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Great Mask Of ????

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Everything posted by Great Mask Of ????

  1. Actually, mine are Tanma's, too. I said Lewa's ones to give everyone the idea of their shape and, since those appeared with him, I said that way. Oh, I also have one from Lhikan and Kikanalo set, it was Kikanalo's horn. I had to bite 'em to make 'em fit into cross joints. I hated to do that, but it worked.There's just something about that newer shade of silver...
  2. I had this problem with Tanma's Air Katana. I think it might have to do with material differences or something. Lewa's stay fairly solidly connected. Or at least mine do.
  3. I've heard "Going Under" by Evanescence used for 2007. Makes sense in my opinion due to the fact that going under was indeed what the Toa did that year.
  4. After racking my brain trying to remember one that wasn't an axle or something, I remember it now. Vastus's staff piece. No idea where it went, but it just disappeared. Also one of the turbine housings on the Turbo Typhoon Sub (or Typhoon Turbo Sub, I can never remember the order of the words), but that has since been relocated.
  5. There was a Collectible Gladiator whose bag was torn open. I considered buying it, but I opted for the surprise of an unopened one. I wound up with the Dinosaur Guy. There was also a smallish set with its thumb tab thing pushed in, but not completely opened. And then Thornatus V9, which was half-price due to the box being more or less obliterated. Not sure if it was opened or not, but it looked like the box had been sat on, then run over by a cart.
  6. Stormer 2.0 and Furno 2.0. The latter of which, somewhat ironically, was caught in a fire the day I got it.Also Stormer 3.0, which technically isn't mine, but still.
  7. Bionicle and Exo Force. Ninjago and Hero Factory are okay too.
  8. Exo Force kind of fell off the face of the planet. It'd be kinda cool if they brought it back and at least resolved it.Also Bionicle. But that's obvious.Edit: Space Police III also.
  9. Aside from various Duplo things, Lightsaber Duel. Even though I remember having a minifig motorcycle helmet prior to that. Meh.
  10. Nuckal's ATV, Ninja Glider, and this one that had Jay and was a training thing with spinny whirl blades of death. I couldn't be troubled to go see what it's called. Even though I'm on the internet. Right now. ಠ_ಠ
  11. This isn't Omnimon. It's Omnimon X . I can tell based on the way the horns are configured on the Wargreymon hand. Also, the shoulder... shield... piece... thing on Omnimon X is diamond-shaped as opposed to regular Omnimon's hexagonal shield. Actually no. I take that back. Some aspects of this MOC match either Omnimon or Omnimon X, but I digress.I'm going to sound really ironic saying this but he looks a little blocky *insert obligatory Bad Joke Eel image*. Although this is a really good idea as far as MOCs go, it just doesn't have the amount of flow and curves that Omnimon actually has, nor does it give the same lanky-to-the-point-of-being-balance-challenged vibe that Omnimon does. I am somewhat curious as to how one would be able to make the legs and waist proportionately thin (and, in the case of an actual model, hold up those arms). I'll have to try it. Edit: it could, perhaps, work out if the model were built on a much larger scale. Or maybe some less-than-conventional build techniques.Now I feel inspired to go make Wargreymon.
  12. 2001 would be cool. That year had a story unto itself, ending at the end of the year, with no necessary prior knowledge or sequel setup, unlike the majority of the later years. 2002, Toa defeat the Bohrok and get dipped into the shiny liquid. THEN WHAT?? 2006, Toa defeat the Piraka and follow the shiny mask into the ocean. THEN WHAT?? 2007, Toa defeat the Barraki, reclaim the shiny mask, and take it to the center of the world, where one sacrifices himself to put it on in hopes of reviving the Great Spirit. THEN WHAT?? But the gem that was 2001 was just Toa do their thing, vanquish evil, and boom. Done. I think I've made my point.Also, I thought 2006 was supposed to get a movie anyway. I could have just been expectant of one due to there being a yearly movie between '03 and '05, but still. I heard that there was supposed to be. I was disappoint.
