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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. SWWWEEEEETTTT!!!! *discos even more and falls down a flight of stairs*

  2. You try it!! It is fun!! *throw a pie at some guy on a bicycle, and he falls off* OOOOhhh... I don't care where your from, that's gotta hurt!! LOL

  3. *get's blown away by the hose* Weeeeeeeee!!!! You gotta try that!! XD Risk? Pfft!! LOL So you play risk? I haven't played it before, how do you play?

  4. XD I remember a funny vid about a "Dramatic Lemur". ROFL!!! And my pic is of a guy named Sora who, in the drawing, succumbed to the Heartless, and has become "Dark Sora".

  5. Oh, musta been someone else... XD Lol I do that sometimes, sorry. :P ^^ Well... wanna be friends? I know it was sudden, but do you? PLEASE!!!!! I'll give you a choice of a cake or basket of cookies... lol

  6. You is welcome!! Hey, everyone deserves a good b-day. ^_^ Yes, I realized I was a tiny bit late with this... -.- Whoops. lol

  7. I'm good. Finally updated my sig. So yeah. lol

  8. Yessssssssssssssss. It has. e.e :DDD How're you??? o3o

  9. YOU HAVE COMICS?!?!?!?!?!??! Good gravy man!! That is awesome!!!!!!! I am gonna read it right now!!!!

  10. OMG... you have moer friends than me when I was new!!!! Why didn't anyone do that for me?!?! Lol

  11. ...WHOA, whoa, whoa!!!!!! *runs out of breath, and faints* lol Nice to meet you too. ^^ Here, have a basket of cookies. :) That guy is AWESOME on a whole new level. XD

  12. I ma 95% sure I know what it means.

  13. As I was saying, when they saw me, they screamed their heads off!!! XD I finally said it was me, and they were so shocked... BEST. HALLOWEEN. EVER. ROFL!!

  14. I can bet money safeky knowing that what you say next will be funny. XD

  15. Is it just me... or am I the only one who wishes you could do a barrel roll in real life? @.@

  16. It's in the epic, you may read if you wish.

  17. Flags? They have flags in that game? What a twsit....

  18. No, this is something James Bond would do: *jumps off a high-rise building, into the bay, then gets into a subamrine, then gets shot out of a torpedo, and finally lands in a boat, activating a button that blows up the ship, and the building*

  19. Nope, I said something like that, but not exactly.

  20. Huuuuuuggg... *blushes* lolz

  21. To all who read this, I updated my location. XD

  22. Whatever, now we PM!!!! *goes to send PM*

  23. *Hugs and squeaks.* DX Hello!!! Haven't seen you in forever! T.T I misseded you. D; How have you been? :3

  24. ... Maybe? XD Well, I know this may be random, but could you review my epic?

  25. Oh, you not slow!! You are just... AWESOME at drawing stuff!! And that takes REAL patience. ^_^

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