera.-Inferna

  4. OOC: Considering the fact I've barely been keeping up because everyone goes on a posting spree when I go to sleep, your guess is as good as mine, Basilisk. Victory Leo's still in the Autobot medbay, being tended to by Painkiller and Red Alert.IC: Burning Sky"Quite. No compentent commander would send a possible traitor on his way without him proving his loyalty."-Inferna

  5. OOC: Well, since apparently I'm not able to enter the tournament because of staff-ness ... :PIC: FirestormIt had taken a little talking, but eventually the soldier realized just why she wasn't allowed to use the new training simulations: there was some sort of competition going on that involved them. While she wasn't a Wreaker, or a Special Ops 'Bot, she was ranked as one of the best fighters in the army, so she would probably win and not make it much of a competition at all.Firestorm took this rather well, and left the area. She had a shift coming up soon anyway, so she would refuel and prepare for guard duty.-Inferna

  6. IC: FirestormThe soldier was intrigued by the announcement, and headed towards the simulations, which thankfully weren't too far away. Hopefully they wouldn't be interrupted, or become real -- that would be annoying."I'll see you there, then," she replied, as she entered the complex.IC: PainkillerWhile the simulations sounded interesting, the CMO ignored the announcements. She had a critical patient on her servoes, and it would take her a while to put Shatterquake back together. This was no time for games.IC: Burning SkyThe femme smiled at Mindwipe, though her mind remainded guarded and suspicious. He might've said he was on their side, but he might be lying just to get out of there alive. She didn't bother guarding her thoughts: she let him know them. He'd have to do more than just say so to prove to her he was on their side.OOC: Done for the night.-Inferna

  7. IC: Painkiller The CMO examined her friend as she returned to her work, mostly focusing on rewiring his innards but also examining his injuries. "... the only thing I could think of that would be able to harm him this badly is another Wreaker. They're powerful enough to hit, and they know where to hit. He was probably attacked by one of the ex-Wreakers that joined the Decepticons."-Inferna

  8. IC: Painkiller"Still slagged three ways to the Pit but he's not in danger of losing all of his Energon now. I can repair his circuitry on the way back to base, and start welding his faceplate back together once that's done." Her fear of losing Shatterquake was more or less gone at this point, replaced with that familar feeling of annoyance and relief that she usually got when he was out of the danger zone and needed to be put back together."-Inferna

  9. IC: PainkillerThe femme shook her head, but it was more in the form of rearranging her mindset; mentally taking a step back from her work to examine Shatterquake. "... it's not as good as I would like, but he can be moved."Putting away her Repair Ray for now, she gestured for some of the Autotroopers to help her carry Shatterquake.-Inferna

  10. IC: PainkillerFinally, she finished with the repairs to the ex-Wreaker's Sparkchamber: the breach was sealed, and hopefully that would be all it needed to recover on its own. Painkiller carefully sealed up the cavity, hiding his Spark from view, and then focused on the other threatening injuries.IC: Firestorm"... you know, if you wanted to play a trick on us, you could've picked a form that wouldn't cause the alarm to be raised," the soldier said crossly, putting away her weapon. She sent a datapacket reporting that it was a false alarm to command, adding irritably that friendly Shifters ought to announce themselves to them before they jumped to conclusions.-Inferna

  11. IC: FirestormThe soldier didn't bother with it. Shifting Crosswise so her right arm was supporting him, her left arm quickly pulled out her own pistol, taking aim at the intruder's kneejoints and firing. She sent an alert to the rest of New Iacon's soldiers, wondering how the Pit this Decepticon had gotten in anyway.IC: PainkillerAfter pulling away his armor, she utilized her magnetic tool to depolarize the seam and open the Sparkchamber. The breach lay before her, but she dared not place her hand into Shatterquake's chamber: it was both risky and offensive to a bot, even though she was a medic. Instead, she pulled out a set of tongs, using them to probe the rupture and remove the shrapnel. Once it was gone, she began the task of repairing and reinforcing the hole.-Inferna

  12. OOC: I'm sure Painkiller is going to love that, Krayzikk. :PIC: PainkillerWith all the noise going on, it took a moment for what Shatterquake had said to be registered by the CMO, and then to recognize it and understand its meaning. Groaning a bit, she pulled out one her tools out, and scanned his internals, revealing the shrapnel buried in his spark chamber and breaching the cavity. Several curses flowed out, and she began pulling away his torso armor to open his Sparkchamber: both to remove the shrapnel and to heal the breach.IC: FirestormWhile her systems weren't at 100% running capacity unless she had been roused for battle, Firestorm was able to comprehend the Scout flying towards her. Doorwings stiffening out straight, she reacted automatically to catch him, not really noticing who it was until after the fact.-Inferna

  13. IC: PainkillerPainkiller had been able to get a shot or three off at a Vehicon before she reached Shatterquake. The Autotroopers surrounded her and him, forming a living wall between the enemy and them. Activating her Ray, she trained it onto the ex-Wreaker, letting it repair his most severe injuries. No snark, no scolding -- just worry and determination to make sure he would survive to fight another cycle.IC: FirestormEventually the femme was able to make herself leave the barracks and walk towards the mess hall. In the air she spotted contrails, but figured it was from a friendly Seeker. No Decepticon flier that valued their Sparks came near New Iacon, and vice-versa.-Inferna

  14. OOC: That'd be nice. =PIC: PainkillerThe CMO mentally added 'Doesn't know how to wait for the medic' on her list of reasons why Alphonus shouldn't be Prime as she sat in the transport. She had her Repair Ray as her preloaded tool, though her Photon Rifle was ready to be taken out if someone attacked her on the battlefield.-Inferna

  15. IC: Painkiller"... Yes." She checked her Repair Ray and tools, casting one more cursory look at Victory Leo before heading out of the medbay, nodding gratefully at Red Alert as she they passed him.IC: FirestormThe soldier finally stirred, her systems reactivating as she rolled onto her side. Her doorwings folded against her back, she waited until she was fully online before she rolled onto her dorsal side and slung her legs over the side of her berth. The rest of her followed slowly, until she was upright again, wings unfolding until they were stiffly outstretched as usual.OOC: BTW, Nebula, you might want to check your PMs.-Inferna

  16. IC: PainkillerShe had just unplugged the downloading device from the back of Star Saber's helm when the transmission came in. Dread filled her as she heard the name. "Something's happened ..." she murmured, doing her best to not let her facade break: she needed to be the CMO now, not just Shatterquake's friend. Opening her private comm to Red Alert, she sent her own message, knowing he already would have received the transmission. "I need you to watch over Victory Leo if I go to the islands to help them. Be ready for any casualties."-Inferna

  17. OOC: .... I sense fun times in Painkiller's near future.IC: Painkiller"That would be much appreciated," she replied, plugging a cord into the back of Star Saber's helm to commence the download. Unlike the psychic patch, he was able to remain online during the firewall update.-Inferna

  18. IC: PainkillerThe CMO made a sound that indicated agreement as she worked. Her main focus was on repairing damage, in particular the acid that had burned through part of his armor, but his different circuitry -- from the experimentation to let him combine, she was betting -- meant she had to rely on her scanners more often than she would like so she didn't accidentally damage anything.Finally she stepped away, confident that she had fixed everything she could, and started preparing to download the latest firewall update for him.-Inferna

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