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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Well, I'm meeting Akaku in less than a week ... I've met Swert, Roa McToa, Hahli Husky, EW, Letagi, and many more before ....My list right now is:

    • All members of the Toa Seneca (Kini, Repicheep, Japoro, etc)
    • Basilisk
    • Krayzikk
    • Lady K
    • Saya
    • Peach 00 and her brothers
    • Zahaki
    • Potu

    ... that's all I can think of right now. =/-Inferna

  2. IC: Painkiller"That was actually what I was planning to ask. Since your stasis pod was stored here, you shouldn't have many system problems, but any damage done retrieving Victory Leo should be repaired soon. As well, your firewalls should be upgraded before he recovers."IC: Burning SkyBefore Mindwipe had appeared, Burning Sky had sent a message to her Seekers, ordering them to keep a lookout. Without explaning why, she told them to watch the mine entrance, and to impede Mindwipe from leaving the area if he tried to do so. As of now, she stood opposite of the holoprojector from Hunter-Seeker, watching the scientist carefully and doing her best to block any attempts to get into her processer.-Inferna

  3. IC: Burning SkyThe aforementioned Sky Commander blantenly ignored the interruption. "The Seekers that I haven't sent back to New Kaon are loyal to me. Mindwipe would be ... hard-pressed to escape if he should not agree to assist us."OOC: Basically, Burning Sky doesn't think Deltus is worth her time. If she finds out he killed her Seekers, though, he'll get her attention for all the wrong reasons. :P-Inferna

  4. IC: Painkiller"I agree. Until I am sure that he is capable of using it -- if that day comes -- I will not disclose this information. Not even to Grindcore." To make her point -- even though she only had drones around to witness her doing so -- she closed the files and hid them with her own passcodes. They were unique to her, and they couldn't be overriden with even Grindcore's codes. Alphonus didn't stand a chance at getting at them without her assistance.IC: Burning SkyThe Seeker Commander looked hard at the source of the voice, wondering if she should direct for the bug to be destroyed. "... there is a problem. Even if we keep this between ourselves -- I'm sure these Insecticons will remain quiet -- Mindwipe will find out if he plays his little tricks on us. Either we need him on our side ... or we need him out of the way."-Inferna

  5. IC: Burning SkyThere was something new she saw and heard in Hunter-Seeker now. She looked up from where she had been looking at her hand and arm, as if she had been expecting crystals of Unicron's Blood to burst forth from the tubes where pure Energon flowed as she heard him, amazed at the change in his demeanor. She looked at him long and hard, and then nodded. "What do you propose, Hunter-Seeker? Revolution against Magmatron?"-Inferna

  6. IC: Burning SkyBurning Sky's faceplate displayed no real emotions, but when she slowly replied, her voice showed what she had been holding back. "Their violence is what has preceeded us, before the War began, and now during it. It was what drove so many to the sides of the Autobots: the idea that we Decepticons are nothing but the Spawn of Unicron, who live only for destruction. And now ... we are becoming what they believe us to be. Monsters."She shuttered her optics for a moment, and then steadied her voice. "Why do you show me these things, things I have known for decacycles?"IC: Painkiller"... that would be a correct assumption. Call me a blasphemer, but I'm not sure if the Council made the right choice for a second Prime."-Inferna

  7. IC: Burning SkyIt wasn't exactly now, though. Burning Sky took a few nanokliks to dismiss a few of her Seekers to New Kaon, while postitioning a trine to join the mine's aerial defenders, before she turned and returned to the interior of the mine, soon appearing in the command post, optic ridges raised a bit to indicate her curiousity at the whole matter.-Inferna

  8. IC: Burning SkyThe Seeker Commander paused on her way out of the mine, planning to leave some of her Seekers at the mine to help bolster the forces already there, as she received the datapacket. It was Hunter-Seeker, which surprised her: normally the SIC had little to do with her, their occasional scraps and missions aside. What was more curious was that he was requesting a meeting. Normally they only met when they were with Magmatron, or when circumstances conspired to do so. That alone was what made her send a datapacket back as she continued to walk, gathering her fliers for their orders. Name the time and place.IC: PainkillerThe CMO silently read over the files, then closed them briefly to check on Victory Leo. The drones she had placed to moniter him hadn't flagged any changes in his systems, but she liked to make sure. She had dismissed Red Alert for his requested Energon break earlier on, to make sure that she was alone when she read the files.After her inspection was complete -- he was stable, though still weak -- she turned back to the terminal and opened the comm with Star Saber. "Victory Leo's stablized, though he'll take a few cycles to be ready for duty." She paused, still looking at the files, not sure if she should allow Alphonus to look at them. -Inferna

  9. OOC: They were being read over by Painkiller privately; she hasn't sent them over to Alphonus yet. Unless he suddenly teleported from the messhall to look over her shoulder, I don't think he could read the files. Bah, ninja'd :PI'm done for the night, btw.-Inferna

