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Makuta Miserix

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Everything posted by Makuta Miserix

  1. Hydraxon rocks!!!

    Welcome to BZP, have a nice stay.

  2. I got my brother Atakus, Zesk, and Fero and Skirmix for his birthday.

    And for each other's birthdays we always get something for ourselves.

    So I got myself Berix, Tarduk, and Raanu.

    They rock!

  3. Today is is my brother's birthday!!!

    Wish him a happy 16th!

  4. Yeah I'm fine. You?

    Sorry if I haven't talked to you for a bit, BZP has been going slow lately.

  5. Hey, you live in NY.


  6. Thanks.

    Do you have a Brickset account?

  7. Star Wars, Agents, Castle, stuff like that.

    Here are all the sets I own.


  8. BTW, I rated you five stars.

  9. Hey, glad to see you and your minions hard at work tearing down mean old Miserix.

    Keep up the good work chum.

  10. Thank's for rating me.

    I was just responding to a post of his, in it he insulted the Lego set designers. But I was never mean to him.

  11. I like the top part of your sig. :)

  12. Now that's cool. Dang, I wish I had a job.

  13. Nice, how is Fero and Skirmix?

    I just got Tarix yesterday. Awesome. :)

  14. Yeah, so do I. He is quite awesome, is he not?

  15. Oh, is that banner ready.

  16. Do you play Elves or Angmar a lot?

  17. Hey you like RotWK too. And you're homeschooled. :)

  18. Well I haven't read it much, I'm in the 100s.

  19. Yes it will probably come around that time.

    And yes I am reading that, it is vrey good so far.

  20. You have the same birthday as my late dog.


    Well I'm glad to find another Obama dude. :)

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