  13. Long ago, I happened upon a tub of toys that had been left in order to be retrieved by the trash guys. I looked inside and saw a Tohunga/Matoran Jaller foot. Then I noticed a Boggarak arm, pulled on it, and out comes an almost complete Boggarak. / . In other news, I found a Lego guardrail piece during a walk to school. To my dismay, it was lodged in some ice, but by the time I was going home, the ice had thawed enough for me to retrieve it.
  14. I remember getting a Vakama mask that was bundled with Sidorak and Vohtarak, but there wasn't the voice changer or anything like that. And if I'm entirely correct, I got it at Kmart.On that subject, I swear, the only redeeming factor of that thing was the fact that the clasp on it was compatible with those half-wide Technic bars.
  15. I'm gonna go with Toa Inika Nuparu. The guy's set displayed (what I assumed to be) his ingenuity, what with the add-ons such as his shoulder mounted Zamor launcher and the claws. None of the other Toa Inika had any enhancements like that (prototype Hahli's flippers could count, but they didn't wind up in the end product, so it's up to interpretation). Granted, no orange to be found, but I didn't hear such complaints from people when the Toa Metru came out, now did I?
  16. I'm gonna go with the Bohrok-Kal. They were terrible for MOCing. Granted, the original Bohrok wouldn't have done any better, but when all you have to work with for like two months is a Tahnok-Kal and a Gahlok-Kal, you grow to despise the entire wave.
  17. I remember that I could have gotten a poisoned Hau Nuva. That's about it.
  18. My name almost says it for me. Hau, but in red, black, gold, silver, and possibly poison. Also every other version of Hau/Hau Nuva in original colors, just because.
  19. I haven't used a Bionicle canister for canistering since May 2006. Prior to then, I used them for storing their respective sets. After that, canisters were only good until I freed their sets from them.I just recently started using Furno 2.0's canister for storing Nerf bullets, however.
  20. What's the strangest/most memorable reason you've ever gotten a Bionicle set? Did you buy it for a single piece? Was it the only thing in the entire Lego aisle? Some other crazy thing?Example story: Last April, I bought Lesovikk for the sole purpose to have a twin for my inexplicably single Nuparu claw. A less strange reason could be because I thought I'd be getting two black Jaller Mahri swords, but I would just be lying to myself if I said that. I always found asymmetry disturbing (the Piraka were the epitome of this), so I couldn't put up with having only one claw.A slightly more reasonable story is that in early-to-mid 2008, I had Toa Ignika in my hand, ready to buy it, but I put it back and went with Pohatu Phantoka and Hewkii Mahri. And for some reason, I regretted nothing.So yeah, kinda like that. Hope you enjoyed that and are able to add to the lulz.
  21. I tend to say Tahu Nuva, but this is a bit of a lie seeing as my dad originally got it for himself. Though my actual first set was Lewa Nuva, I'll always see Tahu as my first Bionicle.Edit: Actually no, I got Gali and Kopaka Nuva before I got Lewa. Christmas '02 FTW.
  22. I would have used normal hand/ankle/neck pieces, but they didn't fill out the area as well. The Glatorian fists worked perfectly there. Coincidentally, I was considering revamping it yet again because I was also concerned about the spindly legs compared to the bulky top half, along with the color distribution and such. Granted, most of my parts were being taken up by this little project, which has been long since been dismantled. Even between the two MOCs I've currently got built, I shouldn't have any problems addressing this.
  23. Late 2002 when my dad got Tahu Nuva(granted, Tahu was for himself, but he let me have it in about 2006). The things I'd do to get my hands on another one of those...Despite my late introduction, I nostalgia'd really hard when I got Gali Mata a few months ago. Is that normal?
  24. I used to come up with rather random names, but now I take characteristics of my MOCs (usually either physical or related to their element) and translate them into Maori.
  25. Yet another MOC from the downtime. The first version was a quickie, and I set it aside for a bit as I worked on the Tokotoru. Around the time I built Tatoru, I went back and put a little more thought into its construction, beefing it up to try and match the size of its claws. For some odd reason, I see both versions as separate MOCs, so I'm posting both. Enjoy as usual .The first version: Pose 1Pose 2FrontSideBackThe second version:Pose that kinda says "Come at me, bro"Striking pose close-upStriking pose fullChargingFrontSideBack
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