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Everything posted by Valtika

  1. (=D has just given me his approval. Thank You (=D!
  2. I was focusing that at the readers of the blog. Sorry, it sounded kind of confusing.
  3. *clicks link* *faints* *wakes up, clikcks link agian, faints again* *repeats process for half and hour* wow...I didn't think I was that good. There are lots of people that are better than me! (I just can't remember their names right now) That is one of those things were the member clicks on it, it directs them to there profile. When I click on it, it goes to my profile. Strange... I know, it is like that thing in Konrad's Sig.
  4. Since no one wishes to be in my contest, I shall close it.
  5. Valtika

    New Avvie Soon

    I know, I'm more of a person that likes bright colors, like red.
  6. *clicks link* *faints* *wakes up, clikcks link agian, faints again* *repeats process for half and hour* wow...I didn't think I was that good. There are lots of people that are better than me! (I just can't remember their names right now) That is one of those things were the member clicks on it, it directs them to there profile. When I click on it, it goes to my profile.
  7. Yeah, Approval your Blog, or do you not like it enough to approve it?
  8. Hi, welcome to BZPower, enjoy your stay.

  9. I'd say Banana Splits's or ..::LN::..
  10. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (=D is back !!!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. Valtika

    New Avvie Soon

    Hey! I like it. And thank you for the award.
  12. I am planning to get a new Avvie soon. It will be the one I have now, but the purple will be red.
  13. Valtika

    Approved Myself

    Wow, thanks. Must...Not...Eat...Approval...
  14. I've have decided that I like my Blog enough to give it my approval.
  15. Welcome to BZPower

    We almost have the same user name! =P

  16. Since I don't visit BBC often, I think it would be Toa_Asuar.
  17. Yeah. Isn't on "Bruce all Mighty"?
  18. Valtika


    I shall be the judge!
  19. I was middle class too. But I will mold the 6th & 7th graders so they obey me!!! :evilgrin:
  20. High School, wow. I'm going into 8th grade. *Top Dog at the Middle School*
  21. Valtika

    Armed Ussal!

    That was the whole point.
  22. When 8-25-08 comes, School starts for me. So I will not be on as much. Between the hours 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., I will be off. I'll still have Blog updates & posting to people, but I will be less active. Homework first, Second.
  23. Welcome to BZPower.

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