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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Kame

  1. I'mma get your pieces out either tomorrow or Tuesday.
  2. D: Tell me about it afterwards.
  3. ...you might get to MOC with the crazy awesome Japanese MOCists? Snap.
  4. Kame


    Anything I can do to help? Seriously, let me know if there is.
  5. Green orb under abstract > all is <3
  6. This isn't an entry asking for unwanted pieces... You're right. I'll do that tomorrow. But if you want to strike a deal, PM me? So...what do you think of FF personas?!?! Aren't they cool! -CF I totally haven't used em << Teach me
  7. You want I should send you what I got? I never use it.
  8. Kame


    Yeah, I picked it up. I'll update this with online info later.
  9. Kame

    Amazing Truth!

    He is such an odd looking man. I just had to say it.
  10. Kame

    I Should

  11. Kame

    I Should

    If I thought I could pull it off, I would. Also. That is one of my favorite pictures ever.
  12. Kame

    I Should

    Get my hair done like Justin Pierre, the lead singer from Motion City Soundtrack. Discuss.
  13. Kame


    If there's any way I can, I'll help.
  14. Kame

    Desert Of Danger

    I'd rather discuss your random cuts.
  15. Kame

    Oh, Dorek.

    Seriously...how does that even happen?
  16. Kame

    Oh, Dorek.

    You and your random cuts. Also, I'll never let you forget this. :3
  17. Kame

    Oh Look.

    I made a Certavus. Low Res High Res Apparently, Shine and I used the same basic torso design. This was unintentional, I swear.
  18. Kame


    Is so super cool.
  19. Kame


    Hands, head, and launcher. For officialty.
  20. Kame


    Needs to send me some money. Like through paypal, so I can by Metus and Strakk and make a Certavus. Please? I'll pay you back on Thursday. EDIT: New plan. People should send me a dollar, and eventually I'll be able to afford the sets. MAKE IT HAPPEN!
  21. RACING POD NOW. That is all.
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