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Everything posted by Valtika

  1. Lucky for me, I'm within driving distance of Tyson's Corner (I usualy go there every year for their Lego Store). While there, I am planning to take Pics & buy a couple sets.
  2. Valtika

    Mistika Reviews

    Can you please do them? I want to see your "Reviewing Skills".
  3. 12300 posts.

    That's a lot.

  4. Beware of my armed Ussal!!! Click for armed Ussal Behold it's awesomeness!
  5. "Crazy People's Place!'...I'm in the right place then! BTW- your more "crazy" then "insane".
  6. I am still trying to come up with a prize.
  7. Welcome to BZPower.

    I hope you enjoy your time on.

  8. I have decided to Reopen the contest! I have yet to come up with a prize, but I am working on that. To Win: Post here or PM your Pics. The person with the most Ussal Pics I don't have wins. Just reminder, here are the pics I have. My Ussal White Ussal Green UssalBlue UssalWild Ussal..::LN::.. UssalUssalry UssalRock UssalUssal ClawBig UssalComic UssalUssal BannerUssal FarmAnimated Ussal
  9. Just a heads up. Only 30 more days, & I'll my Name will be Valtika.
  10. I know. Today, is my 2 MONTH anniversary. 9-10-08 is my 3 month. I joined BZPower on 6-10-08.
  11. I've decided that even though Llamas are Epic, I don't want them in my Blog. As of now, there will be no Llama Awards in my Blog. This is, "The Ussal Zone", not "The Ussal & Llama Zone".
  12. I've seen a couple Blogs with Content Blocks with Llamas. I was just wondering, how do I get them Also, can I give them?
  13. Sorry, but I no longer have that content block. So any Ussal pics you have, you can keep to your self, or still show them off. But since the content block with all the ussals is gone... Entry Closed.
  14. 9-10-08 , just not the day of the name change to "Valtika", but also my 3 month anniversary at BZPower, what a better way to celebrate that then a name change. BTW- 8-10-08 = 2 month anniversary
  15. Thanks Bfahome. As for you... Entry closed.
  16. Cherry.com=EPIC!

  17. It's what I do.


  18. Yeah, just mix the numbers & you get 8, 9, 10.
  19. Valtika

    New Avatar.

    Yes we Ussal lovers are FTW.
  20. I have figure out when I'll be able to change my name. I'm am allowed to change my name on September-10-2008 So when 9-10-08 comes, I'll be "Valtika"
  21. Valtika

    New Avatar.

    I have changed my avatar again. Now to I think it suits me.
  22. Welcome to BZP

    Enjoy your stay.

  23. Valtika

    Valtika's Blog

    I shall renew it with another year when the time comes. So I'll still be premier.
  24. Valtika

    New Blog Name.

    I don't know how to recolor stuff.
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