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Status Updates posted by SonicBOOM XS

  1. Yes, your personal statement is really...well...convincing, to say the least. It's the truth, that's for sure. :)

  2. I bought it. It's stuck in my head after a 9-lap race. >_

    JSRF music is great, but my first piece was either "Bingo Highway" or "E.G.G.M.A.N. (Instrumental)". I love those songs.

  3. Your Finding Nemo reference was the best. Plus that "You and I shall be friends. :)" was the best.

  4. Good chibis, nice chibis, CHIBIS DON'T HURT ME!

    They seem so cute...and evil. So cliche but really funny. Good job on them!

    And I will never leave it! Not even if my mama says so! :o

  5. Unfortunately, yes. XD

  6. You lucky.

    I lost my Sonic Advance 2 after I beat it all characters excluding Super Sonic and Amy (I could never get the Chaos Emeralds with Sonic <_<). Sonic Advance and 3 I have, though. Love 'em.

    Have you thought of getting the new racing game?

  7. RIP. Never knew you, since I joined a few months later, but all the same, thank you for making BZP a great place in your own way.

  8. YOUBE NOOBIE THEN!!11111!!1!

    Well then, ME THRWS the PIE AT U ND U NOOB INSURANCE!111

  9. I LIKE IT!! :P

    But I never use it. I only use it in Mario Kart Wii, since it's my fave and I get to own people as myself. :D

    But not in S&SASR, since I have Sonic, and when I have Sonic, I like to play and own as him. I don't want to risk owning him. :P

    Yes, I'm THAT much of a fan.

  10. Heh, happy Easter to you, even though I don't celebrate it. :P

    Still, happy Easter.

  11. Heh, happy Easter to you, even though I don't celebrate it. :P

    Still, happy Easter.

  12. That was more so some research on Vibrava so I could see its weaknesses and so forth. :P

  13. <_< Lucky guy.

    I''ll have the PS3 and Wii soon. I have the Wii, and I used to have an HDTV in my room (technically my parents', but I set up my Wii there).

    And there was the cable.

    But who cares? Maybe someday we'll have another means of online gaming aside from the Wii!

    I'm still getting the PS3.

  14. Wait, you could put on L&L in Pictochat? >_

    Well, I'd love to have it stuck in my head. I don't particularaly like CYFTS, though.

    My friend does. I borrowed it, liked it, got bored, returned it, got my Lego Batman game back, let him borrow SU and Secret Rings, and after 5 months, I'm STILL waiting for him to return it.

    He always forgets, even

  15. Meh, Kinect fails IMO. It costs 58 to make and Microsoft charges 150...anything a bit unfair with that?

  16. even with I reminding him.

    I just want to race through Apotos again!

  17. OK, so you ready for MKW?

    My code is, once again: 3051-0442-6097

    So if you're ready, add me and PM me when you can play.

  18. Yayz, another STH fan I think!!

  19. BLAGH. I don't have a 360 I have a PS3.

    Havin' lots of fun with Transformers: War for Cybertron, beating my friends in Free-For-Alls.

    And then there's Playstation Move. That is pure awesome, but not as much as the Wii.

    It's been so long since we last talked.

  20. OK, so how many replies did you get today?

  21. Impass? How so?

    Oh, and I'd love to see those maps. Have to wait for his friend to return it to him so I can borrow it...again.

  22. I LIEK My PIE!!111!! YOU CNT HAV TI!


  23. Yay, another Sonic the Hedgehog fan!!

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