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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Kame

  1. Kame

    I Has A Benzene

    Because of the irony? Close, but no cigar.
  2. Kame


    Work is going amazing. Yesterday I was working down in the gas station at HEB (the grocery store I work at). We recently went full service, so I was out pumping gas. Everything was going normal, when a white car pulled up. I went over to greet her, and offer to pump her gas, when I noticed she had an HEB nametag. I hadn't seen her around the store, so I figured she must be from corporate. Naturally, I was extra friendly and talkative, so I'd look good, and we got to talking about what I was going to school for. I mentioned I was majoring in chemistry and planned to go into pharmaceuticals, and that I'd love to be able to move to the pharmacy at the store. Then after the gas was done, we exchanged goodbyes, and she drove on up to the store. I thought nothing of it. Later, I went up to take my break and my manager pulled me aside and asked if I knew who I had pumped gas for today. I told her I remembered seeing someone from corporate. My manager told me that it was Suzanne, the third-in-command for HEB, and that she had spoke highly of my service in the gas station. Needless to say, this made my day. Today, my grandmother went up to HEB to pick up a few items, and got to talking with my manager. She mentioned that I was her grandson, and that's when my manager mentioned that Suzanne had mentioned while complimenting my service that I was interested in moving to Pharmacy to gain career experience. So, they're gonna start training me in Pharmacy, and eventually have me working full-fledged shifts over there. This is a great career opportunity for me. It just feels like confirmation that I've made the right choice about what field to go into. EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
  3. Kame

    I Has A Benzene

    This makes me happy. Organic chemistry's so awesome. E>
  4. Kame

    Name Changed

    This is all my fault <<;
  5. Kame

    New Pieces =3

    So, looking back through the gallery, I realized how much I want to see this finished MOC <<;
  6. Kame

    New Pieces =3

    Sure. Now taking the pictures...
  7. Kame

    New Pieces =3

    I see some kind of racing pod. I'll buy your dark tan.
  8. Kame


    "Alright, this here is a test. While it might look like random gibberish, it's actually an attempt to write something entirely in corrupt English. It might help to read it with a slight accent. Obviously, it's not going to be as long as my other works, simply because this is difficult." Also, there's two of this.
  9. May is gonna be a mindblowingly awesome month for CDs. mewithoutYou -and- Zao? Releasing CDs 2 weeks apart from each other? MADNESS I SAY! I'm gonna be happy. :3 Also, I get to go back to work today. : D
  10. Kame

    So Bzp's Back

    I just wanna know... Are you still on a boat?
  11. You're old. Also, I'm totally digging that primary color scheme.
  12. Kame

    Comment About Certavus

    That's stupid. You're stupid.
  13. Season 3, silly. I just hope we actually get toys of these characters, and the Constructicons. Also, OMGCYCLONUS!<3
  14. Like heck I do! lol That part is AWFUL for mocing! I've come CLOSE to using it... but just never finished anything I'd worked on. However now that you brought that part's existence back to my brain, maybe I'll go ahead and execute one of the ideas. There's better parts available today that help the original configuration not look ridiculous. I still have the plans lying around in my head to use that for a snail shell. I think I discuseed it with you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, when you still had AIM.
  15. Kame

    I'm On My Boat!

    Or you could do what Kame did.... P :3
  16. Kame


    So I went back to the doctor, they say I've got a slight case of pneumonia on top of the flu. I'm so sick of coughing. I missed going to see Watchmen last night, the one thing I've been looking forward too forever. And last but not least, I just wanna go back to work . ;.; Make me feel better?
  17. Kame


    *nod* Snuggle.
  18. Kame

    I'm Now

    Roa just won the entry.
  19. Kame

    Sick Sick Sick

    Don't remind me. I probably won't be able to see it till next week.
  20. Kame


    I need to get some dark tan. I truly do.
  21. You left Blurr's feet facing the wrong way.
  22. Kame

    Sick Sick Sick

    Yep. I've got the flu. The doctor hooked me up with some good meds though, should be feeling better soon. Sad part is, I'm probably not going back to work this week.
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