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Status Updates posted by SonicBOOM XS

  1. Yeah, uh, only staff members close topics. Nice to see you're working hard, though. :P

  2. Mind if I use your pic for a profile pic on my Facebook account?

    Also, sorry for not playing MKW with you. I'll try as soon as I can.

  3. Wha? I don't get it, Kiina.

    Anyways, I will get the episodes for Sonic 4. On Wiiware. But they had make Sonic much faster and his Unleashed boost back, which was the best. oh well, I wanted Unleashed 2D, but this is great as it is.

  4. I read it. Pretty good. You're doing better with each progressive chapter.

  5. Sorry, so sorry, VERY sorry.

    Happy belated, VERY belated, birthday!

  6. I knew I saw it somewhere!

    It was weird. I didn't like the SBemails of that time. They improved in the Compy era, though.

  7. Yep, though SMS is pretty nice to play (memories!!).

    BUT, do you have ANY idea whatsoever why people hate Sonic nowadays?

    I'm gonna change my avatar soon too. :)

    And I see you've put your (perhaps) real age up.

  8. Is it new?

    I don't think I've seen it.

    Or was it in the Tandy computer era?

  9. Yeah, it went perfectly fine.

    Halo 3, eh? Gonna get ODST or Reach?

    Anyways, I've lately been busy with Science Fair (ended =D), piecing together my new custom computer (to run Lego Universe Beta and a bunch of other stuff), etc.

    Now, just have to finish an inter-school Spelling Bee and get myself a PS3. =o

  10. A new GIMF/GIMP (never could get that straight >_


    Soo, when do you suppose you're switching back to Vahi?

  11. Yayz. I'll do it later and send you mine.

  12. Playing MKW and getting owned by Cholkie and Tifosi 92. :P

  13. Alright, I'll tell you if we could race today. If not, then, well, maybe in the Winter Break. When does yours start?

  14. Hello?

    I sent you a PM.

  15. Thing is, you joined in 07 while the other joined a long time ago. You have the highest rate of posts on BZP. :D

  16. Ready for MKW??

    I've got more guys hooked up. I'll make a room, join it, OK?

  17. OK, clear out your inbox, and also please, I buy a lightning boost, I give Bmad 100 gold, and toa kopaka, Zehvor, and your sis will tell you what they want to buy, deal?

  18. Here are my Brawl and MKW friend codes:

    Brawl: 4125-4933-3189

    MKW: 3051-0442-6097

  19. No problem. You're an awesome BZP member, from what I've seen.

    I rated you 5-star.

  20. Umm, I was getting Sunshine today for $5. Really fun game and brings back memories.

    And also, what shall we do about our predicament?

  21. What was the reason you got lowered proto? You know, that little energy bar next to your post? Was it because of your name?

    And judging from your name, are you Muslim?

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