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Everything posted by Sakaru

  1. Mii won't be able to record the next GNB chapter untill we get back from vacation. Sorry. =(

  2. Sakaru

    Do You Feel Death?

    Is it scary that we are walking the narrow line of life in the middle of the caynon of death? And if you think about it long enough, it will either make you depressed or make you want to spend your life the right way. But that's why we never think of stuff like that 'cause there's a higher chance of getting depressed. Choking is not very fun... I've choked on food before and if I rember correctly it made me throw up. =\
  3. There is honestly, no rush. Just do them whenever you feel it's best, we don't want to pressure you. Since we're really only working on chapters 1-3 right now, I don't think we need your character at the moment. Thanks LK. Yes Sakaru, we don't need your lines yet, but if you want to get it over with, feel free to send them before then. -SK On a note though, I'd be wary about posting lines until I've got everything set up again. I don't mean to make things slow for everyone, but there are a lot of lines I learned that have been altered, so just watch out for that. OK. Thanks. I'll wait and see if my lines get changed.
  4. How soon do you want my lines? I can get them recorded any time, but the week of the 20th. I'll be on vacation so I might have a computer, but I won't have a michophone. So if you want them soon I'll record sometime this early week.
  5. Sakaru

    The New Addition

    Yay, Gibbs! Gotta' love NCIS! Gibbs is making me think of cats that I had that stayed kitten sized. The were so cute, but we had to give them away... The new picture is cute (my sister thinks that th "M" on his forehead is cute)
  6. Sakaru

    The New Addition

    Aww... He's cute. I like Jethro Gibbs, But if you want my opinion I think Mungojerrie, and Mistoffelees are good names.
  7. Wow. I'm guessing a lot of people guess his ager wrong, huh?

  8. I forgot how tall, but tall enough to make people think i'm 15 or 16... =| =P I think I'm 5'9 or 5'10... I think... =P

  9. well more than I do now. =P

  10. Okay. I guess I'll have to just chec your comic every once in awhile. :P

  11. I'm oblivious so no. XD so where can I read about this huge contes?

  12. lol. Thanks. No, not yet. I'll go look. (you profile just somewho brought me to don't love me's page without me knowing... O_o... [and I accidentally posted in it... Oops. =P])

  13. What just happend? I was on Rogwiz's page the it brougt me over here?!? Werid... O_o

  14. lol. Thanks. No, not yet. I'll go look.

  15. Well he's three so I think he likes pretty much everything that I do. =P (topic change time. =P) Hey, did you look at the Co-Author comic I did for Jrllnd?

  16. School in the state that I live in school starts some time in September.

    Thanks. Me and My sister picked it, but he seems to like that mask more than others. =P

  17. Ooh... Nice, but these lines seemed werid to me: Has a foggy view In a foggy thank-you Usuing Foggy once then using it again in the next line seems werid to me, maybe if it was like this: Has a foggy view In a groggy thank-you I think it flows better than foggy because groggy is a vocal word and foggy is. Or maybe I'm insane... *shrugs* Good poem Lady K
  18. Cool. School hasn't started for me yet. Well technically I can do spanish, but nothing else untill the schoolbooks get here.

  19. I posted my co-author comic in Jrllnd's comics. other than that nothing. =P And you?

  20. Thanks. Do you think I should post it? I'm not sure if his legs are thick enough though... =\

  21. I didn't draw him cleaning up the mess yet, but I did draw this:


    I don't think it's good enough to post. I hate what happend to his legs.

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