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Status Updates posted by Valtika

  1. What? Become Premier? I didn't have to wait 12 hours! =P

  2. I'll try, It's hard to take pics of them, & out camera isn't working so well.

  3. What is with your Post count?

  4. An Ussal would do.

    I just ordered Premier Membership. So I can change My name sooner.

  5. Oh...Sorry bout that.

    Could you still make it?

  6. We destroy his base!

  7. And a Ta-Matoran (ME!)

  8. No I won't.

    It my base. Not yours.

  9. YES!

    He ate Stephen's award.

  10. I will NEVER surrender my base!

  11. I thought you can have multiple small images.


  13. Welcome to BZPower.

    You won't be leaving. :P

  14. You can't make me surrender! I have an Ussal-Klakk hybrid!

  15. Just a thought:

    Aren't Ussals docile creatures?

  16. *Waits with ~LN~*

  17. *Blue, Green, & White Ussals defend base.*

  18. Ussals: 1

    Ducks: 0


  19. Happy Birthday Black-Six!

  20. -Makuta Antroz-:

    My base is impenetrable, the Ussal Guard can not be breached.


  21. *Ussal chops recorder in half with claw.*


  22. There not silly, there funny.


  23. I didn't feel like having them =P

    *Ussal army protects base & beats the crud out of -Makuta Antroz-

  24. We leave comments cause we can!!! =D

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