  10. IC: FirestormThe soldier briefly eyed the hallway to the quarters the femmes resided in, which was smaller due to the fact femmes were less prevailent amongst Cybertronians anyway. "... I think I'll manage ... thanks, Crosswise." A brief smile crosses her faceplates as she looked at him, and then she turned and made her way down the hall. Her berth was close to the entrance, so it wasn't long after entering that she was lying on her ventral side, systems slowly cycling down until she was in recharge.IC: PainkillerAfter triple-checking the patient's systems and downloading the latest firewall upgrade, the CMO finally relented and let her diagnostic drones watch over Victory Leo. Moving to her terminal, she brought up the files indicated by Victory Saber.OOC: Your move, Krayzikk.-Inferna

  11. IC: Firestorm"That'll work," she murmured as they walked. While she definately noticed Crosswise helping her, she decided to not comment about it until they had arrived without one of them falling over.IC: Painkiller"Give me a few kliks," she replied, as she ran her Repair Ray over Victory Leo's frame and continued to check on his internal systems. "Once I'm sure Victory Leo won't deactivate when I turn around, I'll pull up the files."-Inferna

  12. IC: PainkillerThe CMO quickly crossed the medbay and helped Star Saber carry his burden to the waiting table. She quickly hooked Victory Leo to the IVs and then turned towards the mech standing beside her. "Go refuel. I'll keep both optics on him."IC: Firestorm She didn't reply immediately, instead checking on her internal logs to see when she had last properly recharged. The result surprised her: not since she had been recruited Alpha Squad."... that'd probably be a good idea," she admitted. Her doorwings seemed to indicate her exhaustion: they were drooping limply down her back.-Inferna

  13. IC: Painkiller & Firestorm"As amusing as it would be, I wouldn't stoop that low to even Megatron," she said simply, doing a final checkup on the two of them. "I hereby clear you two ... for now, anyway. Hopefully I can find out the way to disable that device if need be. I'll let you know once I've finished the protoform."As Firestorm began making her way towards the exit, her expression changed a little. It was extremely miniscule, so Crosswise would be hard-pressed to catch it -- if he did, it was pretty obvious that she know remembered, and she was probably blanking it out of her memory banks as well as she could."That's a relief."-Inferna

  14. IC: Painkiller"Alright, be careful about it. I'll have Red Alert prepare Energon feeds for him," she replied, sending her subordinate the exact message once she finished speaking. Right now she had to focus on Firestorm and Crosswise. Aloud, she said, "Your Spark and Crossbone's are seperated again, Crosswise ... for now, anyway. Once I can put together a suitable protoform, I'll take him out of you. Alphonus won't be holding blades to your neck again after that."OOC: :P-Inferna

  15. IC: Painkiller"Indeed it was. Can't deny that they're useful, though," the CMO commented, stashing the rig away for safe keeping. Wouldn't do to have another Autobot get their hands on it.IC: Firestorm "No slag there," she grumbled, making herself slowly get off the table. She was still a little hazy on what had gone on inside Crosswise's processer, and once it hit her, she would probably pretend like nothing embarassing had even happened.-Inferna

  16. IC: FirestormPainkiller was hanging around Firestorm, coaxing her into reactivating her systems bit by bit until she had more or less regained control. Her first words? Not an answer to Crosswise, but a general comment."... Doc, if psychic patches keep doing this to me, I'm not doing another one."OOC: The reason I had Firestorm have a more negative reaction to awakening was that people usually have different reactions to things that affect them physically. Crosswise was more or less unaffected by the patch, while her processer basically feels it got turned inside out. :P-Inferna

  17. IC: FirestormBy now she was only just sitting up, still nursing a massive processer ache. For whatever reason, the soldier was more adversely-affected by the patch than Crosswise, who had been the one worried about it in the first place. As such, the scout wouldn't get a reply right away, and even if she was capable of replying, it was hard to come up with a good reply to that compliment anyway.-Inferna

  18. IC: Painkiller"Mech put into stasis until he was needed. He's just come around," she replied, sending a message to the aforementioned mech telling him that she was ready when he was before focusing on helping the two on her surgical tables. Firestorm's balance modulators were still whacked out, and it would take her a while for her to get up and actually articulate something.-Inferna

  19. IC: Painkiller"Not at the moment, though once Star Saber comes back I'll need to run a checkup on him," she replied. With that, she disconnected the patch.IC: FirestormJust when awkwardness was probably about to hit critical mass, the world fell apart. The soldier felt a sheer amount of vertigo in her balance modulators as her consciousness returned to her shell, and for a moment had a hard time remembering just how she was supposed to move -- or if she even wanted to move, for that matter.-Inferna

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