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Everything posted by Valtika

  1. Valtika

    New Blog Name.

    Okay, I'll add more Ussals. And I'll fix the Content block.
  2. Valtika

    New Blog Name.

    I already have one content block. It's one the left side.
  3. Valtika

    New Blog Name.

    There are enough Ussals
  4. Formerly called "Valtika's Blog", is now "The Ussal Zone". The reason for the change is cause the name " Valtika's Blog" was just a placeholder 'till a got a good name, & now I do. So, Welcome to The Ussal Zone. *Twilight Zone music starts*
  5. Valtika


    Then in that case...
  6. I knew his name. It was on BS01. And I'll check that out.
  7. Valtika


    Do you mean this
  8. Valtika

    Valtika's Blog

    Thanks for the help. And yes, please check out my Blog.
  9. Thank you, I'll add it now. Edit: You pic is called "ussal farm"
  10. Guess I was lucky.

  11. I have decided, when I change my name, it shall just be "Valtika". I feel like leaving the "Toa" out of the name change. I just wanted to let you know for when it happens.
  12. Hi, as you can see on one of my Content Blocks, I have numerous Pictures of Ussals. I am wishing to expand that. If you have any Pictures of Ussals I don't have, please leave a comment here with them, or PM me.
  13. What? Become Premier? I didn't have to wait 12 hours! =P

  14. I'll try, It's hard to take pics of them, & out camera isn't working so well.

  15. What is with your Post count?

  16. An Ussal would do.

    I just ordered Premier Membership. So I can change My name sooner.

  17. Oh...Sorry bout that.

    Could you still make it?

  18. We destroy his base!

  19. And a Ta-Matoran (ME!)

  20. No I won't.

    It my base. Not yours.

  21. YES!

    He ate Stephen's award.

  22. I will NEVER surrender my base!

  23. I thought you can have multiple small images.

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