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Everything posted by Sakaru

  1. Sakaru

    I Has Hair

    Real pictures of you O.o nice. It's almost like my sisters. but not. (try to figure that out. )
  2. Sakaru

    Guess What

    :x I wen't to an Ihop a while ago... but it was more like Ihop away... :x ~~~Sakaru~~~
  3. Sakaru


    Kongu! If you wan't to duel don't for get you weapon (Aka my updated blog approval. ) Sorry Zeddy I have nothing for you. *shrugs* ~~~Sakaru~~~
  4. Sakaru

    Lets Take A Nap

    Lucky. I can't sleep that long. *sighs* *falls asleep on the keyboard* kjwjebgkkfrc erkw.rekcbrekjc. *wakes up* ~~~Sakaru~~~
  5. Sakaru


    NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Achmed just got shot!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!... wait Achmed's already dead.... *thinks of the silly puppet* Yay! K~T is back! hi katie. ~~~Sakaru~~~
  6. Sakaru

    Lets Take A Nap

    You forgot kid nap and pet nap I feel like taking a nap... ~~~Sakaru~~~
  7. Sakaru


    That smile of yours will get you nothing but trouble, punk! Let's put a smile on your face and see how that fares. ...
  8. Sakaru


    Awww. I hope you feel better. I'll keep praying for you ! ~~~Sakaru~~~
  9. I cant record right now because I have a cold. (and it's cold here! I had soup for dinner and hot chocolate later... it's global warming I tell 'ya!)
  10. Hey, Mii here. Question about the next GNB... Since I'm Gaaki, do I have to re-record her line or can you just use the one I recorded before then?

  11. Sorry that I was not able to get it to you yester day, my little bro got an ear infection two nights ago. :( (I'll try to get it to you today.)

  12. Sakaru


    Sakaru just realised that one of your approvials has Ike in it. Sakaru think's that is strange... Sakaru dislikes talking in TPPOV... ~~~Sakaru
  13. I think Mii is going to record the next GNB chapter today.

  14. Sakaru

    Cast Announced!

    Woo!!! I have a sudden urge to make a ko-matoran moc... I can't wait to start working on this. ~~~Sakaru
  15. Sakaru


    I've been on a highway that goes through Chicago and you could see the lego store from it. but only once... ~~~Sakaru
  16. Well me and y dad got a new lawnmower yesterday and I just finished up mowing the lawn. *pants*

  17. Hows life?

  18. Should I audition for anyone else? (for the GITS audiobook?)

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