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Makuta Miserix

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Everything posted by Makuta Miserix

  1. Yeah I bet. But your job means you can really buy whatever you want.

    Sorry for the late reply, BZP has been going very slow for me lately.

  2. Hey dude.

    How's it going with you?

  3. Well not much really. It was spring break two weeks ago, didn't do much, but it was nice anyway.

    Right now my bro is sick. And my dad and I will be going to the gym in 30 min or so.

  4. Congrats on being a staffie.


  5. Hey.

    Sorry that I haven't talked to you in a while.

    So what have you been doing lately?

  6. I must be like the millionth person to say this, so... happy birthday. :)

  7. Yeah I know, that's fun.

  8. Ah I see.

    I do like Lego Indiana Jones, I like being able to pick up objects, like weapons and tools.

  9. Yeah it's pretty fun.

    Did you get Lego Batman? It's fun too, but a lot harder.

  10. Hey.

    Sorry that I haven't spoken to you in a bit.

    How's everything?

  11. Ah dang, I missed it.

    Well happy birthday.

  12. BZP is back!!!

    What have you been doing?

  13. Oh that will be fun. I'd like to see what the designers have to ask us. B)
  14. That is one of the reasons I like to make very long posts. Rarrr! Third: Everybody likes you, Snoopy. Accept Democrats. Still, nobody would dare to truly flame you. Your Honor, Emperor Kraggh I HATE SNOOPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS THE WORST MEMBER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, you should accept Democrats.
  15. Thanks.

    It was a nice race, I was behind one guy on our 4th lap. He is light and fast on the starting point, but he didn't have the same endurance, so I passed him.

    It was awesome. :)

  16. Sorry about that.

    Well I have been just hanging out really.

    I had a speed skating race a few weeks back. And got first place. Other then that, I haven't been doing much.

    But I'm glad to see that you've been spending money. :P

  17. Exactly, wouldn't it be boring to have no opinions on opinions. Seriously, we are just stating our opinions too. We are allowed to, right? :wakeup2: And I don't support hate, on either side. But believe me, the hate is on both sides. Not just one.
  18. Oh that's fine.

    Hey, you joined on my birthday.

  19. Seeing as this is Bink; I'd say destiny.
  20. I really am sorry Greg.

    Let's hope BZP will understand all that you've done for them.

  21. That's pretty cool.

    Yeah, I'm doing fine.

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