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Everything posted by Sakaru

  1. Sakaru


    I hope I can go, but I don't think I'll be able to... =\
  2. Sakaru

    It's Truth

    I have not seen The Blind Side or Avatar, but I have seen Up. And Up wins. B)
  3. I might enter this, if I can think of something good to write.
  4. Sakaru


    Nice name Capin'... *drops and gives you 21* *Raises eyebrow, while smirking* *Walks away*
  5. The Wiggles are awesome. B)

  6. Hey, so wassup?

  7. Sakaru

    Top 10 Moments

    Matoran Teridax, most definetly. B)
  8. Aye, I'll be ye Secon' Mate, if ye wan' me to be.
  9. Sakaru

    YλȐ, Matey

    Aye, tha' might be a bit 'o fun, Cap'n. But, arrg! I haven' got the foggiest idea of what me name might be! Oy, wha' would ye reckon me name would be? (That was fun.)
  10. When life gives you lemons, throw them at annoying people.
  11. Sakaru

    Why Was I Gone?

    @ the Photoshop coloring: How are you doing it, are/did you outline it in a new layer, then delete the first layer. then color it? Or are you doing it differently? I'm just curious. =P
  12. Sakaru

    What The Heck!

    It's not 90 here... it's cold and it's raining...
  13. Sakaru

    Almost That Time

    The secound half is better... Habby Birthday Gavla!
  14. Sakaru

    Ask Katie

    Katie: If life was a cake, what kind of frosting would your life have? Katie: Do you really less than three Charlie Gordon?
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